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Sofía's POV
I walked back to Thunder Bolt and Pop.
"Okay, let's just say that we now outnumber Roy's gang by a shit tone." I said.
"What do you mean?" Thunder Bolt asked.
"Let's just say I made a couple of calls and we have about 3 to 5 thousand people whereas he has about 1500." I said. Thunder Bolts jaw dropped. "Oh, we leave tomorrow at dawn. I'm having everyone's stuff shipped there tonight so we gotta get back quick." I said.
"Do I have to come?" Thunder Bolt asked. I turned to look at him.
"Yes!" I hissed. "You know too much. There's no telling what will happen if you stay behind." I said as I glared daggers at him.
"Woah calm down, I was just asking." He said putting his hands up in surrender.
"Ok, let's go." I said.
"What about that package that's arriving tonight?" Pop asked.
"Y'all go ahead and go home and pack. You need as much sleep as possible." I said. "I'll take care of that myself. Now go before they arrive. We don't need Thunder Bolt seeing something that fucks all of us over." I said pushing Pop and Thunder Bolt our the door.
"Hey how come I can't stay but an 8 year old can?" Thunder Bolt asked.
"Because she's seen this before and I know she can handle it. Plus I have to talk to her." I said closing the door.
"Okay, What do you thing about meeting some people after this delivery?" I asked Lily. "They're good people Lily. They'll love you and you'll love them." I said.
"Okay." She said.
"I'll take you to see Emily tomorrow morning before we leave. I have to pick her up anyway." I said.
"YES PLEASE!!!" She squealed. She loves Emily so much it ain't even funny. They call each other sis and cuz. Plus she knows that she can get anything if she's with Emily. Just then my phone buzzed.
Mark-Yo we outside.
Sofía- Okay.
"Come on. They're here." I said leading Lily to the doors of the warehouse.
"MARK!" She squealed as she saw him. He embraced her in a huge hug swinging her around as she giggled.
"Alright. Well I guess I better be going." I said to Mark.
"Same." He said. Mark was in his 40s and was about 6 foot with light brown hair that's starting to turn silver.
"Well it was nice seeing ya." I said waving as he got in his truck and waved before he drove off. I locked up and got on my bike gave Lily my helmet as she climbed on.
"Okay let's go see those new people you told me about!" Lily said fist pumping the air. I chuckled and drove off. We were about 15 minutes away from the gang house. Some of them are like me. A werewolf.
Oh I forgot to mention. I'm a mixture. I'm one third, werewolf, one thing vampire , one third  witch. Now wolves and witches aren't supposed to mix at all. In fact wolves are supposed to kill a witch as soon as they see them. By burning the at the stake. Aka burning them alive. But because my mom was raped by my dad and then they were forced to marry each other. My dad was a werewolf and my mom was a witch and a vampire. There for their children receive all abilities. When dad was away and I wasn't being forced to service my dads gang and pack members, mom would train me how to use my witch powers so I know all that plus how to make potions and how to cast spells. And when she wasn't training me on witchcraft and how to control and use my vampire skills, she was training me on how to use my wolf powers since I have alpha blood and I was a witch I was very very powerful. Being a vampire as well doesn't help. So she would have my dads beta in the pack train me on how to use my wolf abilities. Oh and I'm a while wolf with purple eyes. White wolves are born every 100 years but the ones with purple eyes are born every 10,000 years if lucky and are sent from the moon goddess and are very very rare. There're only 10 in existence. My fathers betas helped me learn how to fight. So I'm very powerful. Like I can kill someone with my witch powers without having to move a muscle at all. And yes I do have some friends who are vampires. Witches help vampires. And they came to me in a time of need and I helped them. So I am allied with them and they are ready to fight if I need them to just like I am. Lily is a white wolf. She doesn't know that though. That's why I have to protect her and I have some of my friends always watch over her to make sure no one comes after her. I've lived all over the world for a couple of months at least because I was running from my uncle who didn't know, but he was after me because I ran away. They were werewolves and I was a werewolf and a witch so I was able to disguise my scent as a human scent so they eventually gave up and quit looking for me. I was always hiding Theo and Lily's scent using my magic so they thought that they were human too.
"We're here." I said as I pulled up in front of the gang house. I let Emily stay there after her and Thunder Bolt broke up. She joined the gang a few days ago. I had to beg her to come Because she had mind linked saying that she wasn't gonna go cuz of Thunder Bolt. That's right she's a wolf. But she has a pack. So now everyone is packing and I convinced her to come. We are driving all the way there in one straight shot.
"Holy shit." Lily said with her jaw dropped
"Close your mouth. You'll catch flies in there." I said getting off my bike and walked through the front door.
"PARTYS HERE!!!" I screamed.
"What the fu-
"IN HERE!!!" Emily said.
"EMILY!!!!" Lily said as they jumped into Emily's arms.
"LILY!!!" She said spinning her around.
"What the hell is happening?" George asked.
"They are well... I think Lily loves her more than she does me." I said. I walked up behind Lily and grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder.
"SOFÍA IF YOU DON'T PUT MY DOWN THIS INSTANT!" She yelled while hitting my back.
"But that's no fun." I said with a smirk.
"Oh no." She said as I threw her in the pool.
"IM GONNA MURDER YOU SOFÍA!" She screamed as she got out of the pool. Everyone snickered.
——-1 hour later
"Wait." Lily said as me, her, and the gang were laughing and talking. My gang has some wolves and vampires and a couple of witches and all. But they don't have anyone so I took them in and we are all a family so we don't care what you are, we treat you like we treat everyone else.
"Calm. The. Fuck. Down." I said.
"DONT TELL ME THAT SOMEONE ATE MY COOKIE!" She screamed. The others smirked and chuckled as they saw me eat the last of the cookie. She wasn't facing my direction.
"What's so funny!" She snapped at Andrew. He pointed at me. She slowly turned to look at me. Everyone was frozen. Watching the scene unfold in front of them. She saw me chewing the last of the cookie. I put my hands up in surrender.
"SOFIA ¡ESTÁS TAN MUERTO!" She screamed.
"Oh shit." I said before everyone bust out laughing and she charged at me.
"WAIT!" I screamed. Apparently I accidentally used my powers as she froze. Oops.
""WHAT THE FUCK!" She screamed.
"I said wait dammit. Now close your eyes and count to 3." I said.
"Why would I do that?"
"Just do it. Trust me." I said.
"Ugh Fine." She said as she closed her eyes. As soon as she did I said.
"Start counting."
As soon as she said one I conjured up a huge cookie.
"Three." She said she opened her eyes. I unfroze the rest of her body.
"HOLY MOTHER OF FUCKS!" She screamed as I handed her the cookie. Everyone chuckled.
"Now go get ready for bed." I said to Lily.
"Or what?" She asked.
"Or no cookie." I said. The shook her head viciously. I smiled and waved her off. Once I was sure she was gone I said, "She doesn't know." She serviced only our dads gang members. She doesn't believe in the supernatural. I have no idea how to tell her. Theo has already shifted but he promised not to say anything but I have to tell her soon. The full moon is coming soon and my gifts are gonna go crazy and I'm gonna wolf out. We have to protect her. I had a vision. She's a white wolf and I don't know how much longer I can change her scent especially because she may not have witch gifts but she does have witch blood so she'll shift at the next full moon." I said and they all gasped. I have no idea how to tell her because she doesn't believe in vampires and werewolves and fairies and witches and all that shit.
"How about you just tell her about the witch thing for now." George said.
"Fuck, I can't." I said.
"Why not?" He asked. He was a vampire.
"Because one of my grandfathers was King Isaac." I said. He gasped. "And he married a witch." I said. Everyone gasped.
"Wait so you are a vampire as well?" George asked. I nodded.
"Well shit." He said.
"Yeah and on top of that our father was Alpha Martinez. So I have to explain that the supernatural does exist and that me, her, and Theo are witches, werewolves, and vampires." I said. I looked up and saw that everyone had their jaws dropped and everyone was white and the vampires were whiter that before. "What?" I asked them.
"Your father was Alpha Martinez?" Emily spoke up. I nodded.
"But He was the deadliest and most feared Alpha in written history." She said.
"So?" I asked. "He was murdered with a cast iron skillet. He was pretty weak if you ask me." I said. Everyone gasped.
"What now?" I asked agitated.
"How do you know he is dead? How do you know how he died? How was the deadliest Alpha ever killed so easily?" Emily asked.
"Because I murdered him and I wasn't even using any of my gifts." I said. Everyone gasped.
"How did you not fear him?" George asked. I walked up to him and placed one of my hands on his cheek. I showed him a vision of the beatings and how I was his gangs slut and all I went through. I pulled my hand away from his face. He was gaping like a fish. He began crying. "That's how I didn't fear him." I said.
"Oh my god. Did he really do that to you?" He asked.
"That's not even the half of it." I said. He looked up at me.
"How could anyone do such a thing?" He asked.
"I ask myself that everyday." I said. "He was so cruel. I learned not to fear him. I remember when he grabbed my mom by the throat and threw her across the room. Shattering her collar bone and breaking ribs that punctured one of her lungs. He was gonna shoot her when I hit him and killed him. Still she died 2 minutes later. She was too weak to heal or anything. When he threw her she got some sunlight on her skin and he stripped her from her powers a week before." I said. "I don't regret killing that son of a bitch and his whole pack too." I said and everyone gasped.
"You killed his entire pack?!" Everyone said in unison. I nodded.
"They were worse than the gang members. I still have the scars from where they would try and kill me." I said.
"Oh my god." Everyone said.
"So you see why it doesn't bother me that I killed him or his pack. That day I became a rogue." I said.
"Your father did those awful things." George said with a face full of horror.
"He's not my father. He lost that title the day he touch Lily and Theo." I said.
"Now everyone go to sleep or at least try or do something hell I don't know." I said before I walked upstairs to the 4th floor and showered and brushed my teeth and changed clothes. I set about literally 40 alarms and was out like a light as soon as I soon as my head hit the pillow.

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