Chapter Thirty Four

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Through his eyes, he could see how it was still dark. He could see how the clock on his bedside table showed half past four in the morning. He could see how still everything in his room was. He could see how the lady that lay beside him was still sound asleep. The way her figure breathe heavily and calmly. How serene she looked as her eyes were still closed and how her rosy lips parted a little.

He took a strand of her hair and twirled it idlely. Kiku sighed heavily as he thought about last night. It was wonderful. But thank goodness they didn't do anything more than that. They only kissed. And that's it. Ofcourse he almost lost out of control when he had (y/n) vulnerably in his arms, but like he said. He is a country of self control. It's too early for that phase. Besides, if Arthur would somehow found out about what they did last night, he'd be beaten into a bloody pulp. What more if they had 'it', Arthur might have kill him with his own hands. 

Kiku sat up slowly, careful not to wake the lady. She needed all of the sleep she could get. He pull the blanket to cover her up. It's the first day of November, the intensity of cold would rise. Quiet as a mouse, he left his room. He put on his sandals and enter her room instead.

It was a total mess now that he could see it clearly with the lights on. He trudged over carefully the shards of glasses and torn pages. Randomly, he took a hardcover book that was clearly violated with much hatred. It was as if a cat had  been shredding the book like it was some sort of an old couch. He looked at the cover of it, it was of plain forest green colour with an emblem on it. The exact emblem on (y/n)'s back -he remembered the unfortunate ritual night clearly.

Rolling up his sleeve and wearing his white apron and bandana, Kiku began his job to clean her room. He picked up the big thrash and threw them into a big black plastic bag. He swept the floor twice, to ensure the floor was clean from any tiny pieces of broken glass. He mopped the floor. Even cleaned the bathroom and its blood stained tiles. All done right before the sun rises.

Kiku returned to his room only to find (y/n) still asleep. Since her room was already in tiptop shape, he thought it was best to send her back there. Besides, wouldn't want anyone to catch seeing them together early in the morning. Especially since she was still wearing his yukata. However, he failed to noticed a pair of eyes from the darkness that witness him carrying a sleeping Lady (y/n) back to her room.

"This is awesome!" Gilbert exclaimed loudly as he entered the dining hall and laughed as if there wasn't a care in the world. "Freedom atlast!"

The other countries cheered and applauded. Who wouldn't? They finally got to return to their homeland after spending too many months in this old castle. Chatters filled the dining hall as they excitedly talked about the things they were going to do when they arrive home. Not including a few people though.

Ivan was sitting at the corner of a table eating sweet pancakes. Alfred and Matthew were eating quietly while listening to Peter's plan when he gets back; a plan to be an independant and a well known country in the world. Yao was sitting with Ludwig, not exchanging any words. Feli had hopped happily to join them with a plate of sandwiches. Arthur was sitting and drinking only tea together with (f/n).

"I might have to take my leave soon." Arthur stated nonchalantly.

(F/n) looked up from her food, her eyes a bit wide. "You're leaving?".

"Only for a few days." He dropped his voice low, "Just enough time to settle a few things with the army. We'll be needing back-up incase we fail to stop Oliver ourselves."

"I see." (F/n)'s gaze drop back to her food. She knew it was his responsibility, but she find it hard to imagine what it would be like without Arthur by her side. She was comfortable with him and she didn't want him to leave.

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