Chapter Forty Six

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The lady was touched up gracefully as she sat facing the large oval mirror. Her small figure clad in a single strap black dress, making her skin look paler than usual. Or was she paler because of something else? Those dolorous blue hues in the mirror staring right back at her while an old granny was brushing her midnight hair, humming an aria.

"Wrapped in your shroud,
  Dead to the world...
  Just like my son,
  Dead, dead, dead, dead..."

Grandma Rowena sang softly as her thoughts were lost in combing (y/n)'s wavy locks. She came a long way to Salisbury and took her time to get her granddaugther ready for the special tonight. Today is December 23rd; Yule. She was honoured when receiving the call from Oliver to prepare (y/n).

"You should be grateful for this opportunity." Rowena comb (y/n)'s hair slowly. "Virgins from our generations would be honoured to accept such responsibility. I myself felt envious of you."

(Y/n) despised Rowena with her whole life. The old hag was the one who fooled little (y/n) on her birthday. Brought her out of the room while her father was away and into the hands of 2ps for the first ritual. She was the beginning of her nightmares. The reason for her unhappy childhood. She was the past (y/n) wished to forget and wanted to run away from. Rowena was supposed to be dead in the air crash years ago together with her husband. But it seems that Oliver had given her a soul to fulfill a task. A task to spy on (y/n).

"If you're so jealous why don't you be the voluntary pig sacrifice instead." (Y/n) said through gritted teeth. Her blood was boiling. "I'm sure Morrigan would be happy to have pork for her grand welcoming."

(Y/n) felt a stinging pain on her cheek. The slap Rowena gave left a reddish mark on her pale face. Hairbrush dropped to the floor. She was standing infront of her granddaughter with so much loath visible in her eyes. Her chest rose and fell heavily. (Y/n) return her a sneer.

"Why? Isn't that true?" she ridiculed the old lady.

"How dare you mock the Goddess!" Rowena's face red with anger. "How dare you mock the role of the Raven Priestess! It seems that you inherited your dead mother's shameless attitude."

(Y/n) stood up instantly. "My mother is far greater than sewer rats like you people!"

"She is ungrateful!" Rowena's voice was shrill. "Ran away from the family and marrying that brute man. The only good thing about them was their death."

(Y/n) clenched her jaw. Her fists were curled tightly as she resisted the urge to hurl one of them to her grandmother's wrinkled face. She wanted to shout back, but she couldn't think of anything to reply. How could Rowena think about (y/n)'s mother like that. She was her daughter for god's sake! Guess blood relations don't matter to these people.

"Dearie oh dearie." The door swung open to reveal Oliver. "Such commotion we have here."

Though he was smirking and standing all mighty there, (y/n) couldn't help but notice the weariness in his eyes. To be honest, she had always noticed those tired eyes but never so weary like today. Now why is that?

"Master Oliver!" Rowena quickly went down to her knees and bowed.

Oliver ignored her and strolled in leisurely towards (y/n). His eyes scanned from her hair to her toes. He stood a few inches close and grabbed her face. Turning it slowly left and right.

"Such a rosy cheek." He seemed to noticed the pinkish part of where (y/n)'s face was smacked.

"You may stand Rowena." he ordered.

The said woman stood up hastily and bowed. "Thank you for your generousity."

"No, it is I who should thank you for making our Raven Priestess presentable tonight." Oliver gestured her to stand up straight. "I shall award you for your service."

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