Chapter Seventeen

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Arthur straightened up his clothes. A gentleman must always look his best in any situation whether he is attending a formal banquet or just getting a canned drink at the nearest convenience store. He had just returned from his own land this two-week holiday. He even met Japan and Taiwan for three days during the second week. Found out that (y/n) had a little crush for the japanese and used the fact to torment her. He also managed to go to Sherlock Holmes museum with Japan, Taiwan and (y/n) at 221b Baker Street ofcourse. It was entertaining when he 'accidently' locked (y/n) and Japan in Holmes's study. Gaining a few swears and punches afterwards. All in all, it was fun. Even though the summer holidays spent in his land was short, it was still a memorable one.

He took one last look of his room to make sure it was neat and tidy. His books were arranged on the table. His bed was still neat. Curtains were closed and windows locked. After he was surely satiesfied, he left the room. Walking down the corridor of the second floor towards the stairs.

"Arthur! Wait up." (F/n) caught up with the man who was heading towards the dining hall for dinner.

"(F/n), good evening!" he exclaimed surprisingly. It had been a fortnight since he saw the half english half chinese lady. She looked radiant as always. But at the same time, full of etiquette and elegance. Unlike his unbiological sister, (y/n) who was clearly very unladylike. (F/n) was such a fine lady. Those two asshats who hurted her heart should be ashamed not to cherish such treasure. They don't even deserve her. "And you've cut your hair."

"My grandmother from China cut it. Why? Do I look bad?" she frowned as she approached him. Her once hip length silky straight black hair now shoulder length.

"No, not at all." he chuckled at the ever so polite lady. "It's neat and nice." Just like her. He stepped closer towards her and took a few strands of her hair, unconsciously examining it. "I like it."

His eyes then slowly traveled to her flawless cheeks and to her hazel eyes that had been staring at his green ones. He noticed how down to earth her eyes were, so modest and natural. She realised how brilliant those green hues, like an emerald jewel under the morning sunlight. She might as well take a closer look at it just to see the details. Wait. What was she doing? She quickly averted her gaze. Arthut seemed to finally noticed how unapropriate his actions were in public and quickly let go of her hair. He cleared his throat and took a step backwards. (F/n) tucked those strands of hair behind her ear.

"You must be famished. Let us have dinner." he said casually, trying to ease the awkwardness.

"Why yes. And (y/n) must be waiting." she said, playing along. 

"Shall we?" he asked.

"Yes, we shall."

They walked the lonely quiet halls together. The sound of their footsteps bounced against the stone walls. Both companions looking ahead, eyes darting at other things besides each other. When had reached the dining hall, (y/n) was already there at the usual table having her breakfast. They took something to eat and joined her.

"Am I coincidently early today," she said sarcasticly before flashing an annoyed stare to both Arthur and (f/n). "or were you both just fashionably late?"

"Late?" Arthur observed his surroundings. Not many people having breakfast this morning, guess they're still wallowing in their beds hoping the holidays would be extended. "You're just coincidently early."

"Yes... yes... how interesting this is." her expression might just gave you an impression of Golum from the Hobbit.

"Interesting indeed that you were coincidently early. Were you hoping to catch a glimpse of your 'rising sun' ?" he replied with the same venom of (y/n)'s sarcasm.

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