Chapter One

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Kiku stared out at one of the large arch windows of the meeting room. The trees were standing still. Still frozen from the chilly January winter. Everything is awfully quiet. Not only outside but inside the meeting room as well. The usual noisy world meetings now turned the opposite. Even the loud America, or according to his human name, Alfred F. Jones went silent. 

They were at England's place. Though the owner of the manor had not yet shown himself. And it had been more than ten minutes already. Every minute passed adds the anxiety of every country in the room. Even France wasn't praying bad omens for his bickering partner.

"Sorry I'm late everyone! Can't really dress myself properly with these." England, or Arthur Kirkland finally entered the meeting room with his best smile. His left arm fully wrapped in white bandages. 

Everyone released the breaths they were holding in. Honda Kiku, precisely known as Japan, averted his gaze from the window. The meeting will be starting soon.

"Dude, you really okay?" Alfred's eyes darted towards the stiches on the right side of Arthur's forehead.

"I'm perfectly fine America. Don't  get so agitated." still keeping up with the smile, Arthur limped towards his seat.

Just earlier this month, London's Tower Bridge had been bombed. Thankfully, it was around midnight. Not to worry, a few dozen people died and were injured. One double decker went down the river Thames along with other vehicles at that moment. The bridge was destroyed. Maybe it was quite bad afterall.  What's worse, the bomber was unknown. Only at that moment.

Arthur returned late from the Ministry of Defence that night. Only to be ambushed the moment he walk through the doors of his home sweet home. It wasn't any normal ambush though. He was attacked by a bunch of armed goblins. Being a sorcerer, he managed to fend them of with magic of his own before passing out. The goblins made sure to hurt him severely before leaving. Bloody Arthur was found next morning by his butler. Now who would be evil ( or stupid ) enough to threaten a country?

"They have gone too far." Germany's deep voice sliced the athmosphere.

"We should get ready to attack!" Switzerland's fist slammed the table.

"Kolkolkol. My armies are always ready." Russia emitted his scary innocent aura.

"Yeah! I'll give you my awesomest aid." Prussia's fighting spirit burnt madly.

"We shouldn't rush into things." Japan spoke for the first time since the meeting started. He prefer to analyse things beforehand.

"What are you trying point out here Japan?" China asked.

"Hadn't we recently renew the peace treaty fifty years ago? Each country paying an equivalent of USD 200 billion in order for them to cope with their miserable poverty." Kiku explained in his always calm demeanor.

"And?" It seems that Hungary is still confused.

"Why would they take the trouble to cross dimensions just to attack when we had paid? I believe it was a fair treaty we made. And most importantly, why would they attack only England? The Second Players are known to hurt more than just a country." Kiku's explanation left everyone speechless. They finally realise the oddness of the attack.

"And this time," Kiku continued when no one spoke. " I believe it's England's second player leading all of these since he was targeted."

"What did the ministry say, England?" Austria adjusted his glasses.

"Like what we're all thinking. To prepare the army. The Major General of the British Army will be sending a representative to disscuss manners with us." England replied.

"I say England should lead us in this matter. We'll call it the World Army Project!" Alfred's eyes shone with full spirit.

Arthur was taken aback. It was not like America to give up the hero tittle to anyone.

"But I'm still the Hero!" 

Some things never change. Arthur sigh. "Alright, I say all countries should prepare their fighters for any possibility, starting from now!".

Everyone cheered. The passion to defend each other struck brighter than lightning. Arthur swore to give the Second Players a taste of their own bitter medicine.

"So England, when are the representatives coming?" Italy asked cheerfully in the amidst of other countries cheering.

"They should be here by now." Arthur glance at the grandfather clock behind him.

Outside, a stunning red motorbike drifted towards his manor. Behind the motorbike was a dark blue Jaguar XKR-S.

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