Chapter Eleven

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The moon shone bright amongst the greyish black sky. Clouds sailed slower than time, just like how death slowly kills another soul. (Y/n) could not stop staring at the moon. There was something about it that calls to her. Had they shared something in common in the past? She looked around her. She was at a large green field, surrounded by large stones. The stones were arranged circularly in a strange way, like legos. Some stood horrizontally and some vertically. A few were arranged like gateways, gateways to the unknown. (Y/n) felt soft tiny chills running all over her skin. She had been here before, somehow thousands of years before. She walked around the circle touching the massive stones. They gave a feel of nostalgic. She turned her gaze towards the centre, a woman stood there. Alone. Strange, she wasn't there before. (Y/n) walked towards her, the woman was still facing backwards with her long wavy bluish black hair.  Her skin was as pale as the moon above. (Y/n) approached the woman who wore the black dress. And as she does, the woman turned to face her with a pair of mysterious eyes and a satisfied smile. Her starry eyes gleamed with a thousand secrets. Her velvety voice spoke.

"I had been waiting for you."

(Y/n) gasped. Her eyes wide opened. She noticed her surroundings were dark. She sighed and sat up. She was in her room. Her clock showed 3.34 in the morning. She shivered as she pulled her blanket up to her shoulders and hugged her knees. It was already about two months since her chaotic week at the academy. The crazy mission, heartbreak Valentine's Day and her tormenting nightmare. That was her last nightmare. But just now was a different dream she never had before. Who was that woman? (Y/n) got out of bed and walked slowly to the dressing mirror. Why do they look somewhat... alike? She thought as the mirror reflected her figure. They shared the same type of hair. The same type of face. They same pale skin. But they both have different eye hue. Were they related, somehow? 

During breakfast, (y/n) looked even paler. She was still thinking about the woman in her dreams. Her spoon kept stirring her porridge until it went cold. Arthur couldn't stop staring at her curiously as he ate his cornflakes. She had been looking a little sad and down since Valentine's Day. She even kept shut when he gave her sarcastic comments. Now that was weird. But today she looked even worse. (F/n) noticed this too. Even though she kept asking her if she had any problems, the answer was always the same.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)." (F/n) touched her hand gently.

"Hmm- yeah! W- what?" (Y/n) was cut out of her trance.

"Are you feeling well? You don't look good." (F/n) asked.

"I'm fine." (Y/n) smiled and ate her porridge.

(F/n) sighed inwardly. The same answer again. It was no use getting answers out of (y/n). She was just too stubborn. Guess she'll just have to wait for the headstrong lady to open up to her. And she believe that it will soon happen, she was her friend afterall.

"Pardon me. I'm full." (Y/n) got up and took away her quarter eaten breakfast.

"Is she really alright?" Arthur asked. "She's been like that since Valentine's Day. It's not like she had a boyfriend or anything."

"How would you even know if she's seeing someone?" (F/n) arched her brows.

"I'm like a brother to her, ofcourse I'll know. And if she really was dating, and the man broke her heart on that lovers' day, I'll have the problem done my way." he chuckled menacingly. "But I do admit she looked even terrible this morning. Doesn't she tell you anything?"

"I wish she would." (F/n) sighed. 

Both were silent for a moment.

"Have you done reading the book I lent you? That 'Emma' book." Arthur broke the silence.

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