Chapter 49: Shock shock, zappidy zap

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Elliot's POV

I woke with a huge headache. Looking on the night stand, there were some pills and a cup of water. A note said "Take this, it's for your headache". I swallowed down the pill and blinked. The headache was going away and I was earning my vision back. I stumbled my first few steps down the corridor but I managed to keep balance. I was about to walk down the stairs when I heard the news flashing from the television. I stood there and listened. "Last night, a massive thunderstorm raged over the sky of Riverside. Just about two miles from the town centre, at Mr. Brown's farm, around nine pm was where the thunderstorm outraged the most. Lightning hit the ground and infected the water. However, miraculously, not much ruin or faculties were made".

Nine pm? Mr. Brown's farm? A thunderstorm? Wait, I walked home with Paton on that street last night, how did I remember something? How did I remember nothing?

"Ah, there you are" my brother said. I turned to look at him. "What?" I asked. He looked down with a thinking face, his mouth twisted aside. It was really getting on my nerves. "What?" I asked again, louder and a bit irritated. "You... heard about last night?" he asked. "Yes, so what?" "You.. created it" he said. Haha, me? I'm not Zeus. "I know you're not Zeus but it's true, besides the power of telepathy, you also can control, generate or absorb electric fields and shoot lightning bolt, it is called "Electrokinesis""he explained. Wait, no, I'm just a robot who can manipulate's one's mind. "No way, how can I create a thunderstorm like that? That's crazy!" I said and pointed at him. A lightning bolt came out my hand and flew directly towards Evan, luckily, he dodged it and hit the books on the couch, which quickly turned into a fire. "Really dude?" he said, making a poker face "You know how much textbooks cost in university? You owe me fifty buck" and reaching out a hand in the direction of the fire. His hand soon clenched into a fist and fire quickly died and there were ashes on the couch.

"Wait, you can control fire?" I asked in surprise. He shrugged "And light apparently" "What the heck? How are us, robots, able to control these natural elements?" "Well, we're not just robots, we're also elemental guardians. It has its positive but people like us just make the hunters more aggressive" "Wait, show me what you got" I demanded. He looked around and closed his eyes.

The lights coming through our window began to darken and soon, the living room was full of darkness. "Wow" I said. Then he made it bright again, but there was a little problem: it was getting brighter than usual. It was getting so bright, the sun would get envy with him. "Evan, stop, you're gonna make me blind" I exclaimed. His fists was burning with flames and his eyes shutted. "Evan! Wake up!" I shouted. 

Then the door leading to the kitchen opened and my mother walked in "Evan! Stop!". Then he opened his eyes, they were glowing silver and blue. There was a small tint of red but it was mere. 

He stumbled his steps backward but regained his consciousness. "You have overused your power, Evan. Light controlling isn't what you're bornt with, you still have to learn it more..." she explained. Evan looked upset but he just nodded. Then mum looked over at me "You too, you still have to learn to control your electricity power, Elliot" "But how?" "I'll show you how" she smiled and took my hands.

*some times later*

"You almost screwed up man" Paton said as he sat at the bench. We went to an empty space at a corner of town that nobody goes to. My mother took me there to help me out with my electrokinesis ability or whatever. So far all I can do is shoot random lightnings at the wall. "So what?" I shouted back "It's not like I knew this since I was five". He sighed and nodded "Yeah whatever. Zac is calling" "Pick up". He picked up and stayed silence for a while as I tried to create electricity. "Focus Elliot. Focus. Focus but relax. Don't tense up too much or the electricity could damage the electrical devices around it" my mum said. I sighed and closed my eyes. All I need is create some 2 kA lightning. I focused my mind into nothing but creating it. Make it happen!

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