Chapter Nine

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"They're in the sixth room behind the counter." Ivan said as his eyes survey the place through the surveillance camera. "Kolkolkol. It's been quite a long time."

"Understood." Yao answered as he slowly walked to the room. (F/n) was in hot water. He has to be fast before it's too late.

(Y/n) was lead to the back of the house. Maybe she was being brought  to the office. She can't believe she was going to get loads of cash. Well everything was an act. She thought it worked. But the fact that she was to get 500 thousand euros for fake selling her friend was phenomenal. They entered through a door that was labelled 'office'. Inside were a few drawers, a shelf, couches with a coffee table to go with and an office desk.

"Just wait for a moment." Mio said as she rummaged one of the drawers and (y/n) was left to wander in the office.

Yes! She's really going to get the money. She felt bad about fake selling (f/n) to the baldy man. But this was all fake anyway. So by the time (f/n) gets all information from him, they will all be gone. And the hitman will be thrown behind the bars. And (y/n) will be filthy rich. She could buy a new mansion. Maybe three more motorbikes. Travel the whole Europe with one of the motorbikes. Maybe she could go to Switzerland. Nah, Vash's to mean and strict. But still, the money will he enough. Maybe she could bribe him a little. All she needed was the cash. And it was taking quite a long time to get it.

"Shit!" (Y/n) yelled in surprised as she managed to dodged a throwing knife.

Mio was smirking. She held several throwing knives between her fingers. She looked like a leopard stalking her prey. This was one of the reasons why (y/n) despised japanese people. They were no good.

"Caught you didn't I?" Mio's voice was irksome. "You didn't think someone like her could be sold as cheap as 500 thosand euros. That one worth more than that. But that wasn't the case. We were waiting for you to come." she threw another knife that almost hit (y/n)'s arm if she hadn't sprint out of the office.

Mio chased after her. She was actually fast despite wearing a kimono. (Y/n) was just catching her breath when another knife whizzed through her. That was close. She suddenly fell to the ground. Geishas ran panickly around the house while shrieking in fright. A gunshot was heard. This Mio woman was insane.

"Aah... looks like things are getting chaotic outside." Ryu was still holding (f/n), his knife played around her face without leaving a scratch.

(F/n) had to think fast. If she move the slightest, there's a good chance for the knife to take action. So she had to take riskiest way. If she jab his ribs and moved forward, her neck will be chopped.  Doing a rear kick would be impossible in this situation. She wasn't a judo member, but she knew how to do the shoulder throw. If she could just grab his arm- no. It was a bad risk. Well, there's only one option left.

"I was wondering why you had a dragon tattoo." she began.

"Don't try any games here lady." He brought his face beside her.

(F/n) turned her head to face him and shot a sharp spit in the eye. Ryu yelled as he was caught off guard and the hand holding the knife further its distance a little from her. She took the opportunity to pushed him backwards. They both fell on the tatami floor with a thud. She rolled on top of him and gave a swift punch at his jaw. She went up quickly but tripped when he pulled her leg. His hand secured her neck on the floor like a hook. She couldn't breathe, her vision went blurry and dark. Her hands tried to pull his hands off, but they were of no use. He was stronger than her. Suddenly she could breathe. Apparantly Ryu was thrown off by a flying kick.

"Are you okay?" Yao asked as he gave the thug another kick at the ribs.

"I'm fine." (F/n) said after taking great gulps of air. "Where's (y/n)?"

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