Chapter 41: Saving the school

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*some day after the trip ended*

Mathews's POV

I walked out of the cafeteria and saw one of the nerds getting bullied. Ugh, not this again, Alex's minions and best friends won't give up will they? I sighed and walked over "Why not get your grades up if you're that free to pick on an innocent student?" I said flatly with a straight face. This school has no boundary does it? Even though the bullying has dropped considerably but Alex's troop has been on a frenzy more than ever. All of them stopped and looked at me. As the victim crawled slowly of their hold and escaped, one of them spoke up "Why you bother f*g?" "Wait what? What did you call me?" "Oh Mathews" he laughed "We all know you're gay, just admit it" "What are you guys talking about?" I pretended nervously. How did they know? What did they know? "Alex told us, you made out with a junior kid but he left. See, a f*g like you can't even keep it to yourself, now get lost tramp!" he shooed. That bastard! ALEX, YOU MUST PAY FOR THIS. I turned around stormed into the cafeteria and saw a stage with a microphone. It was actually more crowded than usual. I saw some of the girls getting kicked by Kate's troops. Everything is getting out of hand, the bullies are going on a frenzy. 

I looked around and saw Elliot and Zac hiding behind a table with their laptops held tightly in their arms as a food fight happening right in front of them. WHERE ARE THE TEACHERS?!?!


*back to Matthew's POV*

Paton looked around trying to find his gal who was trying to avoid the eyes of the angry girls. This is it, this school needs to learn some control! I stepped up the table in the centre of the cafeteria, took a deep breath with my eyes shut and opened it "EVERYBODY STOP" I yelled. Not a motion nor  sound was made next. 

All eyes were on me but I didn't let my self-esteem and self-courage down just because of that. "Why do you guys have to do this? In such an environment which is supposed to be friendly for everybody, for everybody to learn, we have to bully each other? To treat each other differently simply just because of their backgrounds? This is a school, A SCHOOL, where people from different races, sexualities, genders, ages, families and abilities come for knowledge, for friendship, for opportunities to seek for the success and happiness their future holds?" "Look tramp, just because you're so famous and successful in your sports life doesn't mean you can command me, or us" "I'm not commanding you, I'm pointing out the fact that people bullying others is an un-acceptable phenomenon to occur in a "supposed to be friendly" surrounding. Just think about it, put yourself in the eye of your victim" "Well it's their fault that they didn't prepare themselves for it. They could have trained themselves better. Besides, their family is what they will grow up into, once poor, forever poor. It's their things not ours" "Big mistake. One: Even if it's their fault for not being able to protect themselves, it's your guilt to both physically and mentally harass them like that. Number two: There has yet to be any proven fact to proof that they can't change themselves. Speaking with that fact then explain to me why is Jackie Chan such a successful actor when his parents are A former Nationalist spy and a drug-peddling crime boss?" "Uh... his humour in acting and pure acting talents?" "Exactly, everybody could be and would be anybody. Be careful for what you think and speak because one day you might end up working for one of the people you bullied" I snapped convincingly. The room was full of silence and Paton and his gang looked at me with eyes half surprised half excited. I looked up and found Daniel stand in the crowds. He had a smile on his face and gave me a thumb up. 

I heard footsteps and saw Alex leaning against the entrance frame smirking. He pushed himself up "Well look at the f*g trying to change the world". Ugh, that's it, I have enough of hiding and pretending who I not really am. I have enough of running away from who I really am and want to do this once and for all, even though my wolf was a bit hesitated about coming out right here right now. I sighed as Kate gave me a laugh "Well well well, isn't it ironic how a sin is trying to fix others?" and gave me a poker face but still had a tint of disguised. I could tell Daniel was visibly angry and ready to threw his punch at Alex right now while Rachel just blushed. No, there's nothing to be ashamed of, Mathews, you are who you are, you are un-deniable. I sighed and calmed myself. 

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Dylan smiling and nodding his head. The rest of the group gathered behind. "So what? He's gay, he likes boy, he still contributes good to the school and his surroundings, unlike you who destroys everything with your footsteps. Besides, did he steal your virginity? Did he steal your first kiss? Then why you so mad bro?" he backed me up.

"Yeah" some people said almost like shouting. "We are all born equal and raised to be smart and civil human beings so why treat each other with hate but love? Why guns instead flowers? Why fight instead of words? Come on dude, this is not the Medieval anymore, get over it" said Tanalyna. Kate glared at her dangerously but didn't affect her courage, in fact, Tana only replied with a straight face and blinked. Kate heated up quickly and raised a hand to slap her but Karla held her hand back. "Big mistake" she blanked coldly and pushed her arm to the side causing her to tripped and fell. "Rise against bullying!" a voice shouted raising his/her fist up. "Yeah, bullying stops here!" another one shouted raising the fist. Gradually, 80% of everybody had their fist up, agreeing. Daniel looked smiley as ever but Alex, in contrast looked like he was going to erupt lava. He walked strongly towards me but before he can reached me, Paton and Jack blocked his goals "No way are you going to let you touch him without passing past us". "Me too" Samantha moved to the front of them. "And me" Elliot said. Alex looked pissed and seemed to be defeated. Pretending to be straight stops here. No more bullying. I did it... we did it... the campaign succeeded... I sighed in relief and sat down. The next on the list is to make 'all for one and one for all' to rise up against the people who wants to destroy this place.

"Big words back there" Daniel patted me and sat next to me. I blushed a bit and just smiled "Well, next thing is to save the school. I'm not going to watch this school corrupt in dust". "You're not doing it alone" A voice said. It was Samantha's.  She said and stood just where I was standing before 

"People, students of Pandoral High, we all have spent at least a year of our life studying here. Now, will we let all of those strangers take away and break our school apart? Or are we going to fight back?" she motivated. Everybody nodded and agreed. "We are not! going to let this school fall apart, not on my watch!" "Yeah!" "But if we are going to work it out, we'll have to co-operate with each other! It's all for one and one for all now! No more bullying, no more discriminating, instead, respect and support!" "Yeah!". Her words were true, if we were going to save this school  then we'll have to work together. 

The game begins now, there's no turning back now and I'm not afraid to stand against those who want to break down this school! 

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