Chapter Forty Eight

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Her eyes shot open. A gasp escaped her lips. She was conscious. She was seeing. She was breathing. She was in control of herself. (Y/n) sat up slowly. She was still wearing that black garment before she passed out. Observing her surroundings, she noticed she was alone in that circle of giant stones. The dark sky was so clear that the round moon and the stars were visible. Her hand flew to her chest as she felt incredible pain. Suddenly reminding her a few things. Where were the second players? What happened actually? She was awfully alone in this eerie quiet place. Did Oliver succeeded? Did Morrigan took over her body completely? One question bombarded after another. She needed answers.

"Awake I see?"

(Y/n)'s head snapped towards the voice. Morrigan was standing a few feet infront of her. Wearing the same attire as (y/n). Though her skin was absolutely paler. And her eyes were black and cold. Grim and anger etched on her face. It took several silent minutes before (y/n) understood what happened.

"I suppose everything went 'well' didn't it?" (Y/n) asked sarcasticly. Grinning like a mad hatter.

Morrigan's face hardened. (Y/n) laughed merrily. The whole thing failed. She laughed finding the whole thing hilarious. Laughed to her heart's content despite how much her chest hurted at the moment. 

"How does it feel Morrigan?" (Y/n) stood up confidently. "To see your efforts go to waste."

"Silence." Morrigan hissed.

"No!" (Y/n) retorted. "I have stayed silent for a long time. It is time for me to speak."

Both exchanged glares. Morrigan with pain and anger. (Y/n) with determination and fierceness. Soon her eyes soften and she sighed. She trudged slowly towards the goddess. Surprisingly she didn't shiver as her barefeet took steps on the snowy ground. 

"I am dead aren't I?" (Y/n) asked. Her lips curved up. "My mortality given back."

Morrigan however didn't seem to fancy the idea of (y/n) being mortal again. It meant that the curse was broken. And she had to wander the earth with her pain forever.

"You are only just barely alive." she replied coldly.

Quietness sliced the athmosphere. Just barely?

"So where am I?"

"Somewhere in your mind."

(Y/n) wasn't satisfied with the answer. Somewhere in her mind? Like where the hell is that? Her imagination?

"Does this mean I am free from your curse?"

Morrigan pursed her lips. She hated the answer. "Yes."

(Y/n) smiled sadly. She was free at last. But the goddess infront of her wasn't. (Y/n) was angry. Mad. And hated her for casting the curse upon her ancestors and on herself. However, she pitied her more. She knew Morrigan was condemning the people out of anger and grief. And it was her stubborness that refused to forgive and apologise. (Y/n) knew because she was once like that.

"I can help you, Morrigan."

"No!" she shrieked. Causing the ground to tremble. "No one can."

(Y/n)'s gaze hardened. "That's because your vengence and stubborness doesn't allow anyone to do so." 

"How could you possibly help me?" her black hues glistened. "You have not felt the pain I felt. You'll never understand!"

"I could if you would!" (Y/n) retorted. 

The earth crumbled open. (Y/n) immediately jumped back and run as the the ground kept tearing open after her footsteps. Even when she ran zigzag the cracking ground kept following her like a snake chasing its prey. Without a thought she scooped up a handful of snow and threw it at Morrigan. It hit right in the face. The ground went still. (Y/n) was perplexed as she watch the snow dropping from Morrigan's face. Revealing a deathful glare. (Y/n) wanted to say something. But her mouth was locked. 

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