Chapter 45: Christmas surprise

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24th of December

Veira's POV

Ahh, 24th of December. I woke up to the delicious scent of freshly baked Christmas cookies, baked by the one and only Billy. Him and Anne are a really cute couple. Just wish me and Dylan can have the same thing. I sighed but brushed that thought that off as I put on a nice old sweater that mama gave before she left. Ahem.

I put on a coat and walked into the living room. The room was dim with the winter sunlight. There was a note left on the bridge. 

"Be home by 8, have to drop by Anne's. Enjoy the cookies as the apology for not being there on this special day. Love, your bro Billy"

I chuckled at his small note. Whatever, Billy. Have fun.

Then I heard small breathing. I turned around and saw Dylan standing on the balcony, his outline so clear through the thin curtain. I smiled while my heart skipped from beats to beats. Jeez, control yourself Veira!

I took all of my courage I had and walked out. Standing there was Dylan sighing. "Good morning Dylan" I yawned. He smiled weakly. I looked at his direction and realised he was looking at the way home. Poor guy.

"You know what? Since it's Christmas, why not invite them over?" I unintentionally said. Oops. But it's not that bad of an idea to be honest. He just shook his head "I love them but maybe they don't" "Don't be silly, it'll be fun!" "No..." "K, not pushing you" I gave in. 

I wasn't that type of person who's noisy in other people's business. 

I just stood there with my arm resting against the railing. Finally, I broke the silence "Come on, let's go inside, it's freezing out here". He nodded. Why is he being so distant to me? We were about to walk in but bumped into each other. I put a hand on my forehead rubbing around the pain but it faded away. Supernatural power. "Uh... Veira?" Dylan said. I looked over to him as he was looking to the ceiling. From there, hanging above was a little bouquet of mistletoe. Uh oh...


"Uh..." I said while blushed. Deeply. "We don't have to do it if you d-" A pair lips caught mine before I could finished my sentence. My eyes widen but slowly closed as I kissed him back. Huh, maybe this is not so bad afterall. "I like you..." he said between his breaths "A lot". I pulled away and smiled "Me too" and pulled him in to kiss again.

We finally pulled away and stepped inside. Just in time for Anne and Billy stepped inside. Great, isn't our lovey dovey couple here for my next Christmas, alone? Not anymore...

I smiled like a weirdo at that thought. "I see that you haven't touched my cookies" Billy said as he checked the oven then the fridge. "Lets be communists and say our cookies, shall we?" I smiled. "Sounds delectable" Dylan said as he sat down next to me. I felt his hand suddenly wrapping around mine. His warm sensation was all I need I right now. Besides a cup of hot chocolate and some Harry Potters. "Oh. My. God" A voice said from behind. 

I turned around to find it was from Meryl. "What?" I asked innocently, pulling my hand away from Dylan's. "I saw that" "Saw what? How long have you been here?" "Long enough to witness you guys kiss under the mistletoe and trying to hold hands before I interrupt" "Why didn't you tell me?!" "Because Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is more interesting than your love life" she snapped. True, it is more interesting than my love life.

I then realised there was an awkward silence in the apartment. I looked up to see Dylan blushing his cheeks a bit red and his lips pink and look soft. I took all my courage and lean in to kiss him.

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