Chapter Twenty Eight

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She felt it. That strong sensation that flowed within in her bloodstream. Releasing her breath shakily. Took little steps towards it. The energy grew stronger with each step. Yes! It was near. She could feel it. She raised her hand, her fingers suddenly brushed an object. Sending shivering vibes all over her skin. Her hands continued to carresed all the objects infront of her, trying to find that vibe again as she closed the distance between herself and the objects. She realised these objects were books. So that meant she was in front of one of the shelves. But which book was it? She slowly carresed each of it. Her fingers moving at snail pace as she could hear a soft haunting hum. She suddenly felt another shivering vibe. Her fingers reversed slowly to where it was and her skin shiver all over again. She found it. The book seemed to be thick. She pulled it out. The hums turned into whispers. Whispers of a strange yet familiar language. Language that sounded ancient.

"(Y/n) (l/n)!"

Her eyes shot open as she gasped. The whispers were gone. Her eyes adjusted to her surroundings. The old main office was now bathed in the orange light that poured through the windows. Evening already? But she had just entered the office during noon. Had she really been in there for a few hours? She heard the door knocked and opened.

"(Y/n)," (f/n) entered the office. "I thought you might be here."

"Just looking around." (Y/n) lied. She couldn't possibly tell her bestfriend that she was looking for more triskellions in the area and that she could feel them. She wanted to. But she just couldn't. If (f/n) knew she was some sort of priestess to a scary ancient goddess, she would be worried sick. And that meant (f/n) would be miserable. And (y/n) did not want her bestfriend to be miserable.

"Just looking around?" (F/n) scoffed. "(Y/n), did you know that you have only 2 hours more to get ready? And here you are 'just looking around' like nothing important is going happen tonight."

"Relax (f/n). It's just frog face's birthday."

"Exactly. And it is certainly mannerable if we attend it properly."

"You yourself aren't ready yet." (Y/n) pointed out (f/n)'s casual attire.

"I wanted to get ready with you." (F/n) said earnestly. "We almost never had our girl time since we went separate ways."

(Y/n) sighed. She did not like 'girl time'. But she enjoyed spending time with her best buddy. "Alright. I'm coming." looks like she'll have to check that book some other time.

"Thank you." (F/n) answer with that pretty smile of hers. "I know you hate dresses. But this will be fun. Anyway, I can't wait to see your dress."

"I need to get a dress?"

"Wait." (F/n)'s jaw dropped. "You haven't got a dress?!" She tried to control her hysterical mood metre. "Aren't you aware that this is a 'ballroom theme party'? And you haven't got a dress when the party was about to start in less than two hours!"

"Well- I forgot to look for one." truth be told. She seriously forgot the whole dress code thing. The only thing that occupied her mind was the triskellion.

(F/n) sighed. "Let's not argue about this and find you a dress." she said as she rubbed her temples. "Don't you bring atleast one dress coming here?"


"Lord please help us."

First they went through (f/n)'s wardrobe. To her dismay, she only brought one for herself that suited tonight's occasion. They tried to borrow from Ukraine but the top part if her dress was a tad big for (y/n)'s small chest, so it looked weird on her. Belgium was too busy in the kitchen, she volunteered to be in charge of the delicacies for tonight. Hungary's size was too big little (y/n). It seems that all the Western countries' dresses were large for puny Lady (l/n). (F/n) resolved to ask the Asian countries. Which were only Vietnam and Taiwan. Vietnam's clothing did not compromise (y/n)'s taste. And the stubborn lady herself would not even face Taiwan.

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