Chapter Six

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Everything was silent except for the sound of their footsteps entering a dojo near the courtyard. (Y/n) and Kiku stayed silent for the whole time. The dojo shone bright like orange flames as sunset washed over the quiet athmosphere. Thus making (y/n)'s challenging spirit burn madly. It was burning even brighter when she realised she was a few centimetres shorter than him. Was she really that small? She was determined to show that japanese man some... some... well something that was worth it. Something that says 'don't mess with me!'. All in all, she wanted to kick his arse. (Y/n) took in her surrounding for some time. She suddenly felt a sense of serenity. Kiku came and gave her a protection mask. All serenity blown by the wind.

"Excuse me?" (Y/n) gave a look of disbelief.

"It's a protection mask. So you won't really get hurt." Kiku still held out the mask to her.

"I know. And I don't need it." (Y/n)'s voice was hinted with a little arrogance.

Kiku figured he couldn't change such stubborn mind with words. Actions do speak louder than words. He went to put the mask back and grabbed two wooden katanas. He gave one of them to (y/n), which she took a little harshly. Kiku tried to remain calm. This girl was just too arrogant for her own good. A few hits ought fix that attitude of hers. He faced her in a ready stance. Holding in his sigh and laughter, he watched as the arrogant lady fumbled with her katana on her right hand. Her face was scrunched with annoyance. He knew she clearly loved the weapon, she just needed some practice. And some proper attitude. Kiku held up his wooden katana in a fighting stance. He should help her a little. (Y/n) noticed this and slowly adjusted her position to be the same as his. Her face blushed in embarrasment. She didn't favour the thought of getting help from her enemy.  Oh, so he's an enemy now?

"Are you ready?" He asked kindly.

"Hmph! Don't ask silly questions." She smirked.

Kiku took that as a yes. He started counting in japanese. As soon as he finished counting, the lady dashed forward. My, what an impatient woman. And an aggresive one too. She was quite okay in his opinion as he dodged her hits. But she wasn't good enough. He could see how she was a little awkward with the katana. He did heard from Arthur before that she was a master of the long sword. But that tittle was useless when she handled the weapon she was holding now. The katana was just very different with a long sword. Besides, her techniques were the ones that matched her sword, not his. He noticed she was exhausted now. She was fighting out of arrogance and anger. Kiku decided to end the show. He thought this was enough. 

Swiftly and with full of force, Kiku hit his opponent's katana. It fell. Looks like her gripping wasn't strong enough due to awkwardness. He quickly hit her side which then made the lady fell on her arse. Talk about arse kicking. Well, it was a good thing she only fell. Not kicked. (Y/n) quickly tried to stand but stopped when the tip of Kiku's wooden blade was an inch close to her face. Her eyes were wide with surprise as they focused on the tip of the wooden blade. They stayed like that for minutes. Though (y/n) lost count on how many minutes actually passed. Her body was drenched in sweat. Her chest rose and fell as she stayed rigid in her position. The truth suddenly slapped hard on her face. And it really sting. She lost. Without a real fight. He was dodging the whole time, not attacking.

(Y/n)'s gaze averted from the long blade to the arm that held it and finally to Kiku's calm face. His eyes were souless as always. She lost to him. She felt like looking away, but her pride forbade that. Kiku slowly lowered his sword. He was impressed on how much pride the lady still had. He thought he had scared her. But there she was, her eyes were as fierce as ever. But he noticed her hands trembled. Maybe he should had gone a little softer towards the newbie. No. She needed the lesson.


But (y/n) didn't stay to listen. She ran out of the dojo. Her face faced the ground as she quicken her steps. She didn't cared how much her legs were aching as they climbed the stairs to the fifth floor. She needed some privacy. Some space. A place where no one would bother her. She needed to be alone. And her room filled all the requirements. She hurriedly barged into her room and slammed the door and walked to the window. It faced the green forest. Opening the window, she slowly inhaled and exhaled the refreshing air. Taking in as much oxygen as she needed. God, she was so embarrased! So ashamed of herself. She hated that man more than ever. It extremely annoyed her. She wanted to punch that ever so calming face.

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