Chapter 9: Friendship

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Dylan's POV

Life has been... hard for me. First Paton, now I had to cope with my parents. My family is all Christian so they were very much against the idea of same sex love. Me? Before I met and liked Paton, I didn't really have any opinion for or against it. I thought that my parents were just making a big deal on it. What waere the consequences anyway? Yes, the population might decreased and the blood line might be stopped but adoption and surrogating were only an option. The bible actually, as I read, didn't denounce homosexuality, than why should we? In fact, our preacher at the main church didn't seem to have anything against gay and lesbian couples. About a million children has been adopted in the USA by gay couples actually.

Today, I decided was the day I come out to my parents, knowing the upcoming consequences of getting out of hand. 

"Father, mother, I have something to tell you..." I said, sitting down a chair. They were watching television that time. "Yes son? You got something to say?" "Yeah..." I replied anxiously. "Well, go ahead, whatcha waiting for?" "Uhmm... I..." I suddenly stopped. I couldn't do this, I just could not. Though they were my parents, I know things were just going to be out of hand. "Is it that serious then?" Father asked. Oh no, here it goes... "I... I like both boys and girls!" I said quickly. They laughed. "Haha son, nice jokes, but next time lets not talk about gays, god forbid us from doing it." He said "No father, I'm serious, I'm... bisexual". They all snapped my head to look at me. "You got to be kidding?" "No, Dad, no mum, I'm not kidding" "Dylan, don't tell me that..." "Yes, I like guys, and girls, I like guys and girls" "I can't stand this... I can't have a faggot running in my house!" "What are there so wrong from loving the one I love? You guys also didn't listen to what grandpa and grandma said anyway!" He looked at me, a bit taken back. 

"Go to your room. Now!" He shouted pointing at the stairs. I walked to my room and passed by my dad. I could hear my dad talk about it downstairs. He got mad and shouted loud enough for me, in my room to hear "I DONT WANT TO SEE THAT PIECE OF GRABAGE ANYWHERE IN MY HOME AGAIN! UNDERSTOOD?" A then a loud bang from which I think was the front door closing. That evening, dinner passed by silently. 

"Dylan" mum said. Dad wasn't home which was odd, he always returned for dinner, not that night. "Yes mum?" I said snapped up. "I think you all you need is a therapist, you're just... sick" Ha, I can't even believe it. "No mum, I'm fine" "No you're not. You like guys, GUYS I SAID" she said more angrily, expressing the word GUYS. "So?" I calmly questioned. "I don't want you to be like those people, I want you wear a proper, black shirt and have a clear job, like a business man, not like those gay artists with pink and glitter" she expressed rather bitterly and angrily with disgust cleared in her voice 

"That's very sexist and very wrong to say, mum" I calmly replied. "NO ITS NOT, NOW YOU BETTER DO WHAT I SAY OR I'LL MAKE YOU" she yelled. I was taken back at this point, I couldn't believe in my ear and mind. No way that's my mum! She's not that demon!

"I'm going to my room" I said, trying to escape from hell. My brother, Chris looked puzzled as ever. I ran upstairs and entered my room. Maybe a refreshing warm shower could reset my mind. I stripped off and walked in. The shower hit my body and really easy my body out. I walked out and put on shorts and a tee. 

There was a knock on my door and I opened it. Fortunately, it was my brother Chris. "Hi Chris" "Dylan!" He said "What was that down there?" "Uhh... nothing?" I lied horribly. "Wow, that was a bad lie. Now tell me about it!" "Fine, just come in and shut the door" I said knowing that there were no ways of backing out. I told him the whole thing. Dylan, the gang, the kiss, the breakup. Then someone crossed my mind. Veira. 

I didn't really pay my focus much on her. She was nice sometimes but something about her reminded me about something, probably after what happened to Billy. She went to look for me in cafeteria with a desperate look. When she told me about what happened, she looked at me with her big, round eyes. How could I say no that? She was trying to save her unfortunate brother. Even since the breakup, I was very lost and Billy helped me get through it easily so this is a good chance for me to pay home back. I've also noticed that Veira really cared for me, she asked me for lunch at her home, she regularly checked on me when she saw me at after class and asked me to come over, helped me out when I got in a mess the gang or the bullies. Wow, how could I be so blinded for a girl like that... 

Play the song to add in special effects! (Hammock - The house where we grew up)

Tanalyna's POV

When I heard about Billy's incident, I was shock, outraged and hurt. We have known each since forever and now, boom, he is laying in the hospital. He was a nice guy, fantastic cook, amazing singer and pianist, a good gentleman and a great friend. I couldn't believe that this school could treat him like sh*t. "Mum, can I visit the hospital today?" I asked my mum sweetly. I love my mum, she sometimes can be cruel and strict but most of all, she was kind and I know for sure that she loves me too. After all, she did it because she cared for me. "Oh dear, sure honey but why would you visit it?" She agreed. I hesistated a while before answered "Billy, he... uh... he got bullied..." I said trying to hold my punch back cause I knew if I didn't then something in this house would break."Gosh, how could it be that bad..." she asked, more like a statement. "Asked the bullies" I replied unintentionally sarcastically. 

We later visited the hospital. "You go check on Billy, I have a friend to see, I'll pick you up in two hours. K?" "Sure mum, have fun!" "Bye sweetie" "Bye mum!" I yelled. I walked to receptionist and a nurse, looking bored of her job looked up and said "Your problem?" "Uh I  wanna see my friend, Billy McDavey please" "Name?" "Tanalyn Kim" I replied. "Room 201 floor 2" she ended. I walked up a stairs feeling a bit paranoid. 

I finally found the room after searching for god knows how long. I opened the door quietly since he was still asleep. I walked over and saw the cut on his lips. "Hey Billy" I smiled. We have been always been good friends, though there were many arguments, some are pointless, but hey, that's what friends do, right? Seriously though, we're nothing more than friends. He's not my lover, he's moRe like a brother, I knew him since like 10. Don't mess it up. "They hurt that you that much didn't they" I could feel myself getting angry. Those scumbag meatheads will have to pay for this! But for now, it's more important for Billy to heal. 

"Well, since you've just been here this Friday, you didn't miss much. Well, except for the lunch, we had a crazy food fight. Elliot broke it out first and didn't end until Veira came. That was when everything took a turn. But anyway, English was boring without you. Nobody was there to mock the cheesy old poems, dramatic love stories and complex English principals" he didn't say anything. Apart from the few footsteps outside then everything was surrounded by silence. I couldn't stand it. I sat on a chair looked at him peacefully sleeping. He got some bruise and cut under the shirt but otherwise, he slept peacefully. At least he can rest now. "Don't worry anything now bud, it's better for you to rest well. I don't want ya to be a wimp at school!" I tried to cheered up the dim mood. 

He opened up his eyes slowly and halfly opened his eyes. "Tanalyn?" "That's my name". He chuckled. "Good, I miss that smile. Now what did those bastards did to you?" He smiled. "Just some punch and kick, nothing really serious" he sheepishly said. "You never learn do you?" I sighed. He is such an oddly, too easy-going kid, too forgiving. He just smirked.

We talked for a while, catching up what he missed, not much. There was a pipe connecting with his arm, and a red fluid ran through it. I guessed that was blood. I will tear those animals apart! I have made my friend this miserable! Just then, the doctor came in. "Billy, we will... have to check up for you a bit" he said. 

I assumed it was time for me to go home anyway. I walked out and bumped into his brother and sister. His brother, Paton has always taken good care care of him, which was I was more than happy for my pal. His sister, Veira, they were pretty close. She always made sure he was fine, healthy and happy. His brother always kept him protected under his wing. Still, the bullies managed to slip under Paton's guard and took it their advantages. 

Paton gave me a charming smile and walked off. Veira gave me a welcoming smile and just said hi. However, I can smell something suspicious under their skin...

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