Chapter 7: Kindness but sinful

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Play the song to add in special effects! (The Harbor - Irresist)

 There's a picture of Zac beside!

Paton's POV

Play the song now to add in special effects!

We reached the receptionist desk with Billy being held on my shoulder. Poor guy... I'm such a bad brother, I let this happened to my own family memebers just because I was being subjective. I WILL KILL THOSE BASTARDS AND MAKE THEM SUFFER, JUST WAIT AND SEE! "Name?" The lady at the table asked calmly showing her indifferentness, which sort of fired up my wolf. How can she be so calm and show little help? "Paton" I replied. "Sit over there and wait for your turn" she said carelessly. THATS IT, THIS NURSE IS NOT GOING TO LIVE FINE WITH PEOPLE SUFFERING BEFORE HER OWN EYES AND STILL TREAT THEM LIKE THEY JUST HAVE A SLIGHT FEVER. My wolf surfaced and went on a rampage. I slapped the counter with a loud bang, which caught everybody's attention. I grabbed by the collar of her work uniform. "My brother... he's bleeding heavily... and I need you... to cooperate with me... or else... the next blood would be yours..." I said slowly through my clenched teeth "NOW GET ME A DOCTOR!" I shouted. "Yes..yes sir..." she said in horror. A minute later, a sterchter came with some a doctor and a medics. We followed them and was told to sat outside the room. This is bad. Those bastards are going to have to pay for this! I looked at the clock and saw it showed almost four in the afternoon. I pulled out my phone, my hand shaking from nervous, and dialled it. "Hello? Athens's listening" my coworker picked up. "Athens, tell the boss that I need a day off today..." i muttered. "You okay bud?" "Just tell him that for me please" "Okay" he said before hanging up. I saw Dylan standing against the wall. I really felt guilty for pulling him into this. He didn't have to, and furthermore, I even broke his heart. Not only am I a bad brother, but also a bad friend. I walked over him to talk. "Dylan" I said. He snapped his head "Paton..." he said. "Lets talk" I said "about what?" "I wanna get things straight" I continued "it's true that I have feelings for you, but my feelings for Meryl is stronger... sorry, but I couldn't... I couldn't continue our relationship. It would only get worse, especially when you're head over heels in love with me. It's better to tell you now before it gets too late..." I explained"

He just smiled with tears ready to run

"I know..." 

"You what?"

"I know" "Wait... how?" "Billy told me... this morning, when I ran away, he confronted me for you" he exclaimed. This got me shocked. So, he helped me when our parents passed, he helped me confronted Dylan, he helped Dylan get through this, and what he got back was punch, kick, bullies, scars and scars. Inequality clearly shown. I felt really really bad now... "I forgive you" Dylan said, looking at his shoes. "You do?" I asked in surprised. "What Billy said, what you think, I guess was for the best. I don't want to get into a relationship with a guy thinking about two like that..." he said. Why can't god kill me now? Why couldn't I replaced my poor brother's position? He didn't deserve to be laying there right now! Inequality.

Later, a nurse came out and said "we need somebody to tell us what happened so we can clarified the results better and also, he had severe blood loss. We need somebody to volunteer and give away some of their blood, his type is... Beta" she ended looking around at us. Oh crap, I'm a werewolf so that's a cross, Veira's a vampire so another cross, that's either Dylan or Anne" we looked around and suddenly Anne snapped her head up, looking hesitantly and said "I'll volunteer, I'm an Omega so I should be good" and our jaws dropped. How would a total stranger gave away their blood like that? There's something really fishy here. "Great, then come with me" the nurse said. Seriously, everybody here was just making me feel bad, first Billy, then Dylan, now Anne? How could I be so useless... then, an idea popped up. After Anne walked to get her bloody transfer, a doctor walked out and said, looking at the clipboard "Well, your brother, he has broken his ribs and had internal stomach bleed, along with severe blood loss, this may take, at least two weeks to heal" he informed. "Uhhh... Doc? Could you give me a sample of his blood please?" I asked. He sighed, taking off his glasses and said "We'll do what we could but if there's not much less then we afraid not." He informed. 

When we were young, I always asked my parents why was Billy borned normally? However, until their deaths, we never got the answer why and only "We'll tell you when we grow up", like we were asking where do babies come from. Now is the good chance to know why. About half an hour later, the doc came back with a delight smile on his face. "Fortunately, we got a sample here. Just hold your horses, we need to do something first" "Uh huh" then, my phone buzz

Sis: paton

Me: Via text?

Sis: ye

Me: What?

Sis: i got sth to tell u...

Me: And it is?

Sis: i..

Me: go on

Sis: i have a crush on Dylan...

Me: Oh sh*t...

That made me look up from the screen to look at her and Dylan. She saw it and my phone buzzed again

Sis: you better shush it

Me: Why? You guys look cute together!

Sis: just don't say anything about it

I smirked and looked at her being all red. I couldn't believe it! My sister had a crush on my best friend! Ha. Just then the doc returned. "Here you go" he said. "Thank you" I said. I slipped the bottle of blood and note of it's data carefully in one of the pockets in my messenger bag. Anne also came back. "That's the end?" The nurse asked. I assumed she was telling her what happened. Interesting. "Well, we need you guys to go home and we would inform you if anything changes" the doc said. It was dark, around nine, and Dylan dropped me off at our place. Anne got a cab home, we insisted we pay but she denied at all cost. Today was very eventful and sinful to me.

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