Chapter 31: Mommy issue

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Veira's POV
I woke up early and made breakfast. My friendship with Dylan has boosted a lot since he has been living at our place for a while now. Then Meryl, Paton's girlfriend came in. Poor that girl, her mother was such a devil, just like Dylan's father. I walked out of my room and saw he was already cooking. Wait, he can cook? "Wow, look at who's up early, you can cook?" "A bit, Billy has taught me some recipes" "So what's for dinner? It better not be burnt pancake or raw egg" he chuckled cutely and answered "No, I'm poisoning you" "Oh really? I'm afraid" I acted dramatically but sarcastically. "Nah, just some fish n chips" "British? Fancy, since when did my pal learned to cook that?" "Hey ok? Not only Billy taught me how to cook but I'm a WAITER" he said mesmerising the word 'waiter'. I guess he has his point. He made some and put in on the dishes. I grabbed a dish and went to woke Billy up. We came out just as when Meryl did. "Hey, where's Paton?" She asked. Wait, weren't they sleeping together last night? Don't ask, I went to grab some late snack and saw the, cuddling together, I'm just doing my job as a sister and late night snack hunter okay?
"That's weird, I thought he was sleeping with you" "Yeah but until he disappeared" "Such typical Paton" Dylan groaned "I woke up early this morning but didn't see him neither. He must have ran off somewhere, you know him". Just then, the front door bursted open and a zombified panda walked in. Bill got scared so much he jumped and fell on his butt. "Oh my gosh, where did you go and what happened Paton?" I shouted. Seriously, he looked like sh*t. "Not. A. Word" he said as he walked into his bedroom, wearing a button up red, white and black checkered shirt, black jeans with his messenger bag. We all stood there, puzzled. Seriously, imagine you and your family were just talking about something then the front door bursted open like a lockdown and zombie walked in straight to his bedroom, not only confusing but also creepy right?
We started eating breakfast when he walked out, still looking like a walking dead supporting actor, no not the alive ones, the dead ones, and into the bathroom. Some minutes later, he walked out looking a lot better with his clothes less wrinkled and his face cleaned though the bags around his eyes were a bit clear to see. He grabbed a plate and ate it in sonic speed. Seriously, he could eat it like a hungry wolf hunting a fat lamb. We finished and got ready for school.
*at school*
Elliot's POV
It was Tuesday so I had most of my classes with Paton today. Last night was cool, though I fell asleep the four-hour ride home. I walked to the classroom and sat next to... uh... a... lets call it a 'creature' even though it seemed to show no sign of alive nor did it seemed to want to. "What happened to you dude?" I asked Paton. He looked up with panda eyes and mumbled something quietly. Then the teacher walked in and lucky for us, we sat at the last row so it didn't caught her attention. He laid there motionless like a dead body in class, except for the part that he actually smells quite good. Throughout the first half of the class, I thought he was looking at his book but turned out he was sleeping. That's weird because he paid attention to pretty much... every classes and lessons even if they're boring to sick. The bell rang and woke him up. "Shut up alarm clock, it's only three in the morning let me sleep!" He shouted but I quickly covered his mouth with my hand. Nobody seemed to notice it tho, good. "Dude, Paton, wake up, its time for maths" I woke. It had no effects. Gosh the next thing was going to embarrass as hell but I was going have to carry him to maths class. I carry him on my back. Man, this dude was heavy, my bag and now a creature and its bag on my back? No thanks. I dashed through the corridors and into the class to avoid any staring. Luckily the teacher didn't seem to care about me caring a dead body into class. I let him down at his seat and sat down at mine. Maths wasn't my favourite class so it was a bit boring, even more so that my acquaintance is asleep.
*some times later*
I was woken up by the school bell. I looked over to my left and yup, we were sleeping the whole entire class. Somehow, we didn't get caught, lucky us. I yawned and stood up. "Paton, wake up" I woke. He yawned and finally opened his eyes. His bags were concealing eventually. "What happened?" He asked sleepily. "Well, you sleep for the entire history and maths class, now come on, get up, I'm not carrying you on my back anymore, it hurts like crazy" I said as I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out. Paton slung his messenger bag over his shoulders and walked out. Next class, Geography. I walked in, the only class I don't have with Paton today. It was interesting so there's no need of him entertaining me here. After that was one last period before lunch time. I jogged to it but felt watched. Somebody was watching me. I looked around but could only see Mathew. This guy, he was on the football team but never has he ever picked on a kid, even surveillance cameras couldn't proof that he has bullied a kid. He was one of the rare species of the 'famous but not bully nor player'. I quickly moved into class to avoid any troubles. I didn't want to get my soul sucked out by a rare kind of human okay? I sat down the seat in front of Paton, he still looked sleepy but still managed to stayed awoke and listened. I sat down and started taking notes.
*some times later*
We sat down at our regular table. This is one of the odd cases where Paton sat at the place he used to ever since he was on the football team. By football, I mean soccer, not American football. He immediately banged his head on the table causing some looks. "We're not forcing him to commit a suicide so stop looking at us please" Andrew yelled. "Wassup" Billy sat down and asked. "I didn't catch a sleep last night. I was supposed to go on my first date today but my work hours got in the way so I decided to work from two to five" he explained still having his head down. "First date? With who?" I asked already knowing the answer. Poor guy, his life has been a tornado of events lately. "It's a secret" "Is it... Meryl?" "Shut up Elliot" "What if I don't?" "D*ckhead" he scowled. Our table gasped except for Karla, she looked indifferent. "So it was true? The rumour, it was true?" "What rumour?" "You and Meryl?" "Why did no one told me?" "Cause we didn't want to upset you..." "Wow, such good friends" he said sarcastically. He looked up finally and started explaining about the campaign plans. We just listened. It was true and clearly now that we also had to showed the increasing number of anti-bullying affects. After that, the bell rung and Paton banged his head on the table agin, before walking out. We walked to our next class, Biology. Paton was still a walking dead body, maybe he could be useful for today's biology lesson. We walked down the hall and once again, I felt watched. It was just probably Mathew so I shrugged it off, we all knew he was gay since we could see it on the camera. Mathew was senior. We walked into the biology classroom/laboratory. Our school combined both of them so call it whatever you want.
I sat down next to Paton and started listening to the teacher. We were having a lesson on the human body. How ironic, Biology was one of Paton's favourite subject and he was too dead to even put his attention into the lesson. I sat there trying to figure out what the teacher was talking about. I only managed to understand half of them but hey, at least I tried, unlike the other guy who was dead asleep the entire school day.
*some times later*
It was finally the end of school. I  sighed looked at the now fully awake and energetic Paton in his checkered shirt. "What's your now?" I asked curiously. He looked thoughtful for a while and looked up delightful. "Full of nostalgia" he replied. I was curious a bit at his intentions but again, it was none of my business anyway. I walked to my car and drove away, leaving the lovey dovey couple behind. Just as when I pressed the keys into the ignition, I looked at my rear view mirror and saw Paton talking to a middle aged woman. That's weird, he usually never causes any problem so what were they talking about?

Paton's POV
I walked out of the school entrance and saw Meryl talking with her mother. I walked over even as my wolf instinct told me to though my brain said it was a bad idea. "But mother..." "Uh uh, no but" "This is where I belong, not that hell that you call 'school'! You have no idea how awful it was to stay there!" "And you think you do? Listen up here". I decided to interrupt the intense moment "Meryl? Aren't you going home?" "Who is this?" her mother asked. "It's my..." she sighed. I didn't continue that because I want to see her say it, does she have the courage to say it out loud? Don't get me wrong, I would still love her even if she's shy to say it. "He's my boyfriend" she finally slipped out. Her mother looked angrily shock. She turned to me. Okay, now I'm the spotlight? "Meryl, I need to talk to this young man" "Mum,..." "GO!" her mother yelled. "I'll be okay" I reassured and prepared myself for the upcoming outrage. Once Meryl has walked away, her mother glared at me "You think you know what you're doing young man?" "Yes ma'am, your daughter is a fantastic person with an amazing personality and god-gifted talents. She should be welcomed for her talents not being denied" "Pause it right there mister, I'm her mother, I know what's the best for her, not you, a pathetic orphan. There should and is a good reason why you're orphan" she hissed. Ouch, that hurts. "Yes, I'm an orphan, but my parents loved me when they were awake creates every chance possible to let my talents sparks flies. Unlike you, they wanted me to become what I wished to be, treated me with love and knows about my happiness, they didn't lock my up in a jail of judgement and disapproval. And with that is enough to make me happy and confident in myself as well as my talents. Look at Meryl, she is a great artist and could make a fortune out of her gift from god. She shouldn't be force to be something she doesn't want like you treated her." "And I suppose you could make her happy?" "I could, I can and I will forever ever and more" "You have no idea what you are doing boy" "No, you have no idea what I am doing" "Say that again and I will sue you for accessory" "Do that and I will sue you for child abuse" I snapped back as my wolf was outraged. Her eyes were full of anger and she pushed me backwards. I stumbled my steps, tripped over a dustbin, hit my head on the pavement, and almost landed on the hard, rough surface of the streets. I caught every attentions around me and Meryl rushed over to help me. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" she shouted. Her mother looked shock and embarrassed. Good, I'm not going to be the one who should be embarrassed here. "No, I'm... I'm good" I lied, pulling up my sleeve and reached for my head. Ouch, it really hurts. I realised I've just showed not only my girlfriend, but almost the entire school the hidden scars I've tried to hide so far. Some of them were burns from the car engine, my stupidity, some were from fighting with the bastards, some were from football practices, some were from being hit, push and pull and trying to fix the stubborn machines and engines, ugh, they always get on my nerve, especially the little bolts and nuts which wouldn't move an inch. I looked over at Meryl and saw her mouth was as round as a donut - my favourite food - and so was her mother. Honestly, I was irritated and uncomfortable of that look, they weren't that bad, just some like, five or six of them. I stood up and brushed the dusts off. I turned to look at her wicked mother and said sternly "Now don't push other people out of anger next time, would you? The consequences could be way worse" and turned to smile at Meryl "See you at six" - I said as if nothing happened. Her face looked adorably confused. She nodded and I turned to run ahead at Andrew's house directions. He would have something I could wear for tonight, beside a suit, or what I call 'tux and tie'.

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