Chapter Two

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"The representatives had arriaved, my lord." A butler in a neat tailored suit informed Arthur.

"Bring them in Mr. Martin." The butler bowed and left the meeting room.

Arthur sighed. He hoped everything will turn out fine and the representatives will not freak when meeting his weird companions. Even if they did freaked out later, he hoped they would still act professionally.

"Good afternoon, England."

Arthur's head snapped out of his thoughts. He knew that voice anywhere. He knew it too well. He knew it personally well.

"I hope we weren't too late for-"

"No. Not at all." England answered  .

His eyes stared at the figure in front of him. The lady had quite a pale skin, only flushed from the snow. Her bluish raven hair had been layer trimmed to reach above her waist. Still wavy like when he last met her though. Even her height never changed. Still small. Her eyes were a familiar electric blue. Every eyes in the room now focused on her.

"Everyone," Arthur cleared his throat. "I present you, Daughther of the Major General the Marquess of Hexham, Lady (y/n) (l/n).".

(Y/n) bowed her head a little, her face remained serious. She was wearing her worn out skinny jeans and a leather jacket over her black shirt. Her red high top converse was the only thing that didn't completed the biker's outfit.

"Pardon my rudeness, but you are..." Arthur pointed out to the lady behind (y/n).

"This is the Daughter of the Rear Admiral the Earl of Trent, Lady (f/n) (l/n)." (Y/n) did the introductions.

(F/n)'s face clearly shouted Asian. A mixed of Chinese blood perhaps. But her round eyes were hazel and she was obviously taller than (y/n) even without the heels she was wearing. The feminine suit she wore gave out an impression of grace and class. Her straight black hair tied in a high ponytail. Her blazer showing off the slender figure of hers. She gave a slight nod to Arthur. And he returned the nod as well.

"Did we miss anything essential?" (Y/n) asked as she and (f/n) filled the two empty seats beside Arthur.

"Only one. The fact that we suspected it was the Second Player behind all of these chaos." Alfred answered.

"You're obviously America. Do explain your theory." (Y/n)'s eyes glinted in interest.

"England here was attacked by a bunch of goblins if you didn't know," which (y/n) really didn't know, her eyes went wide. "So the only other person who would attack him would be his equal, which leaves us with his Second Player." Alfred was really serious about this.

"And why would he attack? I know about the peace treaty." (Y/n), still unsatisfied. 

Everyone was silent. 

"The reason is still in the dark, I'm afraid." Kiku answered.

"And you are?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow. She got a feeling she'll hate his answer

"Japan." was simply his answer.

"Well, based on all of this, we still can't really accuse them as the cause. Our evidence is still weak. We need more. Have you jot this down (f/n)?" (Y/n) was still glaring at Kiku. Her fingers impatiently tapped the table.

"Every single point, (y/n)." It was the first time (f/n) spoke since they arriaved. Her voice was full of politeness.

"One more thing you should all know," (y/n)'s eyes move from country to country. " orders had been given for all of you to reside at the World Academy untill it is truly safe. No one is allowed to leave the island. No one except your bosses, the Ministry of Defence, the army, navy, air force of your country and us, the reprensentatives is to know your whereabouts.".

Voices of protest errupted in the room. It was like being doomed in an eternal prison. Their movements were restricted on the island that held the academy. The safety of their land was filling up their worry file.

"Which bastard would be stupid enough to decide that?!" Romano was clearly pissed.

"The United Nations. Your bosses. They believed it was the only way to ensure your safety. To ensure nothing like this," (y/n)'s head darted towards Arthur. " from happening again. You are given only untill the end of the month to prepare anything. On the 31st of January, all countries must register themselves at the World Academy. And that is final." 

The voices in the room died out. They had no choice. The meeting had come to its fullstop.

"I believe I made myself clear. And it seems this meeting has ended. Now if you would excuse us." (Y/n) and (f/n) went to leave the room, assisted by Arthur.

"Mr. Martin would you please assist Lady (y/n) and Lady (f/n) to my study." Arthur ordered. 

"Right this way ladies." The butler leads the way.

"I would like to have a word with you." Arthur pointed out to (y/n). "I'll see you both in a minute."

"Why? Would you like to have some tea with us Arthur?" (Y/n) had on a smug smile.

"Something like that."

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