Chapter Twenty Six

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(Y/n) was back to her gloomy and quiet zone. The memory of being told about her father's death still lingered in her mind. Her mouth kept shut the whole time in the private jet. Her gloominess rubbed off on the rest of the team. They were still not used to seeing this part of (y/n). She was always so mighty. So prideful. Full of spirit. So confident. And now she was none of those. Even when the rest of the countries threw a welcome party for their arrival at the academy, she did not smile the slightest. Instead, she only nodded and went to her room. Arthur tried to chase after her, but (f/n) held his hand and shook her head sadly. Told him to give her some time.

"I'm sorry if we made if worse." Elizabeta came slowly, her head hung low. "The welcome party was my idea. I thought, I just thought-" she sighed.

"It's okay Hungary dude. We've all tried." Alfred gave a pat on her shoulder. He knew she meant good.

The Ace Team, except for (y/n) ate the feast prepared for them. They chatted some random things. Plans for world development. But some weren't really paying attention.

Feli sighed. "I miss (y/n)."

Anyone could have heard a needle dropped at that moment.

Yao laughed nervously. "What are you talking about Italy. We met (y/n) hours ago."

"I know." Feli twisted his spagetti with his fork. "But since these days it seems like she's far away from us. She was always with atleast one of us if not together with the whole team. And now, since Lord (y/n)'s papa died, she turned into someone else. Don't you miss (y/n), (f/n)?"

"Feli..." (f/n) was speechless. She knew what he meant. She missed her bestfriend too.

Arthur felt guilty. He thought he managed to bring happiness to her that afternoon. Guess it wasn't a long term effect. But he was already running out of ideas. He did not know what to do anymore. He tried talking to her, but she would always avoid any conversation.

"Excuse myself. I am done eating." Kiku stood left the table. He had no desire to hear their depressing conversation. He had something more important to do.

Francis watched him leave. It was in a blink of an eye, but he thought he saw a huge grief in that soulless brown eyes of the japanese man. A grief that was different from any type of ordinary close friend. A meteor idea suddenly crashed on his sneaky  brain.

"Ohonhonhon!" He laughed mischievously. A plan formed in his head. Suddenly his head was smacked, making him yelled.

"You, are such a numbskull France. But I never thought you could be so stupid to make fun of this situation!" Arthur scolded the frenchman.

Francis only pouted. Only god knows what good deed he's planning ahead for that depressed lady. He continued to eat his food along with the others. He was confident everything would work out. He just needed to confirm two crucial things. Besides, this was his field of expertise. He shall succeed or he would not deserve his city Paris.

Francis caught up with Arthur as they all exited the dining hall. "Wait a minute old fashioned man!"

"What do you want frog?!"

"Ohonhonhon. No need to be so grouchy. I just want to ask a question?"

"Spit it."

"Does (y/n) really like Japan?"

"Well yes. I told everyone during that dinner at her manor didn't I?" Arthur was now a little suspicious for Francis to had asked such question. "Why do you ask?"

Francis laughed sneakily. "Ohonhonhon! Nothing much." he ran away before Arthur starts anything awful.

Kiku was alone in the quiet Newspaper Club, reading manga. The chapter was about the hero of the story confessing his love for the heroine. He managed to face her and said those three simple magic words. Kiku sighed, he wished he was able to do something like that. Like that hero in the manga. Of course it would had been easy if (y/n) like the heroine, a sweet polite girl who was kind with her words. He sighed again. What would it take to make her smile again even if it was her sarcastic smile?

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