Chapter 5: Dylan, I'm sorry...

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Play the song! Also, there's a picture of Karla

Paton's POV

The next morning, for some reason I kept waking up early so I decided to, again, go for a run. I ran to the same destination and sat down on the bench. Everything was very quiet. My wolf was enjoying itself. It's been a while actually simce I shifted into a wolf and strolled into a run across the forest. I sat there and closed my eyes and wandered off to the last time. 

Meryl, she must have had something harsh on the shoulder. I wonder what... beside that, she's an art genius, very smart and artistic. She was also crafty, as I witnessed from art class. It's something we had in common, we're both very crafty. However, beside that, we were almost opposites poles. Im quite more mature, don't talk much, rather the quiet. loves science, careful. She's more childish, at least from what I see, doesn't talk much, rather has music, loves art and very carefree. 

She had dark, shoulder-length hair that she would usually tie up in a messy bun, round bright green eyes and a bit short, but over she's very cute, I wonder why many people didn't like her...

"Oh hey... Paton" she said as snapped my head up to met those beautiful, emerald eyes. It took me a while to responsed "uh... hey... Meryl..." it's hard to slip a word out with those beautiful gazes. "Come... sat uh I mean sit..." with that, she just giggles. "So why're you here? And at this time? The sun has barely risen over the mountains?" "Ugh, just family problems" "Really?" "Yeah, they kept nagging me to choose medics over art but I know that's not what I want" she said. It must be tough for her to live with parents like that. She has opened a bit more to me, which I was very glad about. 

We sat in silence. Suddenly, she turned to me "Hey, have ever... kissed before?" She asked while playing with her index finger and blushed. I must admit, she's more than adorable when she blushed, most adorable of all I had to add. I was too caught up in her cuteness that I forgot to answer the question. "Sorry?" "Have you... ever kissed before?" "Uhmmm... why you asked?" I answered hesitantly trying to explain my answer in my mind. "Nothing, just wondering" she said showing some nervous, which I could smell from her sweats even though it's quite cold in the morning. "You don't have to answer it if you're uncomfortable" she quickly added. "Well... yeah... yes, I had..." I said trailing off at the end. I looked at my watch and noticed it was almost time for us to go. "Uhmmm... hey Meryl... it's almost six" I said. She seemed like about to say somthing but regretted it. "Yeah, lets go" she said. 

I jogged back to my apartment. I arrived home, unlocked the door and found a sleepy Billy and a sleepy Veira eating cereal like zombies eating brain. Those twos are not much of a morning bird. "Morning" I greeted. Billy looked up and finally muttered lazily "morning" . I made myself breakfast, just cereal and finished amongst the others. I grabbed my bag and head out first to wait for the lift. The morning light and air was refreshing, full of excitement. The corridors were completely empty. I stepped in the lift with the other two but they were busy discussing about god knows what. 

I entered the empty halls and immediately spotted Azel and Alistair talking to each other. Those twos always stick together. Dylan was standing at my locker, looking gorgeous as usual. His look really made me feel guilty. I couldn't break his heart like this... but if I continues it'll get worse... my feelings for Meryl is clearly much more passionate than to Dylan... but he would be devastated if I broke up... ughhh this is sooo complicated! Why, in all of the sexuality, I'm bi like why can't I just be straight or gay? It's a lot more easier to love. No offence. "Oh hey! Paton" gave me a clear smile. His eyes showed pure happiness. I just couldn't, not now... "Paton? You okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, why?" "You just looked very lost there. Anyway,... I was wondering if... you want to go on a date with me?" He asked. Oh no! No no no no. Dylan, as much as you like me, I just... can't... I really want you to know the truth but I knew it would broke his heart more than anything, more than ice cream being dropped.

Again, it's better now than when he's head over heels in love with me. Welp, here goes nothing "uhhh... Dylan... sorry, I can't"

Billy's POV

I walked along the empty corridors and accidentally bumped into this girl. She's pretty, not gonna lie. I think I've met her somewhere around school... chemistry maybe? But anyway, we bumped into each other and she dropped her books. I helped her pick them up and we bumped our heads instead, she chuckled while I smiled sheepishly. She's really cute with her giggles... "Thank you" she thanked "I'm Anne" now that sounds familiar! "Uh yeah, it's alright,  it's my fault after all. I'm Billy" I introduced "Have I seen you around school before?" I asked to keep up the conversation "I think so, I'm best friend with Christina... oh yeah! Music class!" "Rightttt" "You can play the piano very well dude! Like professionally, where did you learn to play like that?" She said with a light punch on my shoulder playfully. I can already feel myself blush. Snap it together Billy! You're not a fan girl! Be strong! "Uh yeah... I learned it myself..." I finally managed to get out. I've never imagined talking with a girl could be this hard!

"You sing very well" I said. It is true, she is one of the best singer around school, and yet, I managed to forget her! Such a dork I am! "Well thank you" she giggled. I could feel myself blushed even more, live the blood is going to overflow my cheeks any minute now. "Well I got to get class, see you around, pianist" she giggled before heading towards her class. "Yeah... I hope so" and that, I lost in my dreams and thoughts.

Yay! First one with Billy's POV!!! How did you guys think? What should he do next? If you're interested, leave a comment!

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