Chapter Thirty Two

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(Y/n) walk the empty halls. Her eyes ignored the floating lit jack-o-laterns and other ghostly decorations that surrounded her. Her ears ignored the cheerful sounds coming from the dining hall and the sound of the howling wind. Heavy rain had been showering the island since last week. They were lucky the castle was on a higher ground or else they would have flood problems. Besides, W Academy wouldn't want that to ruin this week's Halloween celebration. Which was three days from now.

(Y/n) arrived infront of the old meeting room. The Ace Team must be waiting inside. She sighed. Thinking how much a pain it was that Arthur requested the team to assemble all of a sudden. She wanted to feign sick but it would be useless. (F/n) would have known; that medical student brat. She took a deep breath before knocking three times. And she entered.

It seems that she was the last to arrived. Everyone was seated. Except for Arthur. He was standing near one of the arch windows. Probably staring off to space since there was nothing to look at outside the dark rain splattered window. Arthur stare at her with a serious expression. (Y/n) noticed everyone was silent. Even Ivan wasn't emitting death aura as usual. That had to mean one thing. Arthur was not in a good mood. 

"(Y/n)" Arthur greeted briefly.

"Arthur." she replied the same.

Arthur strolled to his seat, yet did not sit down. His hand gestured (y/n)'s usual seating place. "Have a seat." he sounded exhausted.

She did as she was told. No reason to deny. Besides, she was in no mood to argue. She was in no mood to do anything. To be honest, she only wanted to die.

"Right," Arthur started to pace. "We have gathered here today to-" he paused to catch his breath, "to discuss about," his sympathetic eyes glanced at her nonchalant ones, "you."

The said person raised her eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"

"Look (y/n), you have been acting really strange since after France's ball. This is something we need to discuss."

"Strange? I found it more strange for you to gather the whole team for such a trivial matter." she retorted.

"This is not trivial, (y/n)." (F/n)'s voice was deadly calm.

"Yeah lil' sis!" Alfred's fist thumped the stone table. "The Ace Team is built with strong friendship bonds. When one has a problem, the rest have a problem too." 

"Kolkolkol. Indeed, we wouldn't want anything terrible to happen to you now do we, friend." Ivan smiled.

Chill ran down her spine. Ivan's words hit her right in the core. She knew it was a coincidence he said that. But still, it was spine chilling. Especially when he smiled like that. It was as if he knew everything. But that's just how Ivan is. Ivan and his sinister innocent smile.

"Veee... please (y/n). Share your problems. That's what friends are for." Feli opened his arms wide in a welcoming manner. His smile was full of warmth.

"Yes, (y/n). I may not be of much help, but I'll try anything for a friend." Matthew said in his quiet voice.

"I can assure you I am fine." she desperately didn't want to involve her friends. Besides, nothing nor no one could stop her fate.

Kiku glared at her. She was lying. He knew all of this must had something to do with the old lady at Hyde Park. He wanted to tell the others, but he made a promise and he was country who kept their promises. Yet this promise is eating him alive. It was dangering (y/n); the person he cared the most.

"Don't lie, (y/n)." Yao replied sternly. "I can sense you're hiding something. Your hands trembled."

(Y/n) curled her fists. Stupid hands. "I am seriously fine. I can handle my own problems. Besides, there is nothing you could have done!"

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