Chapter Twenty Four

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"Once again, I offer you my greatest condolences Lady (l/n)."

"Thank you Mr.Anderson" (y/n) said as she shook hands with her father's lawyer in the study room. Now he was her lawyer.

According to Lord (d/n) (l/n)'s will, as expected (y/n) will inherit every crook and penny that belonged to him. Every land and property was now under her name. What was his, was now hers. She will also be granted special protection from the army. Though, she hardly thought that was necessary. Even a thousand soldiers would not be enough to stop the fate she had to endure. Even she wasn't be able to stop it. Wait. She could perhaps, she was still single. No boyfriend. No special man. No true love. Guess the dark forces weren't able to proceed their mission afterall. Besides, if he really was out there, she wouldn't want to set his whole life in hell.

After sending Mr.Anderson to the door, (y/n) went to have her lunch in the kitchen. She had asked the cook to prepare something light, her appetite was better than yesterday. She saw Arthur started eating already.

"Are you seriously going to eat this much?" he asked as soon as she entered the kitchen.

(Y/n) ignored his question and took a seat infront of him. She began eating. She felt exhausted with everything. She wanted peace and quite. But she did felt how the athmosphere was much quiter without talking to Arthur like she always did. Usually she would goof around lunch while Arthur chatised her about lady manners. Even though she was depressed of her father's recent death, she hate to see her friends pulled into her sad circle. Especially Arthur. Being the brother she never had, he was also so supportive in everything she does. If her father- her spoon shook a little about the thought of him. She silently breathe. If her father was here, he would tell her to be strong. He would be dissapointed to see her like this. He would tell her to smile. She looked at Arthur. She was sure he faced many deaths like this. He was strong. Arthur noticed her staring at him and raised one of his brows quizzically as he munch his food.

"I'm sorry." her whisper reached him.

He quickly swallowed his food and put his spoon. "What for?"

"Well," she bit her lip and exhaled shakily. "I was acting like an, arse. I ignored you. And the rest of our team. You guys were there for me. And I treated you all like, rubbish."

Arthur stood hastily and went over to her. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's alright. You were sad. He was a good man. He was our father. Ofcourse you're sad. Someone you really loved passed on to the other life. But God just loved him better. I'm sure he's watching you from heaven now."

"You really think so?" her voice wavered as her eyes glisten.

"Yes." now his eyes were glistening. "Come here." he wrapped his arm around her as she stood and face him. Engulfing her in a warm hug. "It's alright to cry you know." He gently rub her back, he felt her head shook. 

She pulled away from the hug and looked at him with a smirk. "Our father?"

"Of course, I'm your unbiological brother."

"But you're older than him."

"Well," he shrugged. "It doesn't hurt to have a father younger than yourself. Does it?"

She playfully punched him. "Idiot."

Arthur smiled. He was delighted to see her smile again. He always believed she was a strong girl. She could handle this. She was an (l/n) after all. The descendants of knights and fighters. Strong was in her blood.

"Lady (y/n)!" a flustered looking old maid ran into the kitchen.

"Mrs.Abbott?" she said with a hint of surprise. Mrs.Abbott was the head maid and the cook's wife.

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