Chapter Thirty Six

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"Ofcourse I'd knew milady. Lady (y/n) had told me herself this morning." Mr. Martin calmly replied.

"Really?" hidden in (f/n)'s polite tone was laced with little sarcasm.

Both of them had their eyes locked. Mr. Martin with serious pressure while (f/n) with calm sarcasm. She tapped her fingers on the table as her polite smile sculptured firmly on her fair face.

"Well that's funny Mr. Martin. She happily told me to take care her 'fevered' brother." she stood up slowly and warily. "Shouldn't she instead, worrily told me to take care of her poisoned brother."

She knew she had him cornered on the spot. There was no way he could lie any longer. It was just the two of them in the dining hall. She took slow and small steps. Instinct told her to move around and not stay at one place. And in situations like this, it's better to trust your instincts.

"You went to the swamp, didn't you? As the head butler, no one couldn't really care less about your scheadule. Besides, with tons of other experienced maids and butlers your only sole job is to supervise them. But being Arthur's personal butler, your obligations towards him comes first. Plus, it was a habit for you to prepare Arthur's evening tea. Allowing you to easily add as much as water hemlock in his tea last night. Why did you do it?" she stared at him.

Within a flash, (f/n) was avoiding the bullets flying towards her. He's got a gun! She thought in a spur of her panic moment. She sprinted between those long rectangular tables to reach the wide open door for escape.

"Woah! What's going on here?" Alfred happened to pass by the dining hall.

(F/n) saw the butler about point his gun at Alfred. "Get down!" she pushed the American to the floor just before the bullet was released.

Mr. Martin tsked and marched towards the exit. (F/n) pulled Alfred and they broke into a run. 

"Dude! What the hell is going on?" Alfred ran beside her.

"Mr. Martin," they both turned around the corner, " he's the traitor. He's the one that's been providing info to our enemies. He's the one that blew our cover in Japan."

They stop running upon reaching a deserted corridor. (F/n) proceeded to explain a little, " He's the one who poisoned Arthur."

"England's poisoned?" he was astonished. "I thought Germany said-"

"We both decided to keep it a secret until the culprit is found. We think it's best that way." she cut him off. "He poisoned Arthur using water hemlock."

"How is he?" his blue eyes reflected worry.

"He'll be fine." she smiled bitterly. "He's still unconscious, that's all."

"Well, we can't waste time can we?" Alfred grinned. "We've gotta catch this bad guy."

They heard a series shotguns from a distance. It sounded quite far to be aimed for them. And it seemed to be coming from the lobby. Packed with their guns, Alfred and (f/n) rushed to the scene. It was a shooting battelfield between Mr. Martin and Ludwig. Feli was there too. Waving the white flag.

"Where is everyone?!" (F/n) took cover behind one of the pillers as she shoots.

"Uh..", Alfred was slinging expertly as well. "They went back home. And you expect the remaining people to be alert in this huge castle."

For such an old butler, Mr. Martin is quite an amazing shooter, (f/n) had to admit that. Staying in her current position won't make any progess. She decided to charge forward, a close combat should be efficient. She swiftly dodged the bullets and was about to deliver a flying kick when they all heard something heavy dropped. Everyone stopped what they were doing. Mr. Martin immedietly dropped to his knees and bowed before the lady infront of him.

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