Chapter Thirty One

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Summer ended a while ago and classes went on as usual. Somehow the island was experiancing the fiery colours of autumn as well. Though the leaves were redden, the air was cool and skin tingling. It was weird. Just exactly how does this island work. Was an island in the middle of North Pacific Ocean suppose to experiance the North Hemisphere's climate? Something interesting and worth pondering about. Yet Kiku wasn't pondering about that matter. His mind was distracted with something else.

Though he was a little irritated, he kept his composure. He didn't know what happened to (y/n). Or atleast, the (y/n) he knew. She didn't train at the dojo anymore. Not that she really needed to, she was a pro already. She would be extremely formal towards him as if he was a stranger. Not the usual rude and smarty mouth she had always been from the start. She would even ignore him in the hallways instead of glaring and giving out snarky remarks. The way she ignored him, was just too cold and heartless. He noticed how her eyes lost their fiery gleam and replaced with stonecold stares.

As Kiku walked to his next class, he saw (y/n) up ahead. She was walking alone just as he was. It seems that she had been ignoring everyone including Arthur and (f/n). He looked at her with his nonchalantly brown eyes. Yet she took no heed of his presence. Looking ahead as if the hallway was really empty. Kiku curled his fists despite how calm he looked. He resisted the urge to pin her against the wall and demand for answers. But he wasn't that type of man. He exhaled shakily. He would have to analyse the situation. He would have to read the athmosphere. He had to act carefully. He might lose (y/n) for good if he acted rashly.

(Y/n) decided to skip class that day. As soon as she was sure to be out of his sight, she sprinted off to the South Wing of the castle, into the gardens. (Y/n)'s figure leaned against the rough brick wall as she slowly sinked down into a sitting position. She could see it. She could see the pain in his eyes no matter how calm his exterior was. And she was the cause of it. Why had she been careless? Why had she let herself fall in love? Now she had to accept it, the pain. The pain that's eating her heart little by little.

(F/n) was staring at the slideshow presented by Arthur. Though Biology was her favourite subject, she couldn't seem to concentrate. A lot has been playing in her mind. The fact that her bestfriend had suddenly given everyone the cold shoulder. Despite how (y/n) tried to act all normal towards everyone, it was obvious she wanted to avoid them all. But (f/n) pitied Kiku the most. (Y/n) didn't bother to hide her coldness towards him. Then there was that strange midget inside her body that kept hitting her heart with a heavy hammer. It happened everytime she was with Arthur. She didn't know what it was. But it was pleasant and nerve wracking at the same time. Because of all this, she was starting to lose her composure a little. She would sometimes get flustered whenever Arthur accidently brushed her hand and her heart would thump mercilessly whenever he called her. Especially since he had the habit of calling her 'love'.

She snapped out of her trance as she heard the scraping of chairs and the shuffling of feet. Class had ended and she was the only one left. She packed her notes and headed towards the door.

"(F/n)!" Arthur called out to her as he packed the projector.

There was that thumping again in her heart. She took a deep breath and turned to face him. "Yes, Arthur." She approached him.

"Would you mind helping me pack my notes?"

"Not at all."

"Thank you, love."

She could feel the heat radiating off her whole face. Dear Lord, she should had gotten used to that pet name by now. She concentrated her mind on packing his notes. She noticed that Arthur has a very nice handwriting. Neat and elegant. Just like how she would love it. (F/n) mentally facepalmed. What the hell is wrong with her today.

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