Chapter 18: The truth untold

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*a week later*

Paton's POV

Everything still moved on. Billy came home happily and I dyed my hair black with a bit of blue highlight on top, put it in a quiff and started to use a bit of lipstick to hide from the hunters. This will go on for about a month until they'll move on. I've contacted the pack and they promised to protect me from the hunters. So far so good. Also, Veira has volunteered to be apart of the campaign. She would help when we expose them. Billy tried to convince us to stop the plans but the others didn't listen. To be honest, ever since I had my wide-spread reputation, many people has been flirting with me. No thanks. However, one notable good thing was the bullying has been decreasing lately. Alex lost his fame and became more aggressive and sensitively than ever, which gain some hates from his friends and minions. For some reason, one other day, the came up to me and started to be friendly. I mean, since I was on the 'cool' club now, I had to sit at the 'famous' table. It was not an easy experience sitting there, I just couldn't understand their humour and jokes like they do. Now, not only are the used-to-be bullies stopped, except for some stubborn people, some of them has been nicer and more accepting, which was great. Still, the gang wasn't convinced yet.

Oh, and Fox moved into my school! Best friends reunited! We hung out lots of the time, after work and practices of course! I noticed that Tanalyna has been having an eye on him. Welp, there goes another couple.

Today was Saturday, which means I have no work, no studies. I was just walking home from Eliot's house. He said the hacking got into some sort of trouble so we saved our progress onto a hardware. I was just walking home when I felt somebody grabbed something from my pant's pockets and ran ahead of me. I chased after him. "Thief!" I shouted. He turned into small corner and then turned again. From the back, he looked... familiar... when I almost grabbed him, we reached a dead end. Perfect. I finally reached him and held him back by the collar. I pinned him on the wall in my arms. "Give me my wallet back!" "Ha, nice try" Who are you?!" I shouted angrily but something tells my wolf instinct that he knew me. I was on full guard for anything to happened, hopefully not hunters. He looked up and all I could do was gasped.


"Hey Paton" he smiled with a tint of pain in his smile.

"Oh. My. Lord...Dylan! Where have you been! Why didn't you go to school! We were soooo... worried about you! I exclaimed. I was in total schooled and was bucketed with a ton of puzzling questions. But then, the main question hit me. What was he doing here? Pick pocketing people? "What are you doing here? And why did you nick me?" "It's a long story..." he sighed "But I live here now!" He smiled. "You what?" "I... don't have a permanent home anymore" he said happily. He must be crazy. "No, you must be joking, show me your shelter!" "No, I'm not. If you don't believe me, come." He said. We walked along the alley way and came to a dark, dry corner where a tent was set up. This guy was insane! No way, no more night sleeping here! "Uh uh, no way, young man, you're not spending here another night! You're coming home. How about your family? They must be worried!" "No they aren't... lets not talk about it" he sighed. At this point, I had a theory in what happened but just don't exactly knew why it happened. Then, I saw the birds, which were standing there, looking around, immediately flew up without any cause. I then heard footsteps and I immediately knew my move. I quickly commanded him "Dude, pack up, we're going to my house. Now, you're not safe here, not for the next minutes" "I'll just cause more trouble..." "NOW!" I yelled. He grabbed his backpack, but a few things in and returned within a minute. I looked around. The footsteps were getting closer.
I took off my clothes and told him to put it in his backpack. I shifted into my wolf form, though I knew it was very risky, but this would still be better than getting caught by the hunters. "What the...?" He confused. "Get on, NOW" I commanded. He hop on and I jumped on the trash can and over the walls. I ran straightly to the greenest and least populated area nearby, which was a small land covered by trees, not a park or a forest. I ran through the woods and felt Dylan holding onto me tight. I stopped at the near end. He got down and I changed back. We were near the school. I put on my clothes and ran to the bus stop nearby. This was out of plan. We took the bus home. Throughout the entire trip, we didn't talk but instead sat in silence. It may be rude or insensitive of me to talk about what happened now.
We got home and I bursted through the door. Veira looked as if she was in a lockdown. I walked him over to my room. "Dude, even though what happened, I still care for you, as a friend. I want to keep you safe and happy. It is your decision to stay at here, but remember that we would always welcome you with open arms and that where you were staying was very dangerous. Even more so now, so it's best if you don't return and risk your own life" I warned. "But first, you got some explaining to do. What happened there? For a moment you were in shape of a human and the next thing, boom, you're a huge wolf. Are you... a werewolf?" He asked. I paused for a while thinking about the answer. There are no better answer than the answer yes.
"Yes" I sighed. "And secondly, why did you said it was dangerous to stay there more so now?" "Cause... lets see.... where do I start... okay, so, every state has at least a pack that a wolf belongs in. Then there are hunters, who hunt werewolves because of our difference and the stereotypical thought of 'werewolves are dangerous'. Our species now are falling in great danger and are doing everything to conquer this war. And me, myself has been spotted by a hunter. In fact, my mother was killed by a vampire hunter." "Wait, your mum is a werewolf? So how are you a..." "My dad's a werewolf" "What else?" He suspected. "Veira's a vampire." "What about Billy?" "He's... normal" "I don't trust you""He's adopted" I finally let go. "That's more like it" he smirked. His stomach growled for the entire world to know that it was hungry. "I'll tell Billy to make you something to eat" I instructed. "Hold on, one last thing, what's with the hair? I remember it was wavy brown and usually in a bang, what's with the sudden change?" "Aww, you still remember it, how cute" I teased. "Well, as I said before, I have been noticed by the hunters and now, they were probably looking for me at every corner of town. It would be over in... around two weeks" I informed him. He just nodded and walked in the shower. I walked out of the room and sighed.
"Where did you find Dylan?" Veira asked excitedly. She looked like a she's almost dead Nemo which has just returned into the water. "Why are you so excited? Is it because it's Dylannn?" I teased, mesmerizing the word Dylan. He punched with her elbow on the shoulder. "Shut up" she giggled "Now tell me, the whole story". I told Billy, who was watching Master Chief interestingly. He loves that show
I sat her down and told her the whole story, including that Dylan found out about the truth. He's reliable I would say. "Wait, does he know I'm adopted?" Billy's curiosity slipped. "Yeah..." I said. "Well, now that the truth is out, we'll have to keep him safe and shush at all cost" Veira said seriously. "Agree" I nodded. No way am I letting my best friend fall into the hands of those hunters! "However, he didn't explained why he was there though. I think it would be better if you listen to him, I mean, your bonds would tighten more!" I suggested. Sis thought for a while and decided to give it a try. My room door opened and he walked out. We all looked at him with a holy-crap-you-scared-the-ass-out-of-me look. He just replied with a 'what?'.
He began digging into his food like a beast. He must be real hungry. Poor guy...
After eating, Veira talked to him about what happened. I hope she could get at least something out. Also, I hope their relationship could put a step further with his stay here.
Well, Dylan has been found, where are you Meryl...

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