Chapter Sixteen

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The old woman called Grandma Rowena fell unconscious to the ground. (Y/n) stared at the lying body, she was still paralysed with what happened. Fear slowly crept into her soul and her skin chilled but not of cold. (Y/n)'s thoughts were focused on one question that made her head spinned. How did they find her?

"Are you okay, (y/n)-san?" apparently Kiku had hit the old woman on her head. He might had accidently hit too hard than he should.

"Yes. I'm fine." was all (y/n) managed to say. Her eyes never left Grandma Rowena. The old grey haired woman in her knitted black sweater and long black skirt. (Y/n) could never forget that wrinkled innocent yet evil granny face who had once ruined her childhood. "We should go." She jogged away from the scene and Kiku followed. They stopped once they were outside the park.

"Did you know that person?" he asked.


"I see." Kiku knew she was lying. He could see how she was paralysed when looking at that old woman's face. Besides, her left eye twicthed.

(Y/n)'s phone rang suddenly. Arthur texted, told them Taiwan and him were heading home and they should meet there for dinner and all. (Y/n) sighed of relieved, atleast she would have time to compose herself after the incident. She soon felt a stinging pain on both of her arms. There were little cuts, probably from the struggling just now.

"I think we should go to the clinic." Kiku's suggestion was more like an order.

"Yes, I think we should." she also thought about going to the department store after that. Need a sweater to cover up all those cuts.

They went to the nearest clinic they could find. There were only a few people. Some had red faces which might indicate fever. Some had red noses like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, that had to be flu. Other than that, just healthy people accompanying their sick companions. (Y/n) took a number by the counter, 223. She looked at the television screen above, 220. This will take quite a long time. She  took a seat furthest from everyone and the counter. Felt like she needed her own personal space at the moment.

How did Grandma- no. She needed to drop that tittle. That old woman was never her grandmother. What grandmother would do such wretched things to their young grandchild? Nevermind that. It was the past. The real question was, how did Rowena know she was there? And why now? During that moment. But (y/n) was sure she died in that air crash with that vile husband of her's. That Rowena was sure a witch. It's the only logical answer to her survival. A can of iced lemon tea was given to her, dissipating her thoughts. Her eyes traveled up to see Kiku holding another can of the same drink.

"There was no green tea." he said as (y/n) took the can from him with her usual non-smiley face.

"Who said I liked green tea." she opened her can.

"No one. But I think you should try, it's good for the body." he sat one seat away from her.

"No thank you." she said nonchalantly as they drank in the quiet athmosphere. Now they're calling number 221.

"You lied." Kiku said, (y/n) knew what he meant but kept quiet. Kiku continued. "You actually knew who that old woman was. And from the looks if it, it's bad. Who is she?"

Her mouth was still kept shut. Drinking her tea casually. How was she to tell him when she never told Arthur herself. She arranged her words carefully. "She is the past that I wish to forget, I want to run away from it."

Kiku drank silently. He knew she was uncomfortable with the subject and decided not to push it further. She might throw a tantrum infront of the other patients. The thought made him smile. (Y/n) could be quite aggressive in his opinion. He could see that in her moves and attacks when they were practising Kendo together. Such a feisty girl. But he noticed she was being a little passive lately.

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