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Cold and frosty early morning. Not a sound heard save for the whispering winds. Tombstones stood grey among the whiteness of snow. Creating a very dull athmosphere for the couple who stood infront one of these stones. The feeling of serenity and gladness accompanied them to the cemetry. Long gone was the feeling of sorrow that had shrouded the tombstone when it was first erected there.

(Y/n) kneeled and placed a bouquet of fresh white lilies. "Hello dad."

She spoke to Lord (d/n) (l/n)'s grave. Staring longingly at it. A small part of her still found it hard to accept her father's death. Yet she braved her heart to accept the truth. Besides, he wouldn't be happy if she were to visit him with a gloomy face would he? 

"I'm free. Free from this curse at last." she said. "I hope you forgive me for choosing an immortal life. But I'm happy now. And you always told me to choose what makes me happy. Besides, I've got Kiku by my side."

Kiku who had been standing behind her, bowed deeply when being addressed. "I apologise for not asking it sooner but I promise to take care of (y/n). Please give us your blessings."

"Kiku!" (Y/n) exclaimed feeling embarrased. She sighed. "I never really had the chance to say it frequently but, thank you dad. Thank you so much for everything. You had raised me to become the strong person I am today. After all, we are (l/n)s aren't we? Descendents of knights. Strong and courageous."

Tears started pool in her eyes. A sob escaped her smiling lips. Thinking that she was talking gibberish. Kiku moved forth and  put his hands on her shoulders in a comforting manner.

"God I shouldn't be crying." she laughed it off and wiped her tears. "I'm sure you're happy with mum right now. So I shouldn't be sad. Send my regards to her. Merry Christmas."

Kiku and (y/n) walked out of the cemetry grounds. Their gloved hands swinging together idlely. Somewhere in the distance they could hear carols sung and christmas greetings exchanged. The little shops closed for the holidays made the early morning streets a little lonely. It was quiet. It was calm. (Y/n) liked it that.

"You'll come tonight right? Arthur's christmas dinner." Kiku asked.

(Y/n) nodded. "Ofcourse. I wouldn't miss it for the world. He's not doing the cooking is he?"

"No." Kiku shook his head. "He had the maids prepare everything."

"Thank the lord." she sighed.

(Y/n) saw little kids playing with snow. Her mind flashed back to when (f/n) and herself were small girls. It was such a long time ago and yet it felt as if it were yesterday. Time does fly fast when you least took heed of it. Though it was only two days ago when Oliver tried to resurrect Morrigan. And yesterday when she finally return back to life. Those two events seemed as if it happened ages ago. They arrived at (y/n)'s parked red motorbike.

"Are you certain you don't want me to send you back to Arthur's?" (Y/n) asked.

The Ace Team excluding (y/n) and (f/n) had decided to continue their stay at Arthur's manor until after christmas. With all the hectiness that happened these past few days, they were feeling too tired to return home just yet. He might look annoyed, but Arthur actually didn't mind. The more the merrier.

"No. I have something to do." Kiku replied.

(Y/n) put on her helmet. "Really?"


"Oh, well. Alright. I guess, I'll see you tonight. Ja, matta?" (Y/n) tried to apply the japanese she learnt from Kiku.

Kiku smiled happily. "Hai! Ja, matta."

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