Chapter 50: New Year's Eve

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*fast forward*

Elliot's POV

"Ayeee man, my man, my man, Elliot" "Amen or Aye man?" I asked sarcastically. Oh boy, rub me off with that sarcasm. Andrew laughed and shook my hand and led me in his house. "You got here alone? Where's Evan?" "He's at home playing Fortnite with his friends. That's how they celebrate New Year apparently" I shrugged. To be honest, their way of celebrating New Year is both lazy and interesting.

Then I spotted Karla in the crowd. "Oh hi" "Hello Karla" I smiled and hugged her "Who else is here?" I asked. "Zac, Tana, Paton, Meryl, Veira, Dylan, Billy, Anne, Mathews, Samantha, Brian and Rachel" she answered. "Wait, Mathews, Brian and Sam's here too?" "Apparently yes. Weird? I know right" "Who's Rachel?" "Her girlfriend" she answered.

Oh, nice, she has gotten herself a girlfriend while me here still a single potato.

But meh, who needs relationships when you got the food? #food4ever

"Hurry up people! It's almost twelve! The clock is waiting for no one" Veira rushed. I grabbed a drink and drank as people went ahead to the rooftop. Everybody left the living room and I looked around.

There was something in my nerve that telling me something was off. But what? Why? On a New Year's Eve? At Andrew's house? What're the odds.

My hands daggered lightnings as protection in case of emergency. In the last few days, I've learned to control it and now, it's pretty to easy to create, control and make it disappear.

Then I heard small whispers. "Keep it in, Brian. You can do it. Keep it". I peeked around the corner and found Brian leaning against the wall, his hand holding his chest, where his chest was beating hard. My hands faded the lightnings away "Brian?".

He looked pale as if I hung him.

But he soon regained control as he smiled and stumbled "Oh hi... Elliot, what are you... uh... what are you doing he-here? I thought you guys were on the rooftop".

That wasn't very convincing. I narrowed my eyes at him 'Tell me, what's going on' I said telepathically. "What?" He said loudly, more like shouting. I stepped back and made my hands created lightnings and electricity again. 'Somthing's definitely wrong. Tell me' I continued. He shut his eyes and opened it a short while later. But this time, his irises were shining reddish orange and his scleras were dirty white.

Wait... I've seen those eyes in the mythology book before. Those were the eyes of...

Right, a type of hybrid, between a werewolf and vampire.

Before, people didn't believe hybrids between two mythical creature were real because they can't survive with two type of blood in their body. But they're real.

But Brian isn't a hybrid... his scleras, they were also a bit black.

Then there was knock on the door. "I'll get it" Andrew shouted. Brian wasn't just a vampire, he's an Aswang...

Oh no, oh no, oh no. He looked over to the door and started walking towards it with an evil smile.

"Brian!" I whispered loudly in his ears. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the kitchen but he was way stronger than I was. "Brian, stop!" I said through my gritted jaws. I sighed and closed my hands as my hand produced small amounts of electricity. He hissed.

"Brian!" I shouted. One of my hand was gripping his upper arm, pulling him back with all the strength I had, the other grabbed the tray of ash on the table and threw it in the air. Ash fell down, making a line separating the kitchen and the living room. That would make an invisible barrier to block supernaturalities from in and outside.

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