Chapter Thirty Eight

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One breath. This time, she can do it. She really can. Two breaths. She can feel it. The silence, that engulf her. Three breaths. She could also feel the chills that started to seep underneath her skin. Four breaths. Well now is awfully quiet. And cold. Five breaths. She had to focus, as if she was the only one there. Six breaths. But she knew she wasn't alone. He was there, right infront of her. Seven breaths. Gosh, now she felt silly. Prussia might even laugh at her if he's here. Eight breaths. She was thrown backwards as she felt the impact of an object thrown to her face.

(Y/n) removed the zafu -or small pillow- from her face. "Do you have to do that?!"

"This is the fifth time (y/n). I ask again, what is the most important thing you do before you start counting your breaths?" Kiku asked sternly in his seiza position.

"Clear my thoughts." she sighed in defeat.

Well yes, she could focus on her battles and everything. It was because her thoughts were filled with strategies or other things regarding what she wanted to focus about. For this task, she had to focus on clearing her thoughts. Something opposite to what she does to focus. And how is clearing her thoughts suppose to lower her fiery temper?

"It's okay (y/n)." Kiku's lips slightly curved upwards. "Maybe we should take a ten minute break."

(Y/n)'s eyes lit up with gratitude, "Thank you." And thank god for that.

(Y/n) stood up and streched her body. She had been sitting in the Burmese position for hours. Wearing only her loose black tee and loose baggy pants. Without socks. Kiku must be crazy ordering to dress like this during their zazen sessions in this wintery season. Even the snow outside was inches thick from the ground. Her eyes glanced at his attire. A simple  black hakama. Though, honestly it didn't felt that cold in the dojo, nor did it felt hot. It was in the middle, cool maybe.

"Why did we wear loose clothing again without any socks?" she wondered out loud.

Kiku was preparing some tea. "Well for one reason, it helps you to breath in and out better. So you can sit down for quite a long time comfortably." He brought the tea set to her and started to serve. "But the simbolic idea is to loosen up things. You have to loosen up your mind from all those thoughts in your head. Just let it go. Especially the negative vibes. Which in this case, the cause of your fiery anger. Or, tha cause of your depression. Once you've let it loose, you shall achive solace. Drink up."

(Y/n) took the small cylindrical cup and sip her green tea. She understood that now. Her problem was that she kept her problems bottled up. And let it linger in her mind. She didn't set it free. She kept it, fed it and let it grow. No wonder Morrigan likes her. They share something big in common. (Y/n) was determine to make it right this time.

(Y/n) finished her cup of tea. "Let's do another round."

"You still have five minutes left of your break." Kiku stated calmly. Though he was actually worried whether (y/n) could carry on with zazen; something totally opposite from her personality.

"I have to do this. For my own sake. And for the others. I don't want Morrigan to possess me easily. I'm determine to do this. And I need you to help me." there were fire in her eyes. Not of anger, but of determination.

Kiku smile. That's exactly why he fell for her. He got up and went to sit on his zafu. His hand gestured her to do the same.

(F/n) was walking around the quiet castle. She walked alone in the hallways. It has been three weeks now since Arthur had return to his land. And December welcomes them all with white snow around the island. She wondered whether things were going well or not. What was it he discussed with the army? How are they dealing with Mr. Martin? Are they getting any information from the old butler? Or are they planning a strategy to defeat Oliver. 

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