Chapter 37: First trip (pt.2)

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Paton's POV
"Come on" she said as she dragged me from the couch. I was watching one of my favourite television show of all time when the taxi arrived and called us. I sighed and picked up my messenger bag and my cabin-sized suitcase. I then looked over at Meryl and saw she, instead, had a huge suitcase. I sighed and chuckled at her cuteness as she tried to drag it along. I put my hand on hers and started helping her to pull it. After some while, I was pulling hers and she pulled mine. She looked happy with it though. We finally caught up with the taxi and drove to the airport. Apparently, her grandmother lived all the way on the other side of the map, in Portland. It was a two-hour flight with Meryl, what lovely time to spend. We soon arrived at the airport and boy, was the the check-in long. It felt like Christmas was going to pass if we wait.
*some times later*
"Hurry up babe" she rushed. Our flight got delayed, ugh, how classic. It was now lunch time and Meryl was starving. She begged to go to McDonald's. After all, that's the only fast food restaurant I eat so yeah, why not? I finally got some motivation and started to pick up my speed. The restaurant was rather... empty. The queue was short and there weren't much of customers eating. 

At least their flights weren't delayed. 

"May I have..." she ordered. I just smiled at her interesting food choice. "Your turn" "Uh... just coffee, it will work" I shrugged. 

The truth is, I don't often have lunch, most of time I just eat because it was the only thing I could do. Skipping lunch has been a part of my diet and didn't have any negative effects (yet) so whatever. 

We got our orders and sat down. I just watched in awe as Meryl ate her food like a kitten. She looked up and smiled. Needless did I know, it was a distracting smile as she threw a French fry at me. I laughed and had my revenge as I threw a small ice cube at her. She replied with a piece of lettuce. This time, I caught it with my mouth. "Yum" I moaned. 

Most of the salad I ate was at dinner and I made it so of course, it wasn't good. What do I expect from a wolf cooking?

She rolled her eyes and laughed. I just sat there and laugh along. We finally ended our seemingly-endless laughter. She continued munching on her food and I picked up a piece of fry to kill my boredom. She looked up and saw me biting the  end of the fry with my hand covering the other end. She scowled and pull my hand away from the other end and started munching on it as too as well. Two person one fry, reminded me of Lady and the Tramp but this was intentional. Our lips finally met and I smiled at her. If only this could last forever than I would trade my soul for it. We were interrupted by the speaker announcing our plane has landed. She smiled at me and packed up and got to our gate to wait. I didn't notice it but she was dressing up very cutely, a gray sweater with a black coat over it. I was just wearing a black, gray and white checkered shirt, thin dark gray jacket and an undershirt with a gray scarf around my neck. Scarf, one of my favourite clothing ornements. I sat down and pulled out my laptop to continue working. She was looking around at nothing and looked at me. My left hand was on the mouse and right on the keyboard. I'm a southpaw, even writing.

Suddenly, I felt a warm feeling covering my left hand. I looked over and saw Meryl with a huge smile. I just smile at her, knowing that she was excited to see her family again. "Paton" she attracted my attention when I was about to remove my eyes from her to the computer screen. "Our cuddle battery is on low" "What do you me-" I didn't even have chance to end it when she pulled me into a hug. It was a warm feeling to my body, it felt so good, like you're near a heater or under a pile of cozy clothes. I didn't hesitate to cuddle her back. Speaking of PDA... 

"Aww... you must be worry don't you" I said as I tracked out a smell of worry. "Yeah, my grandmother is really sick and she doesn't have anybody beside her, like I have you" she said still covering her face in my chest. She's sooo cute, even more so right now. Ugh, my clinginess. 

I know I know, it's not the right time but I just don't have the power to resist it. I pulled her closer and set my laptop down and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry, you're coming home with her. I'll be rooting for you, don't get your nerves up too much" I confronted her. 

We just sat there until the speaker announced our flight was ready. I packed up and got in line.

*some times later*
We were high on the sky, above the clouds. It was a bit scary for me though but seeing that Meryl was completely relaxed and safe eased me out. As long as she was safe and happy, I'm fine. She has been sleeping since the plane took off until now, which was an hour later. Me? I read, what else could I do? It's not like I could pull out my device and surf the internet
*memory hits in*
"Billy stop" "What if I don't?" "You're being annoying" "I know, because I'm bored. Why does it have to be this long?" He sighed in boredom as the plane flew from Los Angeles to Seoul. The lights were all shut off for the passengers to sleep, including me except for the part that my brother was kicking my seat the whole time. Ughhh. I groaned and glared at him. He stopped. It works every time. 

I sat back and wished to wander back to sleep when I heard whispering at the back. "Should we?" "Yeah, he's asleep, he won't know. Just pull it out, it'll be quick" they whispered, definitely my brother and sister on something secret. 

I stayed quiet and acted asleep to seek what they were hiding. After some times, they didn't say anything so I decided to peak through the holes between two chairs. They were eating MY DONUTS! "What. The. Eph. Do you guys think you are doing?" "Uhhh... Paton, it doesn't look like what it seems!" "Oh really then? Then what is it beside my siblings sneaking up at midnight to finish up my snacks even though we're almost a hundred kilometres (62 miles) up in the air?" "Well... we bought this at the duty free shop at the airport" "No you did not, you never go shopping!" I pointed out. It was true, Billy never went shopping. I narrowed my eyes and glared at them, signalling that this is the last time they do that to me. It's donuts -D.O.N.U.T- my favourite food! What were they thinking?

*back to reality*
Ever since then, they never did it again, hopefully. If they do, I'll rip their heads apart. I closed the airplane window and turned to lean on Meryl's head. I was soon greeted with my sleep that I've been looking for. Ah... half an hour of sleep before seeing my girlfriend's excitement as she meet her grandmother. How delightful...

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