Chapter 24: The great escape

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Hey guys, so far I really enjoy writing this story though it didn't quite grab much of attention. Thanks for any comments or votes!
Play the song to add special effects! (Lady Antebellum - Need you now (acoustic version))
Meryl's POV
It was two in morning. I looked out of the window. My room is on the second floor so jumping out may not be the best escape route. I thought for a while. A ha! The blanket and bed sheets! I pulled them out and tied them into a rope with several knots for me to climb out. I packed everything, literally EVERYTHING that I brought here. One lucky thing of cleaning from places to places was that you could sneak into them and grab anything you want. I managed to grab back my phone and some of the stuff they kept. I let my suitcase slide down first. It slid down and next my backpack and me. I slid down, pull down the rope and kept it. I ran for a while and got tired, yet I wasn't out of the school square. I decided to ditch everything so I buried them under a bush near the fence. I brought nothing aside me except my phone and wallet. Then I heard a voice shouted "Over there!". "Oh crap" I muttered. I ran as fast as could to the nearby road. This place was in middle of nowhere. They were catching up. Crap. A car soon appeared in vision and I waved my hand. "Please please please pull up" I prayed. Fortunate enough, the car stop and a man asked "Need a ride?" "Yes sir" "Hop on". I hopped into the passenger and he drove away. A few minutes later, I turned back and I saw the guards staying by the road and soon, the outline of the school disappeared. I sighed in relief. "So what are you doing here, in a nowhere place. You're not even near Cheyenne" "Wait, is it far from Cheyenne?" "Well, we should be there in an hour. Where are you going?" He asked. I told him everything and he just listen in silence. "That's very unfortunate of you. My name's Phorsythe Pendleton Jones. You know, here in Wyoming, it's not a place for you to be running around. Listen, I'm working for the Union Pacific and I could sneak you in to return home but you need to be full cautious. Now, we're three hours away from Cheyenne. Once we're there, I'll sneak you into a train which is going to leave at seven in the morning. I'll buy some food and some drink but otherwise than that, I'm afraid I couldn't help you any further. So, the train is going to leave from Cheyenne and arrive at Omaha, Nebraska in about ten hours. Then from Omaha to Topeka and from Topeka to Denver. There's a train from Cheyenne to Denver but it wouldn't run until next week and the security is very strict. That's all I could help you with" "Thank... you... very much. That's all I need, sir. Thank you very much sir!" I replied with astonishment that somebody is willing to help me to get home. Thank god for the good people still alive...
*3 hours later*
I grabbed all of the food and drink he gave me and ran into a train cargo while he distracted the guard. "Thanks a lot, sir!" I whispered the last time. "It's okay, I'm going to have to go now before they could catch me!" He said and jogged away. I sneaked into a hidden spot and close the cargo doors. I leant between the corners and soon fell asleep.
*some times later*
I woke up by the bright sunlight hitting my face and some loud noises. I yawned and looked around, not remembering that I was on a train. So this what the holocaust feel like? No offence. My back was soaring and my stomach was growling. I remembered that I haven't eaten anything. I unpacked a sandwich and dug into it. After it I just sit there and look around. After like an hour, I stood up and peaked out of the cargo door's peak. Everything was moving so fast that I felt like I was the flash. I chuckled to myself at that thought. The cargo train was a bit full of things that maybe I shouldn't look in. Regardless of that thought, I opened one of the box. It contained some clothes. I picked up one of the jacket and the memories hit.
*memories hit in*
I punched his arm jokingly and laughed. Such a dork. "Im telling you, crabs have their ears at their feet!" He teased. "And why should I believe that?" I scolded with a grin. "If you made loud noise at a crab with legs, would it crawl away?" "Well if it could hear it then yes" "And to a crab without legs?" "How could it crawl away without their legs?" "Exactly, that proves that crabs have their ears at their feet" he smiled. I laughed my socks off slabbed him playfully. He gasped dramatically and said "You there to slab me?" "What if I do? Beside I've already did?" "You monster" he gasped and putting his hand on his chest and laughed. Soon, we returned into silence and just sat there. A wind passed by and I sneezed. It was a cold morning to be fair. Then, I could feel something soft put over my should and back. I turned around and noticed what was happening "It's oka-" "Just where it. If you get sick, there wouldn't be anybody for me to listen to about their complaints" he said. I laughed and put it on. His jacket was very warm. I looked his watch and it showed ten to six. "Hey we should..." "head back? Great idea" he smiled. I stood up and just when I was going to pull out the jacket, he stopped "Just keep, you can give it back to me whenever you want". "Okay then... meet me early in the senior year and you'll be rewarded with this" I joked like a queen
*back to reality*
I sat there and wrapped myself with the jacket. It was getting colder since winter was coming. I later fell asleep.
*five hours later*
I woke up to the sound of the train horn and it slowing down. I guess we're close to a station. "I looked out and saw that there were more train tracks and cargos and trains now. I looked at my phone. Only two in the afternoon? It meant that I've only been asleep for about three to hours so I'm somewhere between Omaha and Cheyenne. I thought I was a bit further from the border of Nebraska and Wyoming. I peaked out the door again and I saw a sign, reading 'North Platte'. So I was correct, somewhere further from the border. The train finally stopped and I could heard footsteps. I hid in a crate and peaked out a hole on it. I could see that some of the cargos where being removed and some where added. Luckily, mine remained constant. After about half an hour, the train was back on track but I sat still in the crate until it was completely silence - which was an hour later. I got out and my whole body was aching. I didn't know what do so I fell asleep again in a better position.
*4 and a half hours later*
Again, I woke up and the sun was setting down. I yawned and my stomach growled. Again, I haven't eaten lunch and I was starving. I stood up and stretched. I unwrapped another sandwich and munched on it and drank some water. "What time is it?" I mumbled and looked at my phone. It was about seven. When I was done eating, it has already turned dark and the only light was from the moon shining through the peaks of the car. I sat there, hugging my legs. I couldn't wait to get back to Paton and daddy! Mother, You. Will. Have. To. Pay. For. This. For the next half hour, I just made some funny faces to make myself feel comfortable. I remember whenever I look in the mirror with Paton nearby, he would always make weird faces for me to laugh. Or when talk about my unusual habits or likes or a weird fantasy, he would sometimes make weird faces and say something casual but coule me laugh or giggle.
*some times later*
The train finally stopped. Yes, finally I was in Omaha. I hid in a box when I heard footsteps. The box in which I hid was being transferred to another train, but it wasn't the right train going to Topeka! I jumped out of it, causing the attention of some workers. "Hey! You girl!" One employee shouted. I ran as fast as my tiny body could carry me. I climbed on one of the railroad car and ran on top of it. Then when I reached the dead end, i jumped from this car to another, like parkour. At the last train, I jumped on top of the canopy of the station and jumped on a lower canopy. The workers seemed to be worn out. Then, at the end of the canopy, I jumped over the fence and got out of the station. I stopped for a split second to get some air and mingled into the busy streets. So what now? I surely couldn't get back in there. I sat down on a bench and looked over at the over side. "I'm coming, Paton..." I muttered. I suddenly had an idea to take the normal passenger train. I stood up and asked for a nearby train station. "Excuse me?" I asked a guy. "Yes? May I help you?" "Yes please, where is nearest train station?" "Head south on S 10th Street toward Masons Street, turn left into Pacific Street, then turn left at S 9th Street." "Thank you sir" I said with a bit suspicion. I walked away but felt him following me, then I sped up. For a while, I thought that I have cut him in the crowd but guess what? I haven't. I was almost there, S 9th Street and he rushed forward me and pulled me into a rear bear hug in an attempt to kidnap me. Uh uh, it ain't happening. I've came this far not to be kidnapped by just some stranger who pretended to be nice. I push by hips backward and push myself quickly and escaped from him. I ran quickly to the station and lost track of him. I walked up to the receptionist. "What can I help you with?" She asked with her eyes glued to the computer screen. "Yeah, I need a train to go..." I was getting crazy, to Denver? To Topeka? To Kansas City? I couldn't make my mind so spilt "to anywhere" "Excuse me?" She asked between confusion. I stood there with my mind frozen for sometimes. She typed something on the computer, printed it out and handed it to me "$45". I pulled out a fifty dollar bill. I gave it her and she returned me five cents. The ticket was from Topeka, Nebraska to Wichita. Further south? Okayyy then... I walked to my station and up my train. It's been all day of sleeping in corners and my back ached crazily. I sat down on a chair next to a middle aged woman who introduced herself as Alisse Coopers. A few minutes later, the train started running and I fell asleep after fifteen minutes...

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