Chapter 53: Soul for soul

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Paton's POV

Her lips were soft and wet. "We're gonna get caught" she said. I smirked and pecked her on the lips one last time before we left the janitor's closet.

I heard footsteps running. "Elliot" I said out loud as I caught his scent. But I quickly disappeared. How strange. Meryl looked at me with curious eyes "What?" "No... nothing... I think Elliot is in trouble..." 

I ran in the direction of the noises "I'll be home later, ask Veira to take you home!". She nodded and turned around.

I finally reached "my destination". I saw Brian holding onto his wounds while sitting and leaning against the lockers. Karla came up "Where's Elliot?". Good question, where's Elliot?

He couldn't have just evaporated.

Brian hissed and his eyes getting red. He sighed "They... got him..." "Who?" I interrupted. "The Dread Doctors..." Karla said. Her face was as pale as snow and her facial expression dead. 

My wolf didn't respond nicely to it, at all. I got angry and breathed hard. Before I knew it, my fist was hitting a locker and I grabbed Brian by the collar of his shirt "You bastard, you let him go. You will pay for that" I warned and raised my fist, ready to break his nose any moments now. "He did his best" Karla said. Her facial expression was still numb and she was in shock.

I regained control of myself and let him go. His eyes were shining bloodshot. "Sorry" I apologised. 

Sniff sniff. There were Elliot's sweats on Brian's tie. Sniff sniff. Not only his tie. Sniff sniff. I followed the trait of smell and reached a pair of keys. I studied it for awhile. Those were Elliot's car keys.

I ran out and into the parking lot. I got into his car and put the key in the ignition. 

The car engine turned on and the headlight lit enlighten the road. "Wait!" Shouted somebody. I turned to look.

It was Karla, followed by Brian. "Let us follow. You sure will need some help". I thought for a while but gave in. She was right, I couldn't do this all alone. Karla got into the passenger seat and Brian in the back seat. 

I pulled into main road and hit the streets. 

"Where would they leave Elliot?" I ask frustratedly. I looked in the view mirror and saw Brian on his, no, not his, Elliot's phone. "What're you doing with his phone?" I asked him. He looked st it for a while. "If we were him..." he said, closing his eyes "What about the barn?" "The barn? Why the barn?" "Well, that's where he spawned the storm right?" "Well, that has a point but still doesn't answer completely" "But that's the only place we have, it's not like you guys have better ideas anyway" he shrugged. 

I drove to farm and turned the engines off but still remain seated. I closed my eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry" a small voice said from the back "This is my fault...". "If you insist" Karla said sarcastically. I turned to look at him "Brian..." His hand was holding Elliot's phone. "You like him... don't you?". He kept his head low and said nothing. "Oh. My. God" Karla exclaimed "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. You guys. Must. Be a couple right when this's all over" she smiled.

We got out and looked through the dark. "You're a werewolf right? Maybe you can sniff him" Karla suggested

*some times later*

"You heard that?" Brian asked. I nodded. There was a sound of feather and flapping, like a bird's.  He ran ahead of me into the far distant. 


"Brian! It's just a cow!" I hissed. He didn't seem to listen. His eyes turned bloodshot again. "Brian, calm down. You're a human. Act human" Karla said calmly. "What's wrong with him?" I whispered. "He's an aswang. Like a combination of vampires, ghouls and warlocks. They hunt animals and humans at night but turn human during daylight" she whispered. 

Then the noise became obvious for us. "Yup. I  definitely heard that" Karla said. "This way' I ran to the source of the noise. 

And there, we were met by two black wings, with bird feathers. "Elliot?" I asked. The wings moved out of the way and there was Elliot. His eyes were shining bright yellow and his hair was messed up in wavy lines. "Elliot calm down" Karla whispered "We're your friends". 

There were also electric blues lightnings daggering around him. He groaned and glared at us. "How do we get him now?" Karla asked. 

Then suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around him and pushed him to the ground. He wiggled, trying to get out of Brian's embrace but it was helpless. Brian though, hissed painfully. Elliot was passing electricity through him and Brian was taking the impact. Mass vonage electricity.

The electricity wasn't stopping and Brian was going to get serious help if Elliot wouldn't stop. "Oh lord, how do we help him? How do we help him?" I hurried. 

Brian gritted his teeth and softly eneveloped a soft kiss on Elliot's neck. Elliot softened and gradually stopped wiggling and torturing the poor guy. His eyes went back to normal closed. The wings faded as the wing pushed the fallen feathers away. I ran over and helped Brian up. He sat up and studied Elliot's face peacefully. He was fainted but his facial expression wasn't very peaceful. Brian swept his hair aside from his forehead. I helped him stood up and patted his back "You did a great job. Thanks" 

Brian smiled and Karla only punched him on the shoulder with a smile "Thanks for helping my best friend". I carried Elliot in my arms, bridal style. His flat abs were obvious through the thin fabric. 

We carried him back to the car and laid him in the back seats with Karla while Brian sat next to me. I hit the road and drove home. "Thanks Brian, again" "Uh, well, to be fair, he did save my life, I don't want people to be like me. Well, at least I have somebody to bring me back. This guy won't, which is what im worried about, what if he's a..." "Let's not skip to that part" I stopped him.

*some times later*

"Well they would be a cute couple to be honest" Meryl said. I smiled and looked at her "Couldn't, agree, more". Then my phone buzzed. "Ugh" I groaned. "Don't worry, just check it. It could be from Elliot, maybe he needs some helps" 

I rolled over on my stomach and read the texts.

Elliot: He needs some help, Elliot

Me: Who's on the phone please?

Elliot: Brian. He's puking mercury

Me: How do you know?

Elliot: He's at my house remember?

Me: Where do you live?

Elliot: Charles street

Me: Over in 5

I texted Anne and Karla and changed.

*some times later* 

We arrived at Brian's apartment. He lived on the second floor of a three floor apartment. We knocked on it and as soon as we knocked on it, the door opened and Brian stepped out.

iThere were bruises around his ears and they looked like he has been crying. What caught us the most was a pale Elliot lying on his arms. 

We looked up at Brian and he nodded. He bursted into tears in front of us and mumbled something unaudible. "He's gone..." he whispered. 

Karla gasped and rushed over to tried in hopeless attempts to wake Elliot up. I could already felt the tears racing in me.

Why? Why? Why do people I love always end up like this?

Soon, my legs couldn't stand and i kneeled down. I couldn't hold it anymore and let the tears bursted out. Karla laid Elliot down and i gripped onto his shirt. It was white but it was coated by the silver of mercury. 

Why do people I love always end up like this? My father? My mother? Fox? Now Elliot...

Why do people I love...

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