Chapter 42: Transhumanism

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Elliot's POV

I arrived home and saw my elder brother and parents sat at the living room looking anxious. What did I do? I was goodie all day long and did nothing. Maybe that's the point? Was I supposed to do something? I put my bag down next to the couch and sat an armchair. "Elliot, we should have told you this earlier but we can't find a good chance to so" "What is it Dad? Don't tell me you're joining the rainbow" I tried to ease the tension. My brother glared at me signalling to cut it off. What? Can't I relax my nerves? Or I have to keep it anxious 24/7? "You're not..." he said trailed off and sighed. Mom put a hand on his back to calm him down. 

Okay now he got my blood boiling of curiosity, anxiety and impatience. Can't he just spill it out already? "What is it Dad?" I asked trying to be soft. "You're not a hundred percent human" he mumbled. Okay? Cool, then what's up with it? Not like I'm a robot or anything. "Then what am I hybrid of?" I asked curiosity. 

This time it was my brother, Evan to speak "You're partly a robot...". Okay, I take my words back, I am partly a robot. Cool? I guess? How's that even possible? Like there are some people have mechanical technology inside of them to support their daily lives and some robots can act like human but how can I be halfly robotic halfly human? No way, then how can I never know this?! 

"Wait is that even possible? Does that mean I'm adopted?" I asked. It was true, the only thing I can think of right now is being adopted. It's not going to change the fact that I'm their child but I'm just curious. "No no, you still came out of your mother's... you know" "No I don't" I said stubbornly. Nope, I don't know what he's talking about, my mother's eye? "Your mother's..." he sighed a bit annoyed. Get used to it dad. "Your mother's p*ssy okay? There, get it? She still gave birth to you" He finally spitted out. I made a surprised face and bursted into laughter. He just grumble annoyingly. After 16-17 years of raising me, he surely must have gotten used to it by now.

Still, I can't believe that I'm part of a robot cult, like is that even possible? How many of human-robots hybrid are out there? "But you must keep this a secret son. Unlike werewolves, vampires and other mystical creatures, we are a new kind of mythical creature and don't have a large population, especially when there are still hunters out ready to rip out bolts and nails apart to defy Transhumanism" he explained. Transhumanism? I'm not a big fan of them, they're not necessarily bad and can be beneficial but sometimes can be a double-edged sword. Wow, Me, I, Elliot, is partially a robot! Then what's my ability then?

"Except for being great at those STEM field, special robots will also have great talents" my mother explained. "Does Evan have one?" I looked at him. "Yup, I can read people's mind" he introduced in pride. "Do I have one?" I whispered to myself but knew others could hear it. "That's up to you to find out" dad smiled. Then mom peaked out of the kitchen and shouted "Dinner's ready!". We all sat down at the dinning table and chatted away as if nothing happened.

*some times later*

Me: Yo bro

Pat: What's up

I was texting Paton and considering on telling him that I'm hybrid. We have known each other since diapers and I knew all of his secrets. Just some little words can make him spit it. Wait, maybe that's my power? To command and control people?

Should I tell him...?

Me: Yeah, I've just found out something today, but

Pat: But?

Me: But you have to promise me you won't freak out or tell anybody. Deal?

Pat: Have ever failed you? What got your knickers in a knot?

Me: Said the one who got his boxers playing hide n seek than he does to his friends

Pat: Fine fine, Mr. Dead Sea, what's your new discovery?

Me: I am

Me: A hybrid of

Me: Robot



Pat: But is that even possible?

Me: IDK, I asked myself the same thing

Me: This kind of weird now, knowing that there are people out there trying to kill me, kill US, and destroy transhumanism

Me: I'm not a big fan but I don't have anything against it

Pat: I get what you mean

Pat: Cool. So you're a... robot. Partially a robot...

Pat: I have wondered what you would be if you're also a mythical creature but never in my mind thought you'd be a robot

Me: Yeah, we're new and only have a dense population...

Pat: So... do you plan on telling your parents and brother?

Me: They're the one who told me...

I laughed at this point seeing how awkward it got. He took it quite well, just like when Billy found out he was adopted. Even though they're not brother in blood, they can be quite similar

Then an idea popped up in my head, what if I use this ability to save the school?

I mean all I need to do is meet up with the manager of this whole entire crazy project and talk to him, maybe ask if my brother, Evan to come. He can read the "opponent"'s mind for me. But still, this is still too risky, my real identity can be leaked.

Me: Dude, I have an idea to save the school

Pat: Please don't tell me you're going to kill whoever is in charge with your laser eyes

Me: If I have I may as well kill you. If only look can kill...

Pat: ...then I would have murdered you

Me: Jacka**

Pat: D*ckhead

Me: I'm stunned at how this conversation has turned out

Pat: Oh wow I'm surprised, feel like the first time. Oh wait, what's that? Oh yeah, we've been doing this since mobile phones were invented, maybe even when payphones were created

Me: Okay okay, about my plans

Pat: I'm listening, or in this situation, I'm waiting

Me: Maybe I could somehow persuade him with my super robotic power?

Pat: Lol, seems valid

Me: Hey I have a special ability

Pat: Cool. But then isn't that too... risky? You can get exposed, man

Me: True

Pat: Look, I got an idea, but we have to gather other 'special' people at school

Me: Special? Like they're chosen by god to conquer the world?

Pat: Not by Jesus, he's not the only god


Pat: Poor those buttons

Me: Tell me d*ckhead

Pat: Tomorrow, scumbag

Me: Fine, goodnight mutt

Pat: Bai, Mr. Bumblebee

Me: Sure dawg, now shoo

I ended and flipped to the other side, placing my phone on the table. I yawned and turned off the light. The only source of light was the red light from the alarm clock, showing 22:00. I flung myself on the bed and buried my body under the covers, thinking about what Paton meant. Hmmm... what did he meant by unique? Is Hercules studying under the roof as I do? Tune in next time to find out what happens the next day in my life!

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