Chapter Five

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(Y/n) was alone. Her body lay on the cold dry surface of the rough concrete floor. She peeked through her eyelids and noticed a torch on one of the pillars. She slowly realised she was surrounded by pillars with a torch each. And was in the centre of the room, on an altar. The dim environment made her a little anxious. She wanted to leave. But she was also paralysed. Not daring to make a single move even with her fingers. Her little body shivered as she noticed black hooded figures coming in different directions towards her. Her ears listened as they chanted something foreign. Something ancient. It sounded so familiar yet she couldn't understand it. The hooded figures each grabbed her arms and forced her on a kneeling position. At the corner of her eye, she saw one of them holding a hot poker, at the end of it was a strange emblem. It was as if three legs with swirled end attached to each other at the other end. Making the middle of the emblem shaped like a triangle. Surrounding the emblem was a circle. Little (y/n) realised what was coming. Tears rolled down her face as she struggled to free. But the hot poker only got closer. She was crying very hard. But no one was going to help her. No one saved her. She struggled more and more. But it was no use, the poker was pressed onto her naked back like a seal. She heard blood curling screams filled the room along with the foreign chants. She realised, it was her screams.

(Y/n)'s eyes shot opened. Her body shivered a little. Her breathing was shallow. She wanted more than anything to run into someone's arms. She wanted to be saved. She wanted to be safe. At that moment, she stayed rigid on her bed. Bed? (Y/n) exhaled. Everthing was a dream. She let out a little laugh. It was just a dream. It was just a nightmare. A nightmare that shadowed her since she was five. But she was safe now. And that is what matters. 

She sat on her bed for a while. Trying to compose herself. Composure was everything. It was important to regain control of herself. She noticed everything was a little dark. Her curtains were shut. Her watch indicated 5 in the morning. She noticed she wasn't wearing any blankets and was still wearing last night's clothes. Her luggage was still unpacked. Her mind was trying to find an explanation. And it suddenly dawned her about last night's event. She cursed. Last night was so tiring and if it weren't for Japan- wait! It was Japan's faults! If he had found her sooner she wouldn't be lost like a rat in a maze. And he scared her to death. So it was entirely his fault! How dare he scare her, daughter of the Marquess of Hexham, Lady (y/n) (l/n). She grabbed her towel to the bathroom  in her room, good thing every room has its own bathroom. The last thing she wanted was to use a public bathroom like those in normal hostels. Besides, she wanted to be alone. To have some time to think about... that time.

(Y/n) did some unpacking after she was done bathing. By the time she was done, it was time for breakfast. She put on her own academy uniform and headed down to the dining hall. The academy looked wonderous with sunlight shining through the large arch windows. She arriaved and saw some nations had started eating breakfast. (Y/n) took some toast and blueberry jam spread at the buffet table. She saw (f/n) and took a seat beside her at one of the long rectangular tables in dining hall.

"Good morning." (F/n) said as she blew her steaming porridge.

"Morning." was all (y/n) answered as she began to spread jam on her toast.

"You look awful."

"Trust me. I've had a night." 

"Good morning, ladies." Arthur took a seat facing them both. He's having toast and blueberry jam too.

"Good morning." the girls replied in unison.

"I see your taste are about as same as (y/n)." (F/n) noticed.

"Aah.. that is," Arthur grinned. "that one time when I had to babysit her early in the morning. She wouldn't eat my scones. I didn't know what to feed the choosy brat so I simply made her some toasts spread with blueberry jam. She loved that one. And it had been our breakfast ever since." Arthur was still grinning as he remembered the toddler (y/n).

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