Chapter Nineteen

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It was a chilly night, especially when no one else was around. Tonight the moon stood alone without the company of her usual friends, the stars. Instead, the moon was with the wispy clouds. Yet only one small cloud approached her while the others floated away. Maybe she just needed a different company tonight. Someone different and special she could specificly trust. Just like (y/n), she just felt like talking to someone else she could trust this night. Of course (f/n) is her bestfriend and she ought to share with her. It's just that (y/n) didn't feel like burdening her friend's mind about this particular problem. Besides, the first person she ran into was Kiku. And somehow, she felt like she could trust that man she hated. Or rather used to hate. Wait, does she hate him or not? Well she did forgave him a few months ago for that war issue, but still disliked him anyway. Yet he was kind. And annoying. And somewhat thoughtful. So does she hate him or not? God she doesn't know. Her feelings towards him are starting to get confusing every single day.


She averted her gaze away from the moon and looked beside her. Apparently those minutes of excuse Kiku asked for earlier was used for making tea. He had brought a tray containing two small cylindrical cups and an oriental looking teapot. Both made out of clay. He sat everything down at the fountain, then motioned her to join him. She slowly walked towards him. Rubbing her chilly bare arms. She wished she had her cardigan now. That red cardigan that she bought with Kiku. A tiny smile tugged at her lips.

"I see you had calm down now." Kiku poured what seemed like tea into the two cups. 

(Y/n) took one of the cups with both of her hands. Blowing away the steams that evaporated out of the cup. The smell of tea was already enough to refresh her senses. Her mind and soul went calm. She took a sip, it tasted just right.

From the corner of his eye, he saw her face illuminated by the moon. The moonlight made her black hair turned to denim blue. Her electric blue eyes were ablaze while her skin was snowy pale. At the moment she looked softer and gentle than her usual behaviour. In his eyes she looked impressive. And beautiful. Yes, she was indeed plain gorgeous. This rare soft side of hers attracted him more. Maybe if she would just drop the arrogant demeanor that she used all the time... No. If she did that, she wouldn't be Lady (y/n) (l/n). If she went all soft and petite, other men might approach her easily, leaving him no space. She wouldn't had been extra Ms.Smartmouth with him, the man she despise. And without that annoying mouth she would bore him to death like other girls. She would be equal as any other pretty girl. Yes, he loved her just the way she is. The thought made him smile. Had he actually fall for her? His confusion of feelings led his thoughts that way. Maybe he should let whatever force guide him and see what happens. Besides, the lady beside him might not feel the same.

"I'm sorry for dragging you here." (Y/n) finally spoke.

"It's alright. Apology not accepted." Kiku answered coolly.

"Not accepted? Psh! Stupid japanese people." she muttered in annoyance.

Kiku smiled. Now that was more like it.

"I don't care if you accept it or not, I am still going to say sorry!" God this man was annoying. She sighed. "Anyway, I'm sorry." her expression soften again. "I just felt like I needed someone tonight. Many things are happening. Things that I don't like at all. You know, things that you're trying to avoid."

"Why not face it then?" Japan asked. Even though his face was calm, his mind was actually curious of her words. He believe this had something to do with Ryu and that old woman in Hyde Park.

"I don't know." her mind wandered for a while before chuckling. "This might sound funny to you but, I think I'm... scared." 

Kiku could only hear the whispers of the wind afterwards. "No. I don't think it's funny. Every living creature is born with a fear of something. It is their duty to face it and it all depends whether or not they have courage."

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