Chapter 36: First trip

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*some days later*
Paton's POV
I was standing there in boredom and also walking in circles, trying to chase my invisible tail. Meryl was talking on the phone and as her boyfriend, I should give her some respect and privacy. I didn't want to too fast, sometimes people need spaces, not really me though, I don't need any space when I'm around her. She finally hung up and walked to me. Her eyes were full of worried and she lift a hand to my cheek. She touched it softly and bit her lips. It looked like she was deciding something. I put a hand on her hand and spread her my warmness "What's wrong?" "My grandmother, she's really really sick. My dad is out of town and my mother was still tucked up under her work. I don't know if I should because right now, I know you ne-" "No, it's fine it's fine, I mean, you can visit her. I don't have much of business anyway" "Aw, don't lie, I know you do" 

"I don't, you can go. Right now, your grandmother needs you and your family a lot more than I do. If you don't take the chance now then the consequences could be even more devastating" I replied reassuring her I would be okay without her in town. 

The truth? No, I'm not okay, not at all. Ever since we became a couple, I have had a great mood and smart and creative thinkings that helped me throughout the dark times. Now, I couldn't stand being two kilometres away from her. But again, it's true, her grandmother and family is way lot more important than me. She could live without me but couldn't without them, right? I mean, besides her mother than her family is very lovely, mine? Not that good. Her grandmother needs her and her family right now, and it's better if I let her go. After all, that's for the best, right?

She looked at me deep in the eyes and I just smiled. I pulled her into a hug "I'll be fine. It'll great if you could spend more time with your family. Don't worry about me" I assured her. We stood there for a while and she finally spoke "You know what? It'll be great if WE could spend more time with my family" "Wait what?" 

"You heard me, can you come with me babe? As much as I love my grandmother, you know I can't be fine knowing that you're not, so please please please come with me, my grandma is great, she bakes the most delicious donuts, I promise you" she begged. I looked at those puppy eyes and just nodded. How could I say no to food? 

I have a better feeling flaking about her grandmother than her mother. She looked extremely happy when I nodded, like the extreme level of Serotonin. We took the bus home and started talking about the trip. 

We were leaving, tomorrow lunch. We have talked about this with sister and she was totally okay with it, great start. I started packing. Nothing much, just some pairs of clothes and a blanket, my ID, my passport, my laptop and chargers, some books to keep me companied, some coffee and tea bags, snacks and donuts. They all fit into my backpack and messenger bag. Great! 

Meryl on the other hand, started packing from when she got home until when I was home, after work and booked the ticket. The tickets were actually surprisingly cheap, I didn't expect that coming. I took a shower and went straight to bed, now that 95% of my tests were done, only arts and Engineering, which would be next week's Friday. We would return on Saturday so it'll be good. I jumped on my bed while she was still preparing things. 

For some reason, Mathews has been texting me for something I didn't really know

Unknown number: yo it's mathews
Oh yeah I haven't added him into my contact list

Me: Okay?

Unknown number: you have work today?

Me: Yes why?
Unknown number: you already have to work this young? shouldn't you be enjoying your school hood and childhood?
Me: Why are you asking me this?
Unknown number: i don't really know
Me: Dude, get your thoughts straight, just like your sexuality didn't
Unknown number: what do you mean?
Me: First, think straight, say what you want to say, don't get complicated. Number two, I K.N.O.W Y.O.U A.R.E G.A.Y
Unknown number: bullsh*t, what do you mean, you think i'm gay?
I sighed and rubbed my temple and smirked. Oh boy, little did he know that I had a video of him making out with one of our former students in the locker room. Yup, they did that. The guy transferred school and he was lost ever since
Me: Dude, I know you are gay, stop hiding it
Unknown number: name your price
Me: It'll be between us. You, me and the people who already knew you were gay
Unknown number: a**hole, who else knows?
Me: The small voices of quiet mercy and also Daniel
Unknown number: what the f*ck? he knows? how?
Me: It was clearly written on your face
Unknown number: fine, just shut up, unless the school was going closed down then shush boy
Me: No promises
Unknown number: just zip it
Me: I know ;)))
I smirked at the phone's screen. Hehe, guess that I have brought another member to the gang. "What is it babe?" Meryl asked. "Nothing, just a ransom deal" "Oh really? With who?" "Mathews and his secret of being gay" "Pffttt, he's acting like he's the only gay student at school" "Hey, I'm bisexual" "Well did I say you were gay?" "Fine fine, you have your point" I raised my hands in defeat. She went back into packing and I laid there surfing the internet. 

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who was raged on the idea of closing down an entire area full of homes and work opportunities for a place for visitors and less work chances. Thus, who would even visit this side of town? The internet critics has been affecting the manager of this idea. Good. So far, there has been a 30% of closing the plan. Yes, that number needs to grow!

"Again, why are you smiling? You're returning to your creepy and crazy state bae" "Oh sorry" "Nah, I love that side of yours" she smiled. Awww... she appreciated it... nobody has ever did, even my own family. They just thought that I was over-reacting and trying to cause dramas and stories. 

But not Meryl, she said she liked it, like genuinely. That's another of the reason why I like her so much, she's understanding and accepting, instead of denying like her mother. 

I smiled at her, letting her know that this won't be the last she would see this face of mine. Not the first but won't be the last. She smiled at me and went back to packing

*some times later*
I was almost asleep when I felt a small body curling up to me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me as our heat turned into one in this cold almost-winter night. The lights were out and the sky was cloudy, blocking the moonlight, but I don't care. Right now, this is all I need, a peaceful sleep with my Meryl beside...

Sorry for using words such as baby, babe, bae :///

The New StudentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon