Chapter 40: Homosexual (pt.2)

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Warning: this chapter contains adult content and could be rated as PG-13. Viewer discretion is advised
Daniel's POV
We started slow dancing as the music changed and I could smell the scent of beer and alcohol from him. He could probably sniff it from me as too as well. Well, tonight would be weird but I will remember nothing else except for the fact that I got high in the morning.
The music started beating up deliriously again. Suddenly, he pushed me against the wall. I used my force to flip back and now I was the one dominating. He carelessly touched my cheeks and I smashed my lips against his and he kissed back. We made out for a good five minutes and let go. It was the best feeling of my life, my lips on his. I could taste the alcohol still but again, too drunk to even care or remember what happened.
Warning: viewer discretion is advised. You can skip this part as it's just extra
We pulled away and he looked at me with lust. "Come on he pointed". I followed him to a nearby building and got into a room. Just right when I shut the door, he pushed me against the wall and connected our lips. I know it was wrong to do this but whatever, I'm drunk, I'm not going to remember it anyway. We made out for sometimes and he pushed me on the bed. He sat down on my thigh and pecked my lips. Mathews's hands found their way under my shirt. We pulled way and started unbuttoning my shirt. Half way there, my hand started circling under his gray shirt and took it off. Our clothes covered the floor as I laid down and he crawled on me. He kissed my neck passionately and started making their way downwards. I'll be more than surprised if he's a virgin cause he's extremely good at this, it gave me very satisfying feelings. He reached my chest, my stomach and my boxers' band. He stopped and reached up to my lips. I kissed him back and flipped. I'm not the only one who's going to be enjoying this satisfactory, nope, not going to be selfish. I kissed him ambitiously, down to his neck, his chest and his abs. I reached his jeans and looked up. He smirked, which meant that I was allowed to make my next move, and pulled my chin closer to kiss as I pulled his pants off. I played with his soldier and took it in my mouth even though it was still in his briefs. I finally took it out. Boy, it was huge, like 7 inches (20 cm for Metric measurement users), how would this fit inside me?!

I starting sucking him and he seemed to enjoy it. To be honest, I didn't know how to do it, something in my brain just told me to do it. I looked up and smirked at his fact getting high. We're too drunk to remember this wonderful night whatsoever.

He pulled me up to kiss and used that chance to flipped me upside down. He kissed from my neck down wards, passed my belly button and to my jeans. He unbuttoned it and pulled it down. Soon enough, he was playing and sucking my hard carrot. He looked up with a smile. Oh my, it felt like he has done it professionally before because for sure, this can't be his first time sucking one. I sat and stood up, pulled him closer to connect our lips. After some times of a making out, naked - may I add, I pushed him down and as he turned around, giving me that nice a** (damn, I was really drunk), I put my thing in it. He moaned seductively as I pushed in and out gently and picked up some speed.

*some times later*

I reached the climax and came inside of him. White "substances" poured out as I took my soldier out. I fell flat onto the bed beside him and drifted off right into sleep from exhaustion, not caring of what tomorrow morning would be. I was too drunk and tired, but felt as if was in paradise to even really think straight.

*tomorrow's morning*

I woke up and looked around in wonder that where was in as the surrounding wasn't in my usual dorm room. I looked over and saw 'him' shirtless. My eyes glanced over his handsome face. Jet black hair, nice bone structure, I really admire his features. Then reality slapped me, both of us were naked. I almost gasped but covered my mouth. "What happened?" I muttered barely audible. Mathews still wasn't awake, great, a good chance for me to escape. I can't let him know that I watched him sleep because I like him, no! That would break our bonds. I looked at the floor and spotted my clothes. I quickly changed, grabbed my backpack and silently made my way out of the room. Lucky me, I got out in time and rushed to the garage, nearby, to get my bike.

I reached my room and flew onto my bed. Not literally. I sat there and tried to remember about what happened last night. Then history hit me and a bright red colour lit up my face. Welp, there goes my 21 years of virginity. Gosh, I can't even believe I did it, and out of 7.6 billions, Matthew. This is just plain disaster... I can't and don't even know how to explain to my family about this. Especially to Jack, I can't just walk up to him and be like 'Dude, I'm gay and I slept with your best friend'. Gee, can life be anymore complicated?


Rachael's POV

I had nothing else today so I went to the park to feed the squirrels. They are super adorable! I brought a bag of nuts, fruits and veggies that I found them eating when I was doing my observational study. I found the same squirrel nest and threw some of the things down. Quickly, they raced down the tree

I smiled at their cuteness as they munched on their food. Suddenly I felt a shadow watching over me like the Qalupalik. I looked up and saw a girl with blond hair and beautiful eyes gazing me. If the Qalupalik even looks like this then he/she can kidnap me too. The girl smiled and said "Oh hi" "Hello" "You must do this very often huh?" "Yeah, I like animals a lot. By the way I'm R-" "Rachel? Yeah I remember you!" "You're Samantha?" "Yup" "No way, you look so different!" "Yeah, I gained some weight and cut my hair a bit" "But you still look g-" "Good? i know, everything looks good on me" she smirked. We sat down on the bench and caught on with each other's life. At the end, she had to return home before late but before she left she gave me her number and winked. Wait, seriously, did she seriously winked? Was she... flirting with me? Nah, I don't think she was. She's straight. Better luck on me. I stood up and walked the other direction. As much as I like Samantha, I had a strange feeling about her. She wore a simple necklace with an iron and old-fashioned star hanging from it. It looked very familiar but I can't remember what it represents though. I walked home trying to think of what it is. Maybe some kind of charm? Some sort of witchcraft symbols? After all, she did look alike to a witch. Samantha, the teenage witch. Ha.

Hey guys, I really enjoy writing this, hope that you guys enjoy it too! A/N: Samantha IS a witch, daughter of Sycorax and sister of Caliban, and yes, Matthew is an elder werewolf with the ability to change his colour and camouflage to the surroundings.

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