Chapter 24: Falling apart (pt.2)

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*a few days later*
Daniel's POV (In case you don't remember, Daniel was Paton's co-worker, also Jack's brother, and Jack is Paton's teammates, who had the football match with him before)
It was almost four and class was almost done. "College life" I muttered under my breath. "Mr. Yufrey, what's the answer for number four?" The professor asked. Without looking to the board, I answered "wheel and sailing, sir" "Correct" he nodded. This is not what I expected this class to be, an unlimited boredom ville. I studied transportation, automobile and civil engineering. I enjoy most of them, not this one. One of the other reasons why I worked as a mechanic was to a better view of being an engineer and engines. Other than that, the main reason was because of my student loan, my family didn't have enough money to pay the education fee so I had to get a part time job. I enjoy both my studies and my work actually. "Class dismiss" the professeur declared. Everybody exited the classroom while I sat for an extra while to take some more notes before leaving. Then I came up his desk with a question "Mr. Whiteville, if V is km/hour and R is radius of the curve, what is the super elevation equal to?" "Hmm... that's a very good question, then it would be equal to V square divided by 225 times R" "Oh okay, then To compensate the loss of tractive force of vehicles along curves of radius R, the percentage reduction of gradient, is...?" I trailed off. "75 over R, is there anymore?" "Uhmmm... doesn't seem so. Thank you Mr. Whiteville." "My pleasure" he smiled.
I walked out of the classroom and reached my dorm. I took a quick shower and met up with Tyler, my roommate. "Hey dude, how was physical chemistry?" "I'm diene-ing" i gave him a poker face. "You know I suck at organic chemistry" "Fine, diene is unsaturated hydrocarbon with two double bonds between carbon atoms, you know, used in natural rubber" he winked. "Uh huh, I ampere-y shocked with watt you current-ly know. But until I study about it, don't conduct it again or you'll get hertz" I joked. "Dang, too many cheesy but Gouda puns" he gasped dramatically. He both bursted into laughter. Then I look at my phone and saw it pointed twenty past four. "Look, I have work today, see you later comrade!" I salute him. I walked out of the building and rode on my bike.
I reached there just in time and started fixing one of the car I was given to fix. Paton hasn't showed up at work lately. Odd. I worked for about ten minutes when I sound broke my focus. I looked up and saw a Paton with wrench and screws. I smirked and ask "Hey little bud, where have you been lately?". He continued working and answered with a sigh "It's just... some family business...". "Paton! Come over here" a voice shouted. Paton sighed and ran over. So, he wasn't in a good mood say? He left his phone in the tool box and jogged over. Then, the phone lit up and buzzed. It read 'Billy'. "Paton, Billy is calling you" I yelled. "Just pick up and if he ask, say that I'm not here and you found this phone... somewhere". I looked at the profile file and find a pretty cute guy picture. Billy, honestly, is cute. Wait did I just said that? Okay then... I picked up and immediately a sweet but stern voice said through the phone "Hello? Paton? Where are you?" "Paton isn't here. I found this phone... in a..." oh god where? I started to panic and spited it out "in a tool box!" "Okayyy... that's weird. Can you tell me where you are? I'll fetch it up as soon as possible" he offered. "No it's okay, I'll come to your place, there's no need to come here" "No, that'll cause you..." "It'll be okay, nine tomorrow morning?" "Well... if you're comfortable with it..." "It's okay" "Okay then come to..." he gave me the address. Honestly, it was a bit creepy that you'll let a stranger who picked up your relative's phone and claimed that that person has left it there and offer to return it, what if that person kidnapped the relative and now is on the hunt for his family too?
I threw that thought aside and went back into the conversation. "Sure, thanks" i smiled, finally get to see this cute kid. What did I say that? No, I'm not gay, definitely not, uh uh, nope....   Am I?
Paton returned and continued his work. A person, looking like a lawyer walked into the garage and asked some employees if he could talk to the manager of the garage. Uh no, what's happening, surely this garage couldn't close because of low profit, we had enough money to pay for the tax and the salaries, so why close it? No, it couldn't be, so cross out the possibility that the building was going to close. What else...
The lawyer walked back to his car and drove away. The manager walked back to his office, frighten. Oh no, what is it this time? Our manager was a good and smart guy, I know, rare but exist. He paid the bill like order and treated his employees fair and square. Then the speaker read "All employees, come to my office now, now. Repeat, all employees come to my office now." He said. We all looked up at the speaker with eyes full of wonder and horror of what was going to happen. If I lose this job then I couldn't afford to pay for my education anymore, which is an absolute worst.

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