Chapter 3: Friendship or love?

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Hey guys! If you made it here, I'm glad! I worked really hard on my first story but I know it's very cringy and boring, I'm sorry! Beside that, please leave a vote and any comment would be appreciated!

Paton's POV

It's been a couple of weeks since Dylan came in. He's a cool guy, I really enjoy being friend with him. My sister is up to something secret, she's acting very suspicious but it's probably just the vampire culture. I don't know. Anyway, today I arrived at school early. I just walk to my locker to get my things and walked into class. 

First class, maths. I always sit next to him. I don't know why, I don't often speak in class, just pay attention to the teacher and takes note but some how sticking around Dylan makes me feel more confident. 

Speaking of him, he came sitting down next to me. "Hey dude, did you hear about the party tonight? At Alex's house?" He informed. "I haven't heard of it, why?" "I'm just wondering if you know, you wanna go? We can both go" "I don't know man, I'm not a party animal" I said. Ha, how ironic. "Dude, come on, we can have fun!" "Gee, I got work too... " I remembered. "What time are you done?" "Eight?" "Party starts around that time, I'll pick you up at your apartment" he offered. "No thanks" I denied. "There are some food that you might like" and with that, my wolf took over my body and nodded in agreement. Ugh, food, my weakness. 

At lunch, Dylan invited some others and after a while, everybody, except for Elliot agreed. Even my sister is coming. I was surprised, oh well, friends stick together forever. The rest of day flew by, quick - I may added, and by eight, I arrived home, took a shower, put on a white and black button up shirt, black jeans, white socks and black converse. And don't even ask, black and white isn't my favourite colour, but i like them as much as they fit me. My phone vibrated on the bed making a bee-like noise. I'm quite irrated by that noise actually, yes, I have OCD. 

"Hello?" I picked up. "Hey dude! I'm here!" He spoke. "K k hold on I'm coming". I walked out, feeling fresh and shouted "Sis, bro, it's time to go!" Though Billy is already done and sitting on the couch, my sister is still a bit unprepared but she managed to made it in time to come out. Girls... why do you have to overdress? Sometimes I can't understand their gender. Oh well

We arrived at the party shortly after. How delightful, already a bunch of drunk people on the porch. Ew. I did my best to walked into the house but I knew I must have stepped on people at least twice, almost tripped three times and almost got puked on once. Why did I agree in the first place... but beside me, most of the gang has arrived and really enjoyed themselves. Andrew just sat on a chair and when Billy walked by he immediately grab Billy into his arms and sat there cuddling like a lion and it's prey. "Dude what's wrong with you!" Billy cried. "Nah he just got some cuddling issues" I explained. Billy sat there with an 'o' on his mouth and calmly relaxed. Andrew exclaimed "You know, you're really comfortable, your name might as well be teddy" Andrew didn't reply. These two are funny but cute at the same time

After a while of being push and pull like I'm the rope in tug of war, I lost my eyes on my sister and Bill. I walked upstairs into one of the bedroom and saw a crowd of people chit chatting. At least it's much more quiet here and thus, I spotted Dylan in here. I came over to him and noticed that he was a bit drunk, not as drunk as the others but still drunk. He gave me a cup of who knows what. Man, with his hair being slightly ruffled, he looked handsome, well he was handsome from the first day but I never got to see him like now. I smirked and he just lied down the bed. 

Suddenly, a guy shouted, "Hey lets play Truth or Dare!" Oh my lord, that's the worst game you could possibly play whilst you're drunk. And he must be drunk too to come up with such an idea. This is not going to end well. Just as my expectations, these people are all fully drunk and agreed. The first few people all chose dare, one dare was to lick your elbow, which I was surprised that he could actuslly did that, then they dared a girl to lick the floor. NO way am I doing that I thought. Then they dared another a girl to made out a girl. She was probably too drunk to even remember a word and she agreed. She was really really really drunk. They even captured the whole thing on tape. 

I tried to pull Dylan out of it but he denied and decided to stay, which was one of the most stupid decision ever. And to my luck, he chose dare. Great, now I had to witness my best friend do stupid things. "We dared you..." the game leader said to Dylan "to kiss Paton..." he said, followed by a hiccup. NO WAY NO WAY. IM NOT GOING TO KISS MY BEST FRIEND EVEN IF IM GAY. I tried to escape the room but seemed like they all blocked the door "NO WAY" I shouted. They all laughed and told me to just end it. 

Dylan seemed indifferent since he was drunk and put no attention to who or what he was doing. FINE, LETS GET THIS DONE WITH, "Fine" I groaned. With that being said, I faced Dylan. He was gorgeous... let's do this... I pulled him closer, wrapped my arms around his waist and put my lips on his. They were so soft, and wet... my inside wolf was taking over, I couldn't control myself at that point anymore and let my wolf be dominant. He put his arms around my neck and I put my hands on his cheek. Hence, I pulled him closer, and push my tongue to his mouth which he gladly welcomed. We did this for around 5 minutes and pulled away.Boy that was the most amazing feeling ever. I could feel butterflies in my stomach and my body gave a weird sensation of happiness. He gave me a smirked while I just smiled. 

I looked out the corridor and saw Meryl was standing there, watching me made out with Dylan, my best friend. Her face was a bit shock and sad. "Oh... hey... I didn't know you were coming..." "Neither did I" she answered with a sad smile. "Look, I got to go... uhmmm... see you on Monday, Paton" "Uh... yeah... see you later" I said before turning around and grab Dylan's wrist "We got to get out of here bud! Lets go!" "But I wanna stay mommy, the ice cream tastes like my keyboard, and the aliens don't wear hat so I want purple" and with that, I grab him, pulling him to the next room. At least Zac, Karla and Veira were in they. They were in here playing video games the whole time.

When I opened the door, they all had the holy-crap-you-scared-the-ass-out-of-me look. "Guys lets go! Chop chop!" I said turning around and dragged Dylan downstairs. Before I could stepped any further, I saw Bill fell asleep in Andrew's embrace. They look so cute together! I quickly took out my phone snapped a picture. "Wake up lover boys!" I woke. They were halfly conscious halfly not. Andrew, Zac and Karla carpooled together while me, Veira, Zac and Billy shared the car. 

Since Zac is drunk, Billy is almost asleep and Veira can't see clearly in the dark, I had to drive, without license of course, we always either took the bus or walk at home. Luckily, I did know how to drive. This shall be easy. I stepped on the pedal and switch into forward, turn the steering  wheel around we shall be good. Oh crab, I might steered too much and hit the trash can. Shove that off and continue driving I told myself. The drive home was... peaceful, though we hit a mailbox, cross a red light and almost hit a car and a pedestrian. It could have been worse, could it?

Since I didn't know Dylan's address, I drove him home. I carried him as if we've just been married and sister carried Billy. Veira laid Billy on his bed and returned to his. Welp, I guess I'm sharing my bed with Dylan. I stripped into nothing but boxers and put my pyjama on. He laid there motionless as I pull out his shoes, socks and pulled out his jacket. To be fair, he still looked cute when he's drunk. 

I pulled the covers up and shut the light. Suddenly I felt an arm wrapped around my waist. "Dylan..." I tried to woke. It was useless. "Paton" he moaned "When will you know..." I stopped to waking him up, being more interested in what he's saying. "When will I know what?" I asked. "When will you know... that..." he unconsciously said. "That?" I questioned.  He finally opened up to say "I like you"

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