Chapter 30: Ride of a life

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So, how's the reunion of our star-crossed lovers so far? Is it good? Bad? Cheesy? Boring? Cringy? Comment it!
Meryl's POV
I woke up to the warm and bright sunshine. I sat up and stretched. "Where's Paton?" I asked. I walked out of the door and looked at the clock. It was already nine! Everybody must be in school. There was a note sticking to the refrigerator. I picked it up and read
"Breakfast's in the microwave, you can whatever you want, just don't check into Veira's room. Also, I noticed that you came here without any luggage. I supposed you left it at the other school. When do you want to grab it? -Paton"
Huh, he's smart. I walked over to the microwave and ate my breakfast. Bacon and egg, yum! Back to the main topic, my stuff, yeah, when do I want to pick it up? Hmm... today after he returns maybe? It would be better if we go there early and return early. Yeah, that shall be alright.
I finished breakfast and washed my dish. I looked outside. Although I was a sunny day, the sky was shining bright. I walked out the balcony and man, the view was awesome. I could see the mountains and a nearby lake and the trees and some houses, it was as if I was in Neverland. I had an idea. I grabbed a piece of paper and started to drawing.
*a few hours later*
Finally, I'm done. It looks great I guess. I added somethings here and there to make it more tropical

(Author note: This is actually in France so please don't critic me

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(Author note: This is actually in France so please don't critic me.)
I put the equipments back into its first position. There, all good. Now where do I put this... in Paton's room. I went to his room and put it under a table. I remember this one time, the teacher asked us to draw anything we please and Paton since he didn't know anything to draw, he drew a car engine. It was actually quite hilarious that in all of the stuff on earth, nope, not a car, not a motorbike, not a plane, not a cat, a car engine, is that the only thing he could think of? He chuckled at my own thoughts.
Just then, my phone buzzed. He called. "Hello?" I picked up. "Oh hey, Meryl, you good? By yourself?" "Yeah I'm good, I can take care of myself, I'm not a baby anymore" "Okay good, just checking, and oh when you want to grab your stuff?" "How's after school?" "Uh, yeah good, meet me at..." he gave me the address of Elliot's house since he has a car. I was quite surprised actually, Elliot was only a sophomore and not only could he drive, he also had a car. School ends at three. I still have sometimes to get ready. I took a shower and changed into my washed clothes from yesterday. I walked out, grab my purse and phone and headed out. There was a spare key so I used it.
*after a while*
I walked up to the front proche and knocked on the door. The house was quite big to be honest. It was pretty though. Then Elliot opened "Oh hey Meryl, Paton was just talking about you, come in". I giggled and walked in"What did he talk about me?" "It's a guy code, sorry". Guy code? Since when did that happened? I was away for like one of two months and this place has already set up a guy code. I walked up and saw Paton at a desk typing on the laptop. "Hi, what are you doing?". He shot up and eased out gradually. "I'm recovering the memories of what was lost. Remember I told you that the hacking got into a mechanical issue and lost a lot of its data? Well, we managed to save it onto a hardware a few days before so we still had pretty much everything" "Well isn't that great? But look guys, I have been thinking...". "Come on guys, lets go!" Elliot rushed. We walked to the car. Me and Paton sat in the back seat. "Is anyone else coming?" "I think Karla is" "okay then lets pick her up". We picked Karla up and I explained my thoughts. Everybody just sat and listened. "That's actually quite bizarre" "I know but if we don't then the chance of the bullies and former bullies being more aggressive could break the limit" "Wow, I never thought about that..." me and Elliot talked. "How far are we away?" "Three and a half hours" "Oh wow, that's a lot" Karla and Elliot spoke. Karla turned on the radio and they started singing and humming along the radio. I looked over and saw Paton on his laptop. "Bae, what are you doing?" "Huh? I'm just doing your application, why ask?" Awww,... he was doing it, for me? How sweet. Wow, I'm being cliché, but I should be, my boyfriend is helping me to get into my old school again.
*three hours later*
I woke up and car was silent as ever. Karla and Elliot has switched seat and she was on the wheel so Elliot could rest. He was sleeping and Leaving against the window while I slept on Paton's shoulder. He wasn't sleeping though, he was looking at his phone and texting a guy called 'Daniel'. I guess it was his coworker? "Guys, we're only ten minutes away, wake up" Karla woke. I looked up an yawned as Elliot mirrored my actions. She pulled up by the side of the car. "What time is it?" Elliot asked. "Seven p.m.". We got out and the cold breeze hit us. Lucky me, I'm wearing some warm clothes. We jogged to the school fence and climber over it. It was extremely dark so we could camouflage into the surrounding easily. I made my way to where I buried my stuff and signalled the others. They came over and dug the dirt up with their hands and covered the now empty hole. We walked back to where we originally climbed and starting transporting things over the fence. At last, we were over it. Elliot grabbed my suitcase and ran to put it in the car first while Paton being the last climber over the fence. Then, a bright light shown at us. "What are you doing kids?!" A guard shouted. "Uh oh, crap, run ahead, I'll catch up!" Paton motioned. We started running and soon enough. Paton reached up to us. We reached the car, Paton at the driver's seat and I next to him. Wow, he could drive? So I guess all of them could drive at this early age. He started the engine and started to get back the highway. I sighed in relief and laughed as the others followed my laughter. "Boy! That was fun!" I choked on my own breath. "Agree" Karla shouted. I looked over at Paton and saw him focus on the road but still had a smile on his handsome face. I leaned against the window and once again, the car was drowned in silence.
*2 hours later*
I looked up and saw we were still hitting the road. The whole car was as dark as ink. "Paton, you have a call" I told him looking at his phone. "Hello?" He picked up "Yeah, I got some stuff on my shoulders that needs to be handle, why?" "No not now, I'm not in Lakeside, I'm not even Colorado, I'm in Wyoming right now, near Cheyenne" "Okay, be back at eleven" "No promise, that's the earliest I could get" "Okay bye" he hung up. "Who was that?" I asked curiously. "Ah, it's sister calling. She was worried that I didn't come home from school today" "Right..." I nodded. I looked out of the window and sighed "Hey Paton...". The next hour, I explained what happened at the other school and my mother. After that, his face was full of rage and he tighten his grip on the steering wheel. I kissed his cheek to calm him down and it worked. Ha, little pup. I started to move on from that topic to how to save our school and his job. Surely it wasn't going to be easy but it could be very influential if we all work together. "I get you mean. That would be effective if only the whole school works together. You know, even the worst bullies. Speaking of which, did you know, Mathew, one of the school's football team was gay? That's why he hasn't slept with any of the girls at school. And also, Samantha's a lesbian too..." he introduced. I knew Matthew has things for guys already, I could see the way he stare at other guy, even Elliot... but Samantha is a lesbian? Now that's something new. Just then, my phone buzzed and as I opened it, I saw Christina was calling. We haven't called each other for ages so what's her excuse for calling now? At ten at night? Not to mention a school night. "Hello?" I answered. "Meryl?" "That's my name, why are you calling?" "It's... Tom, he..." in case you didn't know, Tom's Christina boyfriend. He's a playboy and would sleep with any girl he could. Mathew used to have a crush on Tom and it was a bit of obvious to me, just the look in his eyes and the way he speaks when he was near Tom. But when Tom started dating Christina, Mathew snapped to reality and learned to accept it. He's over Tom now, knowing that he was such an eph boy. "He...?" I asked. "He cheated on me..." she answered as she bursted into tears. To be honest, the fact that Tom didn't cheat on her would surprise me more that the fact he would. What was she expecting? She could have seen this earlier. "Well, that's sad, but isn't that kinda obvious that one day he'll ditch you for another?" I asked bitterly. I know, I'm being mean but I'm not in the mood right now. "Is it that obvious?" She asked. Then an idea popped up in my mind, what if Tom is gay? No way, he's straight, he has slept with more girls than the cheerleader team. It's just 'what if' code. It would be funny to watch Tom having a crush on Mathew, but I knew for sure that Mathew would say no, he's not the typical kind of jock that would take any chance he gets, he will think deeply and decide genuinely if it really worths it, and of course, Tom isn't the kind of guy that Mathew would date. I have learned to be a mind reader because I don't speak much and don't have a lot of friends. Yet, all of my grades are falling, but I don't care. Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid - wrote Albert Einstein.
*an hour later*
Paton pulled up at the apartment and woke the others as I took out my things. We waved them goodbye and walked to our apartment. He unlocked the door and we walked in. I walked into his room and he closed it behind me. He looked nervous, wonder why. "You know..." he smiled nervously. Okay something is very off. "We hasn't been on our first date..." "Okay? Why are talking about this?" "Do you want to go on a d-d-dat-date with me? He said timidly and his blood rushing in his cheek like they were going to explode. I chuckled st the cuteness then cup his face in my hands. "I'll be happy too" "Great!" "What time?" "Six p.m." I thought. Tanalyna would have to help me out with the make up, she's such an artist. "Perfect. Also, you can go to school tomorrow" "That fast?" "Yup" he nodded. He grabbed a pair of clothes and walked out to change it. I changed into my pyjama and went to bed. Later, he walked in a plotted down the spot next to me. He closed his eyes and thought for a while. Me, too sleepy to even ask, drifted right off to sleep.

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