Chapter 91

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Kayla's pov

I looked over to everyone that remained to fight. Two of my best friends and two new comers. My babies and my brother were safe. I had no idea about my father,my husband, or my brother in law were. All I could do was hope and pray they were alive and on their way back. We knew we were out numbered, but we would go down fighting defending this place. We heard gunfire get closer as the other group stormed the prison. I looked back to everyone one last time,

"Hide! Make sure you aren't seen no matter what!"

They nodded and we all ran to hide in different areas. I hid behind a wall and clutched onto my locket because I was nervous. I took a deep breath and then they broke in. Gunfire went off from both sides. There was so much smoke you could barely see anything. Then as quick as it started the gunfire just stopped. Was everyone dead? My breathing picked up. No Maggie can't be dead. I couldn't lose her too. I decided to quietly walk out to see what was going on while pointing my dads gun. I saw our cell block empty with smoke from the gunfire drifting away. Was it over? It couldn't be that was too easy. Then something grabbed my hair causing me to scream and drop my gun. I tried to fight against whoever had me by the hair but they just pulled harder. I was being dragged out of our cell block and into the tombs. Once we were in the tombs I heard the gunfire start up again. This was it. I was going to die. Finally the person released me from their grasp and threw me hard onto the ground. I was about to get up and fight, then I remembered I had dropped my gun. Shit the only thing I could rely on was a knife I kept in my boot. I heard someone chuckle sedistically and I finally looked up. Who I saw both angered me and shocked me. I gasped when I said,


Merle's pov

The walk back to the prison wasn't a nice one. Hell daryl was ahead of both me and officer friendly. His eyes filled with determination and fear. A combination I have never seen in my baby brothers eyes. I guess that's what happens when ya have a wife and kids. I was running out of breath and as soon as I knew we were by the prison I stopped,

"Hey how about a breather little brother?"

Daryl turned to me and glared,"we ain't got time for a damn breather!"

"I ain't gonna be able to help If I can't damn well breathe now can I!" I snarled.

"Whatever! I'm gonna scout ahead. See what were dealin with and when I come back yer damn breather is finished!" He glared and ran off leaving me and Rick.

Rick started pacin back and forth which started to annoy me. Hell this man freakin handcuffed me to a roof and left me to die! I hated him. But he has gotten this group farther than I ever thought he would and he is daryls father in law so I had to respect him. Whether I liked it or not.

"Will ya cut that pacin out. Givin me a damn headache" I groaned.

"Ya know what? I can't help but be concerned for my family not that you would understand." He snarled obviously pissed.

"Me not understand? Sure there's a lot I don't care about but blood is blood. And my blood is daryl, those two babies you call grandkids and that girl you call a daughter. I'd go to hell and back for all of em!" I said sternly.

Ricks pov

We were both silent for a while when He finally spoke,

"I made a promise ya know before I came out lookin for yas. I ain't breaking it either"

"What was it?" I asked.

"No matter what. Daryl gets back. He makes it. Those kids need him, kayla needs him. I promised her and I'm gonna keep it even of it means laying my own life down." He said seriously.

I starred with shock into Merle's eyes. I looked for any sign of him not meaning it but I saw none. He was as serious as all could be. For the first time I looked at him differently. Here he was willing to lay his life down on the line for his brother and his family. For the first time I looked at Merle dixon with respect.

"Than I want in on that promise. Daryl makes matter what." I said sticking my hand out for him to shake.

He nodded and then looked confused down at my hand. He hesitated, but shook it. We were brought out of it when daryl came runnin back,

"We gotta go now! They're already there!"

We both nodded and ran after him as fast as we could.

The redneck has feelings? (daryl dixon love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon