Chapter Eighteen

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"A what?" Alfred scratched his head.

"A triskellion." (Y/n) repeated.

"Okay... so how do you know it's a triskellion?"

(Y/n) went silent for a moment. She couldn't tell him about the hoarse whisper she heard just now. And she couldn't tell him about her past. But she could tell him one thing.

"Well,the triskellion is a symbol that had been used during the celtic times. Though, not many people know what it meant. Usually could be seen in potteries, carved in walls, something like that." she explained with a smile plastered on her face.

"Oh... that's awesome! Our academy existed during the celtic times." he looked back at the emblem and frowned. His fingers outlined the triskellion. "But it looks a little too late for the celtic times. As if someone carved this about 50 to 100 years ago. What more did they say about this triskellion?"

"Umm..." what could she tell him. "I'm not exactly sure. That's as far as my knowledge goes about this triskellion."

"I see." he traced the emblem once more. Then his eyes lit up as if he had an idea. Actually, he did have. "In my opinion as an archeologist, I believe this symbol had something to do with some occult. And I know just where to get this information. Let's go (y/n)!" he pulled her hand like an eager child.

"Wait! Where to?" even though she tried to resist his pull, Alfred was just too strong.

"You'll see." his eyes shone with excitment.

Alfred had ran and pulled (y/n) back into the academy, knocking over a few countries along the way and gained a bunch of swearing words from Romano. He led her to a room located at what seemed to be the underground of the academy. They had an underground? Why hadn't she noticed this before? But what called her interest the most was the stairs that led further below the underground.

"Alfred, what's under this underground?"

"Not sure. Most countries never really cared to go further than this floor." his faced went dead serious.

"Why?" her curiosity was starting to get famished.

"They say it was haunted. Earlier this year, Arthur went a few steps down there and came up looking extremely pale and was really exhausted. Lukas said his magic energy was consumed and wasn't strong enough to resist whatever sorcery or force under there." 



"Oh." (Y/n) thought she really should get to know other countries. "So Arthur was the only one that had been down there?" she noticed how dim the corridors were under the light of torches. Not a single ray of sun reached down here, unlike the above.

"As far as the other countries know." Alfred said plainly.

"As far as the other countries know?" she asked back.

"Well... don't tell Arthur this but, I overheard his convo with Vlad the other day when I was exploring the academy. He was trying to get Vlad to tell him what was under there. But Vlad won't budge." Alfred turned around a corner.

"So this Vlad person, he had been down there before."

"Seems like it." 

"Right." she paused for a moment. "Who's Vlad?"

"Vladmir, Romania." he looked at (y/n) and smiled. "And we're meeting him now."

They arriaved infront of a set of big wooden double doors. The 'Black Magic Club' was written in blackletter, textualis if she was not mistaken. So this was the club that Arthur claimed to be secret the other day. Well it's not so much of a secret anymore Mr.Bigbrows. (Y/n) felt slightly victorious with her new achievement. According to Alfred, the only members were Arthur, Lukas and Vladmir. Such a small club for something so big. Somehow (y/n) thought it was best kept that way. But she couldn't help feeling a little envious not to be able to perform any spells or know a little magic like Arthur. Perhaps she could learn a little from him. Alfred knocked loudly on those doors. The sound echoed throughout the eerie corridors. He knocked a few times more before the door slightly opened to reveal a man with shaggy shoulder length strawberry blond hair. His face was indeed pale, like death. He had intimidating amber eyes that (y/n) was jealous of and when he smiled, he revealed a pair of pointy fangs. Maybe there was a reason why his name was Vladmir.

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