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Sofia's POV
Thank god, it's Saturday!!! I don't have to wake up early. Wait. I should wake up Emily. It's her birthday, which means that it's Jasmine's birthday too. Yay! I get to wake up two people. I's about 5:30 ish and I need time to get ready. I took a 20 min shower. Half the time I just stood there. I haven't had a shower over 7 mins in almost 14 years. I silently cried and cried for everything. I cried for Theo, Lily, and Mom. I shaved everything, washed my hair, and body with my vanilla and mango body wash. I stepped out of the shower. I got dressed and did my make up. Yes, most of my make up is covering tattoos and scars. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. Everyone is asleep, Perfect! I think I'll run the 12 miles to Jasmines house. Yes. 12 miles. Jasmine is from another pack. But we are allies and because of that, and he fact that me and her can't live without each other, their dad, the alpha of the Blood Shed Pack. He said yes because he knows how much me and her are attached. Me, Jasmine, and Blake used to be attached to the hip. Blake is from the pack next to Jasmines pack, and we are allies with them so he goes to our school as well. I technically shift back with clothes but I took mine off when I shifted for Lily because she will shift back naked and when I dealt with the rogues because they were covered in blood. I walked to the edge of the woods. I made sure no one was watching. Precisely, Thunder Bolt. I shifted into my wolf and let my scent fly free. I ran using my wolf speed. It took me about 5 mins to get there. I shifted back and walked up to the front door. It's about 6 am now. I haven't seen her parents in 6 years. Her parent are up right now. I walk up to the door and knock. It was so easy getting to the territories. The guards didn't even see me. A woman about 40 years old opened the door. She looks the same. Just a little older.
"I'm here so see Jasmine." I said. She looked at me confused. "She's my best friend and well, I gotta wake her up myself because I promised her that when she turned 17 I would wake her up myself." I said. Her husband came up behind her.
"Honey who is this?" He asked her.
"I have no idea. She said she was Jasmine's friend." Jasmines Mom, Marie, said.
"I'm just trying to keep my promise." I said.
"Ron, do we know her from somewhere?" Marie asked her husband.
"I don't know but she looks familiar." He said. He looked at me.
"Do we know you from somewhere?" He asked. I nodded my head.
"May I please come inside? People are staring." I said. Marie opened the door for me to step in. We walked to the living room. This house looks the exact same as it did when I left.
"How long have you known my daughter?" Ron asked coldly.
"All my life sir." I said calmly.
"What do you mean? How come I've never met you before?" Ron asked confused and agitated.
"Well sir, I moved away when I was 11 and I saw her again over a week ago. I've been busy lately, otherwise I would have come by sooner." I said.
"You care about her?" He asked.
"Of course. She was there when no one else was. I would give my life for her." I said dead serious. It's scary how I can change tones so fast.
"Where are you from?" He asked curious.
"Lake Weiss sir." I said. We sat down and talked about basic things. I told him that I had just moved back from Ohio. He never asked once about my name or my parents. He seemed to approve of me.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Sofía." I said.
"Do you live with your parents?" He asked me.
"No." I said barely above a whisper. But I knew he could hear me. "They're dead." I said before he could ask. I read his mind.
"I'm sorry for your loss." He said. I shrugged my shoulders.
"Its not something that I dwell on." I said. He nodded his head as if he was understanding something.
"You seem like a woman of many morals." He said.
"Thank you sir. I have been through a lot in my time, even though I am still young." I said. He gave me a Curt nod.
"May I please go wake up your daughter now?" I ask. He nods. "You wanna help?" I asked. He smiled at followed me to the kitchen. I got our salt and a lime. I cut the lime into slices and brought it upstairs to the living room along with the salt.
"What are we doing with this?" He asked when I gave him the lime.
"I'm going to sprinkle the salt in her mouth and you are going to squeeze the lime into her mouth." I said. He chuckled.
"Dear lord. That tastes awful." He said. I stopped and looked at her.
"Oh my god. Who did that to you?" I asked him.
"Jasmine." He said agitated.
"Well they say Karma is a bitch, this is karma." I said and we both chuckled.
We went in her room. She was laying on her back with her mouth open, snoring. Perfect. We went to her bed and I sprinkled the salt In her mouth.  Nothing happened. "Perfect." I said.
He just chuckled at me. He squeezed the lime in her mouth. She started to stir. She tasted what was in her mouth before shooting out of her bed screaming and puckering her face as she face planted. I held up my hand. Ron quit silently snickering. I grabbed a small air horn from my pocket. I crouched near her and blew the horn in her ear.
"Holy mother of hell!!! I'm going to murder whoever in the fuck just did all this." She screamed.
"Wake the fuck up." Ron said. He looked at him.
"You little fucker." She said. She hasn't seen me yet.
"Karma's a bitch." I say before dragging Ron out of the room, leaving Jasmine shocked. When we got to the kitchen we burst out laughing.
"You remind me of someone." Marie said smiling.
"Who may that be ma'am?" I asked.
"Have you ever heard of the Vendedas'?" She asked. "They live over in Lake Weiss." She said.
"The name sounds very familiar." I said.
"They Have a daughter. You just remind me so much of her." She said. I nodded.
"I talked to one of them a few weeks ago, I think." I said.
"You did? How is their daughter?" She asked.
"Very well, she talked about you guys. I thought that I had to see you guys for yourselves. She always spoke very highly of your family." I said playing dumb. Marie and Ron looked confused.
"She told you?" Marie asked.
"Yeah, she only trusts herself with her secrets." I said.
"But she told you." Marie said.
"No she didn't." I said.
"But you said that she did." She said confused.
"I knew. Because I am her." I said. They looked at me in shock. They both crushed me in a bone crushing hug.
"C-c-can't b-breathe." I said. They immediately let go.
"Sorry dear." She said. "Would you like anything to eat?" She asked. I shook my head.
"Think we have a lot of catching up to do." All three of us said at the same time. We laughed. "How's your pack doing?" I asked.
"Not the best. We are loosing more members. We were attacked by rogues last year. We need more warriors and guards and supplies. There are too many of us getting sick and starving." Ron said. I nodded. "I doubt that you'll be able to help us but it's nice to be able  to tell someone and get it off of us." He said.
"I'll help." I said. They looked at me confused.
"How?" Marie asked.
"Because I'm the Alpha of the Rose Gold pack." I said. Their eyes popped out of their head. Maybe it's because we are the strongest and most feared pack in the world.
"When did you become Alpha?" They asked. My dad used to run the pack. When he died I killed or kicked out any of the pack members that helped him.
"I was 12." I said.
"12 is very young." Ron said. I nodded.
"Juan died when I was 12 and we didn't have a beta or delta at the time and I was oldest so I became Alpha." I said.
Thunder Bolt's POV
I woke up around 9 am. Thank god it's Saturday. I take a shower, get dressed, and go downstairs. I eat some Taco Bell that someone has bought for everyone. We all eat breakfast and go do our own thing around the house. I haven't seen Sofía all morning. It's almost two in the afternoon. I can't sense her presence in the house. I know this is weird, but me and Midnight both miss her. Is that bad? I snuck my way to Sofia's room. I opened the door and walked inside. I gawked at all the claw markings that were on the walls, floors, and bed frame. Along with the ceiling. I saw handcuffs a few inches away. I touched it and immediately jerked my hand away. They were silver handcuffs. Let me rephrase that. Silver is one of werewolves weaknesses. It hurts like a mother fucker of you touch it. But why would Sofía have these if she is a werewolf? Thinking about it. Sofía acts weird. She is super intelligent but she failed 12th grade. That's odd. She has all of these people in this huge mansion. That's odd. She behaves for the most part, but claims to be 'bad' and 'dangerous'. What is so dangerous about her. She looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly. And she treats me like she's known me her whole life. She didn't care if I was bad or anything. She treated me like family. Plus she's beautiful. Her Lips. Oh my god. They are also pink and look so soft. Her body. She has curves on all the right places. Her boobs and ass are perfect too. Plus, she's the perfect height. Oh god. Now I need a cold shower. I glance around her room and can't help but wonder why all those claw marks are there. Tonight is the night that I'm going to confront her.

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