Chapter Twenty

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"So that's the plan! What do say lil sis? Are you with me? Of course you are!" Alfred placed an arm over (y/n)'s shoulder and dragged her around the office. "All you have to do is be my supporter. Easy right? While me as the Hero will lead everything and make a cool entrance!"

"Why don't you stuff your hero dreams in a pinata and I'll bash it to death!" (Y/n) yelled frustratedly in return.

"A pinata? Good idea lil sis! You're such a clever girl." he ruffled her hair, turning it into a completely utterly mess. "We'll have a really giant pinata in blue, red and white."

Just this warm July morning, Alfred barged into the main office where (y/n) decided to have her breakfast in. She was just about to get a tasty big bite of her egg sandwich when Alfred threw opened the door and started  screaming off his birthday plans. (Y/n) who was all blank and confused at first slowly realised it was only two days to 4th of July. Now that made sense.

(Y/n) sighed. "I'll have Mr. Martin incharge of the food, just give a list of what you wanted to be served on that day. Make sure it's edible to everyone! I'll have the maids to see any decoration things that would suit your birthday theme. Just give them the sketch, they'll know what to do. You'll just have to supervise the whole thing. Alright?"

"You betcha!" Alfred gave a thumbs up. "I'll go make my food list now."

"Good." she carefully removed his arm. "Have it ready and given to Mr.Martin by this evening. If you need anything you can refer to him or myself. I'll be at the Newspaper Club."

"Okay!" Alfred responded enthusiaticly. "Hey (y/n), I noticed you always hang out there."

"Always?" she snorted. "I only went there during the evening."

"Like every evening." he stated plainly.

"Ugh! So what if I went there every evening?!" she retorted.

"Nothing." Alfred shrugged. "It's just that as far as I know, you weren't really that close to the Axis. You're usually with Arthur and (f/n) or either both of them. Say..." he looked at her mischiviously. "who's the guy?" again he put his arm around her shoulders.

"What the hell are you talking about?" she eyed him annoyingly.

America laughed. "There's no need to be shy with the Hero! Just tell me who's your crush and I'll make it happen for you lil sis. For a person like you, there's no way you'll like Italy. Plus I wouldn't advise you to go out with a baby. So it could either be Germany or Japan but since you're not really on good terms with Japan then it could only mean Germany. Man I didn't know you like muscle men (y/n) but that's okay, the Hero will unite-"

"No!" (Y/n) was a little horrified at his idea. "God. No. I specificly do not have a crush on Ludwig Beilschimdt. God how could you think such things?" deep in her mind was a certain ebony haired man that made her cheeks blushed pink.

"Aww.... you're blushing! If you keep on like that I'm sure Germany will like you. You see, tough men like woman who are-"

"That's it. I'm leaving now." she quickly stride away from him.

"Yes! That's the spirit (y/n)!"

(Y/n) slammed the door close and walked at a really fast pace. Stupid Alfred and his hero ridicule attitude. She was fuming. Does he have to act like he knew everything? Why of course, he's America. And he just loved being the hero who knew every single detail of earth and becomes hero of the day! Just wait 'till she gets him back with scary Thailand ghost stories that'll leave awake without a wink at night. She soon arriaved at the club. Entered without even bothering to knock like always.

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