Chapter Seven

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It had been a few days since that incident. Lessons went on as usual. (Y/n) was learning to let things go. She shouldn't dwell upon it for a long time, it won't be healthy for her mind. (F/n) was right, composure was everything. But everytime they passed each other at the hallway, (y/n)'s dying flames of anger reignited. She would avoid looking at him. Even his polished shoes. Every evening she would be jogging around the academy or through the forest. Alone since (f/n) always went hunting or practicing her kung fu moves with China. (Y/n) couldn't help being a little jealous. But as long as her friend was happy, she would be fine. Besides, she could handle herself. She could be the lone wolf anytime.

(F/n) was in fact having a fun time. Challenging Yao was tough. Her adrenaline rushed through her veins as she was close to attacking or getting attacked. Yao was fascinatingly good. His movements were swift as the wind and strong as a tiger. Even though (f/n) was a black belt champion, her skills were still defeatable by the Country of Kung Fu himself. (F/n) vowed to herself and made a promise to Yao, that he will be her teacher. That evening, (f/n) finished her practice with Yao witnessed by the blazing sunset. Her black tank top drenched in sweat. 

"Catch." Yao threw the mineral water bottle to (f/n) cheerfully.

(F/n) caught it and quickly took a long swig. That was refreshing. She let out a sigh and smiled at Yao. They both sat at a rock on top of a hill and watched the sun die.  The sky seemed to be splashed with different shades of bloods and fire. The sea shone as if diamonds were strewn all over it, reflecting the dying yet bright sun rays. (F/n) felt the breeze that blew her straight black hair which went lower than her waist. She looked a bit like her mother. Except for her height and eyes. She inherited those from her father. Even though her chinese blood was strong, her skin was snowy white and her cheeks were rosy. You could say she was the Asian version of Snow White. Funny. But some people called her that.

"Tomorrow is Japan's birthday." Yao said out of the blue.

"Countries have birthdays?" (F/n) arched her eyebrows.

"Some. Depends. Most of the times they took their National Day as a birthday. Like America, 4th of July." his eyes still staring at the sunset.

"How old is Japan?" she wondered out loud.

"About two thousand plus. Don't know, we all lost count. Besides, we countries never really celebrated our birthdays. Our people did all the celebrating."

(F/n) almost spat her water. Lost count? Guess that's the life of a country. 

"We should celebrate it, Japan's birthday. We should celebrate all the countries' birthdays! Be it with a cake or make cultural nights at the academy." (F/n)'s hazel eyes shone with excitement. Like a child who had been bribed with sweets. She just loved celebrations, it made her jovial.

"Really? Can we do that? Don't you have to ask (y/n) first?" China doubted.

"Why would I?"

"Because she is a representative too. And it seems that she..." hesitations detected in his voice.


"She hates Japan. Besides, she holds authority over the place, right?" Yao stared at his feet, feeling slightly dissapointed.

"Well she's not the only one with the authority. I, can convince her." She jumped off the rock merrily.

"Really?" Hope glimmered in his eyes.

"Yes and it will be done tonight!".

And that was what she did. In the main office after dinner, (y/n) decided to dig into the old dusty files. She wanted to learn more about the school. She knew there was more to the academy than just a learning institution built for diplomatic reasons. She just felt like she had been here before. Foreign yet, familiar. Her historian instincts were kicking in her soul. She would have to find some time to investigate the whole building. Perhaps tomorrow Saturday would be alright. If not, Sunday. Those two were break days. A knock was heard.

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