Chapter 33: First date (pt.2)

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Meryl's POV
"We're escaping the goodie two shoes town tonight" he winked "Sometimes you just have to let it all go and say whatever" he smiled and threw the piece of rope, which he has just picked out of his Canva messenger bag, over the wall. "You wanna go first?" He asked and passed me the ropes pull of knots, after he pulled it to secure that it was safe to climb. I nodded and started climbing, struggled a bit but I've climbed a lot before so it was fine. I landed on the other side and so did he. He smiled at me "So, what first?" I looked around and oh my gosh, the zoo was completely empty, just the both of us and the animals! IT FELT LIKE A DREAM COMES TRUE!!

Even though I knew I was doing something against the law and could end up at the police station but who cares? Just like he said, sometimes, let's just say YOLO and enjoy life!

I could feel the excitement or Serotonin rose in my blood at the thought of visiting one of the best place on earth with one of best people, only him, and the animals. I couldn't wait to let my curiosity sparks fly anymore. I gave him a huge smile and started rushing towards the elephant exhibit. I waved my hands trying to grab his attention even though it was useless. I turned around to look at Paton who was rolling on the grass laughing. I scowled at him and sudden, a warm but wet sensation covered my hand. I remembered my hand and arm was still sticking out so that must mean...
I froze there, not knowing what to do nor what to expect. I turned around slowly and found a cute elephant with its trunk covering my arm. I could help but shouted "AWWWEEEEEE". The animal was an absolute cutie. How could you resist to something like that?! "You're so cuteeee" I said in awe as I patted his head. It was one of my favourite moment ever, getting your hand stacked in the trunk of an elephant.
Paton laughed and walked over. "You good? Sounds like I've been replaced" he greeted and patted the cute animal's head. "Yeah, I'm good. And no, you're not replaced, your place is just being... borrowed" I said with a sheepish smile and he faked a frown. The elephant let go of my arm and we visited from places to place. Throughout the entire time, I could see that Paton was enjoying my clingy and energetic side.

Then we visited the seal exhibit. I stood there but didn't see any of them. Paton sat on a nearby bench and watched as I tried to look for a seal. He walked over with a timid smile and started "Ya trying to find one?" "Yeah..." "You know, seals are Karla's favourite animals. Try to look more caref-" he got scared by an upcoming seal from out of the water. "Oh lord that scared the eph out of me" he said as he tried to control his breath. I bursted into laughter. After about two minutes, I finally stopped, not completely but mostly. His face and reaction were so funny and un-describable. He pretended to scowl and frown. 

I poked him in the cheek "Oh come on, you must admit that was funny" "Fine Fine, I will admit, that was hilarious" he put his hand up in defeat and laughed. We were about to walk to the exit but a voice shouted "What are you kids doing here?". Immediately, we took off running. I ran ahead back to the rope and started climbing back. We got outside and ran to the main road, after almost fell into a lake.

We finally cut him off and sat on bench. We bursted out laughing un-controllably hard. "Come on, I got one last place" he motioned. We walked on the pavement to 'the place'. After half an hour of walking, we reached it. It was the same place we met. I sat down on the bench and looked out to the pond. He sat down and closed his eyes. I have seen this expression before, he's probably stress. "You okay? You don't look like so" I asked. "Yeah, of course, I'm fine. Why? This is our first date, I shouldn't make worry" he smiled innocently. I shoot him a suspicious stare and then just laughed it off. He then stood up and dug into the bushes. I didn't remember there were something interesting behind those plants.

I followed him and we ended up standing on a cliff, staring into the city lights. "Oh. My. Gosh. This is beautiful!" I shouted. "I know" he exhaled and smiled "I came here every time I was stress ever since you left, I didn't discover this place until... Fox died" he sighed. "Wait what? Fox's.... dead?" "Yeah..." he sat down and pulled out something of the bush, hopefully not a gun. "I heard that you like pizza?" He said as he pulled out a pizza box. "I do! How do you know?" I awed. This guy knows me, I couldn't like him more, he bought me pizza, for our first date! That's my favourite food! I blushed a bit but the makeup covered it up. "What kind is it?" "Cheese and pepperoni" "Oh gosh, that's all I need, no need for flowers or chocolate!" I shouted. Seriously, to me, those things are really stereotype, all I need right now is my bae and my pizza.

I took a piece out and started munching on it as he mirrored my actions. We sat in silence as we finished two boxes of pizza. I then remembered something, he knew all too well about me but I knew too little about him. Apart from his favourite birthday, his current family situation, his work and study then I'm pretty much blind about my boyfriend. I know, I'm a bad girlfriend "You know, it's always me who talked stuff about myself" "Then how can I talk about you? I don't know much about you" "Ha, ridiculous, you knew my family, my interest for animals, my favourite food, hobbies, dreams, goals, likes and even more, but me to you? Not so much" "Okay fine, I'll admit I do have fair knowledge about you" he admitted. 'Knowledge'? Like I'm some sort of out of space creatures? That's a weird word to use here. "Lets start your introduction. You know what, I got a better idea, a Q & A" I suggested. He nodded with a smile. 

Play the song to add special effects! (Nick Jonas - Introducing me (Camp Rock 2: The last jam))

"Favourite colour?" I started putting basics questions. "Blue" "Favourite food?" "Ah, donut!" "Favourite animals?" "Beavers" "Beavers?" "Yeah" "Favourite travel destination?" "In the past or future?" "Past and future" "Seoul and Busan, ninth grade and junior year and Paris" "Hobby?" "Uh... I don't know, play the guitar?" "You do?" "Yeah..." "Favourite arts subject?" "Theatre and drama" "Wow, I didn't know you act" "I did and do" he winked. Cool. That's enough for the basics I guess. "Goals?" "Make myself and my family proud and happy" "University life?" "Mechatronics in Canada" "Awweee... but then you'll have to leave me behind" "Sorry babe..." "It's okay, I get it, it's your future. Anyway, dream job?" "Engineer and teacher" "How about your parents? I haven't seen them anywhere" "Uh... can I... not talk about it... at least not right now?" He asked sadly while looking down at his boots. "Yeah sure, no pressure" "Family? Like uncle and aunts" "Not now" "Okay okay... what do you like best about yourself?" "I don't really know, my wildness?" "Cool. Describe yourself in three words" "Crazy, weird and a run-a-way lonely wolf" "Really? You don't seem to be that crazy to me" "Is it bad?" "I guess not" "Good" he smiled and looked into the city lights. I stared at him. He had a nice bone structure, fantastic eyes and nice hair actually. "What made you went all the way to Kansas that night? You better not say you knew I was there" "Well, some stuff happened, stress, run away, just like usual" "Hold on, usual? Stuff? Stress? What happened?" "Lets not... talk about it... not now" he sighed. He was keeping a lot of secrets from me that it started to creep me out

"One last question: why me? Why in all of the girls, me, a stupid, vulnerable girl in the middle of nowhere?" I asked curiously to make sure he wasn't playing with me. He looked thoughtful for a while and looked at me deeply in the eyes and smiled "You're... talented, I mean you could make an entire living just out of your pictures and paintings. Your determination and never-give-up attitude, they just boost my motivation and goals when I tripped down the stairs of failure. Not to mention your cuteness and timid personality, like at the zoo? You were a whole different person, a complete cute girl who got her arm wrapped up by a trunk of an elephant but still got excited and energetic. And your smile too, they were one of my deepest memories ever since you left and they were one of the things left to help me get me on my feets believing that you were somewhere safe beside me. But overall... I don't know, but you know what they say, true love has no reasons and boundaries".

Did he just say that... word? The word? I looked a bit surprised. Was he dropping hint or was it a total accident? I soon snapped out of trains of thoughts as he asked me "Your turn, why, in all of the dudes in this world? Pick this lonely, worthless, broken wolf?" He smiled that charming smile. I smiled and answered "Cause, never have I ever felt so happy beside a person than I did when you were around. Nobody has really been there to listen to me as much as you did, nobody has appreciated my works as much as you did, nobody has cared for me as you did, nobody has... loved me as myself as much as you did" I blushed but smiled at the same time. He pulled me in and our lips touched. They were wet and enjoyable to mine. I didn't want to let go but gradually, we let go and looked down at our feet with our own thoughts. Sometimes silence is the best answer.

After sitting there for about half an hour more, we stood up and took a taxi home. And that was how my day went, more like my first date. Simple but meaningful. Half way home, I fell asleep but I could still feel him carry me up to his bed even though I was unconscious. Maybe I have fell in love with this lonely, worthless, broken wolf...

So, guys, how was their first date went? Let me know in the comments! Even though they were none but I still enjoy writing this story. Oh well, practice makes perfect! Hopefully it's not as bad as I felt it is

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