Chapter Thirty Five

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(F/n) had just finished her training with Yao when night had veiled the sky. She trudged up the stairs as she thought of a nice cool bath and some fresh clothes to replace her now sweaty tank top. As she arrived at the second floor and was already infront of her room, she heard glasses or china breaking. It was coming from Arthur's room, she was sure of that. She went to his door and knocked three times.

"Arthur, may I come in?" she asked loudly.

No answer.

She knew she shouldn't bother him now that he might be busy packing, but knowing Arthur, he would have opened the door. She knocked and called out to him again. No answer. She placed her ear on the door. Faintly, she could hear the sound of someone wheezing. Instinctly, she charged the door open.

"Arthur!" shocked to see his condition, she shouted for help and  ran to his side.

"Arthur, Arthur! Can you hear me?!" 

Yet he seemed to not be giving her any responses. (F/n) mentally forced herself to be calm and threw away all her emotions. Within five seconds, she checked his symptoms in a flash. His pupils were dialating and he was gasping desperately for air. Experiancing excess salivation. His arms were gripping his stomach; abdominal pain she assumed. She placed two fingers on the side of of his throat, his heart rate was beating rapidly. At this point his blood pressure should experiance the same as his heart rate. His body temperature increased significantly and he's sweating. 

Her eyes skimmed his surrounding and saw his set of china broken on the floor and the window opened wide. He was having tea and he was trying to get fresh air. So he was poisoned. The poison shouldn't have a strong odour to alert him. Should be easily mixed in his tea and easy to get. Couldn't be chemicals from the lab, lab was locked everytime after class. Something from nature then. The forest? The sea? The swamp? The hills? Wait! The swamp. Water Hemlock.

"Lady (f/n)!" Ludwig came running into Arthur's room as soon as he heard a cry of help.

"Ludwig! I need a- I need-" she needed a mechanical ventilation. But they don't have those here. Mechanical ventilation is a type of artificial ventilation to secure a person's airway. Another type of artificial ventialtion would be, "you! CPR! Now!"

She swiftly jump away from Arthur while Ludwig started to perform CPR. She rummage through his big shelf of potions, hoping there would actually be normal medical or chemical substances. She needed benzodiazapines. Her anxiety levels were increasing at a high rate when every bottle she saw was some foreign potion or different chemicals.

"Benzos benzos benzos..." she chanted hopefully as her eyes and fingers scanned and traced the shelves.

Her eyes stop momentarily as they glued on a bottle. Barbiturates. That should do. She snatched the bottle and ordered Ludwig to move away. She forced Arthur to gulp in the drugs. 

"Water! I need water!" she ordered the German.

Ludwig grabbed a bottle from Arthur's desk and threw it to (f/n). She caught it and forced Arthur to drink it until the last drop. She threw away the bottle and held him in her arms as she caught up with the rhythms of his breathing. It was slowing down. Too slow. Her eyes not leaving him as she prayed for him to get better quickly and held his hand tightly. Slowly, his breathing went back to normal. She checked his pulse, normal. Temperature, decreased from before. She and Ludwig sighed heavily with relief. Thank the heavens. Arthur was breathing heavily and was unconscious now.

"Carry him to my room," (f/n) said  wearily. "I'll be giving him treatment."

Ludwig nodded and carried Arthur while (f/n) took some plastic from Arthur's drawer to collect the evidence. She still needed to examine the poison used. She had been taking a dangerously serious risk by assuming it was water hemlock. The wrong treatment would have killed him. Especially since she hastily decided to replace the mechanical ventilation method with CPR. It might not have work. But maybe it was because Arthur was inhuman. In addition to the fact that he's a sorceror. She assumed that the magical beings have stronger immune system than any normal being. She noticed there were blood stains on his hands, he must have been coughing up blood. Perhaps that was his body's reaction instead of instant death. She sighed, this was something out of the normal range of medical field even for a masters holder like her. Perhaps she'll continue for PhD after all this choas and do her own research about the countries and magical beings. She could ask help from Arthur.

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