Chapter Forty Seven

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A huge rock flew towards the second players. They scattered like mice upon meeting a cat. Only 2p America- Allen stood there. He charged towards the rock. Fist punched it into chunks and pieces. 

"Surprise." Alfred's grinning face sprung up inches from Allen's surprise expression.

His foot landed on Allen's face, sending both of them to crash down like a meteor. Snow ricocheted from the ground, creating a crater. Alfred quickly jump away to observe his masterpiece. Allen slowly stood back on his feet. Staggering. He wiped the blood from his cut lip. Eyes wild like a tiger's. 

"Come on Alfred.." Allen's hand glowed creating a blinding light. In his hands was now an autocannon  "You could do better than this."

Alfred showed off his classic western revolver. "Sure I can." Signaling the start of their chaotic firearm showdown.

"No!" Feli wailed. Swinging around his white flag as he run away from Luciano and his machete. Running far from the the circle of Stonehenge.

"Come here and fight me you codardo!" Luciano was getting impatient with Feli's antics. Feli was sure a damn fast runner.

"Germany save me!" Feli yelled to the top of his lungs.

Problem was, Ludwig and his counterpart were busy in a fistfight. Despite gaining Oliver's aid, Lutz was in a tight spot with Ludwig's immense heavy blows. He jumped back. The wolf tattooes came to life and leaped towards their enemy.  Ludwig mentally cussed. But he set his mind to focus on Arthur's words. Words that gave him the strength to rise the same level as Lutz. Ludwig delivered his heavy kick on the wolves. One of them tried to bit his arm. He quickly grabbed the neck and stare into its demonic red eyes.

"Obey me." Ludwig commanded without breaking eye contact. He dropped the wolf to the ground.

The wolf's eyes turned less fierce. It turned around and attacked its own bloodthirsty kind. Lutz couldn't fathom the meaning this. His own possession turned its back on him. His glare met with Ludwig's stoic expression. 

Francis was furiously fencing with his opposite. It has been a while since he engaged himself with any combat. He was always so busy with fashion, food and all the pleasent thing french people love. But that doesn't mean his skills have gone rusty. In fact, he was as energetic and as strong as during his young days. Besides, with the energy given by his magic friends, he could feel his battle instincts heightened. 

His eyes were sharp to every movement 2p France made. The stance. The twitch of muscle. The rhythm of breathing. Francis was able to detect those. He made a series of thrust and lunges. Swiftly aim for his enemy's right torso. 2p France was about to parry the attack when Francis suddenly disengaged and flick his left torso instead. A red line visible on the spot. 2p France clicked his tongue.

Francis brought his blade to his face and swished it to the side. "One point for moi." 

Ivan and Viktor - 2p Russia - though had quite a peculier way of fighting. It was Ivan's metal water pipe versus Viktor's shovel. Clanging each other like swords. Ivan was smiling innocently as usual. The eerily poker face never left Viktor too. Matthew on the other hand had Kumajirou to help him against his second player's Kuma. It's a fight between bears. And both Canadas knew better than to meddle with aggresive mammals. Claws grazing each others skin. Their jaws gnashing whatever was reacheable. It was savage. Kuma was readily known to be brutal. Kumajirou wasn't even as half violent as Kuma. But the polar bear knew he had to protect Matthew from the enemy. Besides, he could feel Matthew's energy supporting him.

"Yao!" (F/n) ran towards China with full speed.

Yao received her hands and swung her over to 2p China. A flying kick aimed to the face. 2p China avoided swiftly. Yao delivered a sharp kick at the chest. Bullseye! His hands were rapidly jabbing his opponent. 2p China blocked an arm and punched. (F/n) pounce from behind. Her strong legs sending multiple lightning kicks. She step back to Yao's side.

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