Chapter Twenty Three

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If humans have feelings, then the rest of the living beings have feelings too. We just never noticed. We never noticed whenever the birds expressed their joy through their songs in springs. Nor realised how the crickets would make an orchestra at midnight to express their gratitude towards nature. Or how bored the frogs were on rainy days that they started to croak. And today, how the sky shared someone's misery, it mourned for her more than a thousand tears. It had been weeping since yesterday. As if it knew what today had brought for the now grieved lady in Hexham.

(Y/n) stood beside her father's grave. With Arthur holding the umbrella to protect her from the sky's tears. Her black attire resembled what she felt inside, a feeling of black emptiness. Her lifeless eyes wouldn't leave the gravestone that inscribed her father's name. Even her pair of feet were rooted to the damp ground. She just couldn't move. She knew this day will come, but she she didn't know it had to be this soon.

Arthur stood behind her holding the umbrella. He had seen many deaths. But this was one of those that had taken a huge toll on his life. The misery was indeed deep as it had made tears rolling down his face. This man that died was a good man. This man that died was a friend. This man that died was a family. But his heart felt more sorry for the daughter. For she never once shed a tear since the news yesterday. She became silent. And lifeless. Emotionless.

"(Y/n)," he called yet receiving no reply. "let us return to the manor. The rain's getting heavier."

She slowly went on her knees and kissed her father's gravestone whilst whispering a quiet goodbye. Taking a few moments of breathe as she leaned her head against it. Once she felt ready, she stood back on her feet. She then nodded and they both left the cemetery. Arthur placed a comforting arm around her shoulder. He could feel that she was not shivering despite how cold the weather was. As they walked, she did not look back, even once.

As soon as they arriaved, (y/n) quickly went to her room without a word, making Arthur sighed. He thought of chasing after her but went to the living room instead where the Ace Team were waiting. The whole countries did the honour of attending the funeral. They went back to the academy afterwards. Leaving only the Ace Team to accompany the unfortunate lady. They will return to the academy after two days since tomorrow was the day the late father's lawyer will read his will.

"Arthur." (F/n) stood up as soon as she saw him entering the living room. Her eyes told him everything.

"She went to her room." he replied.

The members of the room were either sighing or stayed quiet at Arthur's answer. (F/n) dropped herself onto the sofa. She had never seen (y/n) feeling so dead before. She was running out of ideas on how to consolt her. This was a different side of (y/n) she had never seen. Like that dark side of the moon that she had never bother to wonder. Kiku on the other hand remained silence like always. Based on Arthur and (f/n)'s reaction, this was a problem they never had faced. So he himself was not sure how to solve this. Maybe if he observe things more then he will find an answer.

"He was poisoned." (F/n) said as she remembered as she met her father earlier during the funeral.

"Sorry?" Arthur thought he heard wrong.

"I met my father just now, at the funeral." she looked at everyone then her eyes met Arthur. "He said Lord (d/n) (l/n) was poisoned."

"Aiyah! Why would someone poison him? He's a good man." Yao wasn't happy with the injustice.

"This had to be the works of the Second Players." Arthur said bitterly.

"But why would they do that?" Francis asked.

"Well," Ivan mused out loud. "He is someone high ranked in the army. The Second Players are definitely planning something big that involved our world. So if I were to make sure my plan doesn't get interupted, I would definitely kill someone who would be a huge threat." his answers were serious, yet his face was smiling innocently.

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