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"I still don't understand!" I said.
"Let me spell it out for you." The principle said.
"Your grades are too low and your school record is horrible so we can't let you graduate." Principal Harris said.
"I'm sorry that this happened to you." He said without any emotion.
"Don't sweat it." I said getting up and slamming the door on my way out.
How could they do this to me? I shook it off as I approached my group of friends. We were the bad kids of high school. The badasses who did everything. Vandalism, drugs, alcohol, stealing, and more. No one dared to mess with us. They were outside smoking at the time.
"Fuck my life." I said as I leaned against the school building.
"What did the principal have to say?" My friend Alex asked me as I lit my cigarette.
"I failed this year." I said.
"Don't worry. All of us did." He said and everyone nodded.
"I've just never failed before." I said. "I have to put up with these shitty teachers again."
"You'll be fine. You have us." Alex said.
"Yeah." Zach added.
"To be honest, I'm glad that I have you guys." I said. I finished smoking and went back inside when my best friend called me. "I need you now." She said crying.
"Bathroom near Ms. Young's class in 5. I said hanging up. I began waking toward the bathroom at a fast pace.
When I got to the bathroom I heard sobs coming from the bathroom stall.
"Emily? It's me. Sofía." As soon as I said that, the bathroom stall flung open to reveal a crying Emily cutting herself. Blood pouring down her arm. "Emily." I said pulling her into a hug.
I took the razor from her hand I helped her stand up. She was still crying. It hurt me to see anyone doing that to themselves even though I had once done that myself. I went out the back of the school and carried her to my car. I grabbed a cloth from the first aid kit and applied it to her arm until the bleeding stopped. I quickly wrapped the cuts and called Pop.
"Meet me at my trailer." I said hanging up. I drove to my trailer in silence. When I got there, Pop was inside waiting. I helped Emily up the steps. Pop quickly helped me get her positioned on the couch. After giving her some pain killers I asked her
"Why would you do that?" I was sad and my voice cracked at the end.
"Because of what he said." She stammered.
"What did he say?" I asked sitting down next to her.
"He said that I was trash, a cheap $1 whore and-and" she burst into tears.
"Its okay. You never have to see him again." I said.
"And he cheated on me." She finally said. I just sat there and hugged her.
"Pop, is it okay if she stays with you? She can't go back there. There's no telling what he'll do to her." I said.
"Sure. I have nothing against her." He said.
"T-Thank yo-you." She said as she pulled away from the hug.
I stood up "I'll go pack the clothes that you have here." I said walking into my bedroom.
When I came back I said "if you need anything, you let me know." I said. She trusted Pop and he trusted her so I knew she would be safe with him. He loved her like she was his grand daughter. I drove her over to Pop's and he took his truck. Once we got there, I gave her a hug and said "you'll be safe here." She nodded. I pulled her into another hug. I slipped some money into her pocket. I looked at Pop he gave me nod that said "no one will know she is here" I nodded to say thank you as I left.

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