Chapter Forty Four

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"Found anything?"

"Oui." Francis had his eyes glued to the monitor. And to answer Ivan's question, "A lot."

"I'll contact the others." Ivan said as he sent the info of locations to some of his members. While Francis kept surfing the net.

The whole members of the Ace Team together with Lukas and Vlad had been running around like headless chickens since they arrived. Arthur immediately went to the Ministry of Defence to arrange the staff on the island's rescue while the others hurried back to his home to rest. He also contacted his other wizard acquiantance to help with the rescue. They worked their ass off as soon as dawn cracks over England. The team held a meeting on the first day to divide the task and trained themselves more to prepare for combat. 

The next day, they proceeded with their duties. Ivan and Francis were tasked to do online research for sacred wiccan places that could relate to where the last ritual might take place. They were caved in Arthur's library. A huge map of the United Kingdom - since Morrigan's origins were believed to be within the countries, plus with the fact that it was the 2ps targeted area - was printed and pinned to the wall. Red dots were marked on it and some territories were crossed out to narrow their range of search. 

Vlad, Lukas and Arthur were burning their eyes out on every old dusty book that spoke legends about Morrigan. Hoping to gain any clue about the rituals, its places and possibly, how stop them. They were scattered across the old libraries in London. Kiku went back to his land though, he was anxious to know the condition of his people after the earthquake and tsunami. He felt solely responsible for everything. Besides, he needed to visit one place before he set for battle.

The rest of the team were divided into groups of three for field work. They were to visit the possible sites given by Francis and Ivan's research. The purpose of their work was to look for the triskellion emblem. According to Arthur, that emblem showed how significant the place was to Morrigan. Surely the last ritual would occur there. (F/n) was paired with Feli; they were the first group. They were currently in Ireland. First they went to the Hill of Uisneach. They found no such emblem on the hill besides knowing that it was ceremonial site for Beltane. Then they moved on to the Newrange Tomb near the Boyne River. It was inside that neolithic construction they found the triskellion carved at the deepest darkest corner of the tomb.

"Right." (F/n) sent a signal to Francis for him to mark the location on the map and to cross out the places that aren't related.

"Veee... I'm hungry (f/n)." Feli said as they exited the tomb.

(F/n) grinned. "Let's have our tea time at the town then. I heard Ireland's brown bread is the best."

"Yay!" Feli cheered happily thinking about good food.

The second group, Yao and Alfred were in England only. Though they both went separate ways since there were quite many sacred wiccan sites here. Alfred headed over to Severn-Cotswold Tomb, no triskellion seen. Yao on the other hand was in Glastonbury Tor. A site very well associated with Arthurian legend. Anything to do with King Arthur would be related to Merlin. Anything related to Merlin might be related to Morrigan. And it sure was right, at the side of the building was the triskellion carved. Yao sent a signal to Ivan. He was also greeted by the locals there since he seemed to be the only chinese 'tourist' present.

"Next stop, Chalice Hill." Yao said as he crossed 'Tor' on his notebook. "Aiyah! So many places to go." He sighed as he thought of his destination afterwards. Salisbury.

The third group, well... It was suppose to be a group but then Kiku left for his land. Which leaves Ludwig to do his own fieldwork at Scotland. Besides, there aren't many pagan locations to investigate there. He was on his way to the Isle of Lewis to check out the Callanish Stones. He heard many things about the stones. Such as 'The Old Woman of the Moors' and 'The Shining One'. Whatever it is, he had to look at it himself to find out.

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